Available Programs
- Choose a Program -
1998 Black Expo Fund
2008 Class Gifts
2010 Class Gifts
2011 Class Gifts
2012 Class Gifts
33rd Northeast Bioengineering Conference
40 Under Forty
A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Endowed Scholarship
A.M.S. Memorial Scholarship
Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship in Classical Literature and Latin
Academic Excellence
Accounting Advisory Board
Accurate, Scalable, Low Cost Floor Plan Construction Using Commodity Smartphones Research
Ackerman Music Endowment
Adult Literacy Program
Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)
Advanced Power Sources Laboratory
Aeroflex Laboratories Scholarship
Aerosol and Mucous Hypersecretion Account
Africana Studies-Black Womens Forum
AI and Music Initiative
AIDC 100 Library Collection
AIDC 100 Library Collection Endowment
AIDS Center Patient Care Fund
AIDS Center Research Fund
AIDS Center/ AIDS Education
Al & Harriet Zlatin Fund at Staller Center
Alan Babich Memorial Prize in English Endowment
Alfonse D'Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American Studies
Alfred Wolf Award Fund
Algorithms Guarding and Acquiring Geometric Models
Alison Stopeck Research Fund
All Teens Considered
All the Way Scholarship Fund
Alumni Center
Alumni Deans Choice Award
Alumni Initiative Endowment
Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
Alumni Programs Fund
Alumni Reunions
Alzheimer Research Foundation
Ama Medical Student Activity Account
Ambulatory Patient Complimentary Medical Supplies
Amenities Fund in Honor of A. Peter Gary
Amenities Fund In Honor of Charles Davis
Amenities Fund In Honor of E. Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Evelyn (Billie) Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Morris G. Cohen
Amenities Fund in Honor of W K Ferguson
AMETEK Thermal Scholarship Fund
Amie Hanes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
AMS Dept. Quantitative Finance Program
Analog Design Automation
Analysis Fund in Mathematics
Ananya Fund Center for India Studies
Anatomical Sciences Department
Andrea Roher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Merrill Silver Endowed Scholarship
Andrew and Merrill Silver Flexcelsior
Andrew and Merrill Silver Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Yue Min Lee Scholarship
Anemia-Chronic Renal Failure Account
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Ania Kowalik and Laurence Higgins Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medi
Ann Neuberger Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Bohme Endowed Scholarship
Anne Sayre Prize Endowment
Anthony and Antoinette Di Donato Scholarship
Anthony Fronzoni III Endowed Scholarship
Anthony M. Bongiorno Endowed Scholarship for Women in Science
Antonawich Lab Education Account
Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund
APD Sean Finnegan and Paul Richards Memorial Fund
Applied Health Informatics Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Teaching Chair
Applied Math Scholarship
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund (Current Use)
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arms Control Disarmament Peace Fund
Arms Control/Peace
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Award
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Fund
Arnold M. Feingold Prize in Astronomy
Aronson and Virag Scholarship Current Use Fund for Narrative Journalism
Arrhythmia Project/Study Fund
Art Therapy Fund
Artem Ayzen Memorial Fund
Arthur Berken Memorial Fellowship Fund
Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship
Artificial Intelligence Fund for Excellence
Artificial Intelligence Research Fund
Arunkumar and Umaben Parikh Scholarship
Ashley Schiff Preserve Endowed Scholarship
Asian American Center
Asian American Fundraising Account
Aspiring Science and Mathematics Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Asthma Research
Astronomy Group
Athletic Department Fund for Excellence
Athletic General Scholarship Fund
Athletics Academic Support Center
Athletics Endowment
Autism Applied Behavioral Research Fund in Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Fund
Autoinflammatory Disease Research Fund
Aviv Scholarship for First Generation Students Endowment Fund
Ayanis Outer Town Archaelogical Project
Babak Movahedi Student Leadership Endowment
Babies' and Children's Memorial Garden
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Baldwin Breast Imaging
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara M. Swartz Endowed Student Excellence Fund in History
Barbara Mills Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara N. Pond Memorial Student Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts & Education Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts and Education Endowment
Bariatric Walk for Weight Loss
BASH Event Operations
Behavioral Sciences Education in Dental Medicine
Benjamin W. Lee and Joo Sang Kang Endowed Memorial Award
Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund
Berlin Family Foundation/Arkwin Industries, Inc.
Bernard Semmel Endowed Fund in History
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Betumonga Research Station Project
Bill Arens Endowed Scholarship Fund for International Study
Bill Drayton Social Enterprise Fund at the College of Business
Bill Godfrey Endowed Teaching Excellence Awards
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence
Biochemistry Department
Biochemistry General Support
Biological Basis of Personality
Biomedical Engineering Building
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Bioscience-Lyme Research-Coyle
Bipolar Awareness Account
Bishembarnath & Sheela Mattoo Center for India Studies Endowment
Black Faculty School Fund
Black History Month Fund
Bliss Verdon Scholarship Fund Endowment
Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Bloomberg Climate
BMI Donations
Board of Trustees' Special Fund for Presidential Initiatives
Bob Meyers Award in Music
Bonazzi Voice Scholarship Endowment
Bone Marrow Transplant
Brady William Russell Memorial Fund
Braile MacArthur Prize History
Brain Tumor Research Project
BRAtender Challenge
Breast Cancer Education Grant
Breast Cancer Equipment Lease Account
Breast Cancer Patient Service Fund
Breast Cancer Programs and Services
Breast Cancer Research
Breast Cancer Research-Ute Moll
Breast Cancer Service Acoount
Brenda Daniels Memorial Fund
Brevet Capital Management Fund for the Investment Club
Brian A. Wright Memorial Autism Research Fund
Brinkhuis Scholarship Award
Bromo Criptine In Aphasia
Brooke Ellison Legacy Scholarship
Bryan Griesbeck Memorial Scholarship
Building a Pipeline for Social Work Careers
Burn Center and Skin Bank Fund
Burn Center Compression Garment Fund
Burt and Jean Stangarone Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
Buskin Committee Activities
C. Chernow Endow Schol Journal
C. E. W. I. T. Conference and Expo
C. N. Yang - DENG Wei Endowed Chair in Physics and Astronomy
CA Technologies
Campus Beautification Committee Fund
Campus Residence Fund
Campus Services Enhancements
Cancer Boutique
Cancer Center SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Center/SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Research at SBUMC
Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Research-Basil Rigas
Capital Campaign
Capstone Corporate Corporate Partners Fund
Car-T Cancer Therapy Program
Cardiology Department
Cardiology Research and Education Fund (CaRE Fund)
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing Staff
Cardiovascular Center
Career Center Support Fund
Career Placement Center Revitalization
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Carol and Lyle Gomes Endowed Scholarship
Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
Carol Chernow Memorial Scholarship at Stony Brook University
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center
Carole L. Weidman (Nussbaum) Athletics Endowment
CAS Fund for Education
CAS Pure Endowment Fund
Catacosinos Family Fund
Catherine Wang Fund in History
Catholic Campus Ministries
Catholic Studies Endowment
CEAS Co-Curricular Education Fund
CEAS Fellowships
CEAS Tech & Society Excellence Fund
Cecil L. Hall Endowment
Cedric J. Priebe Endowed Pediatric Surgery Lectureship
Cellular Tel - Southampton Campus
Cellular Tel. (AT&T) Scholarship Endowment Fund
CELT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Center for Advanced Technology Sensor Systems
Center For Biotechnology Fund for Excellence
Center for Biotechnology Translational Research
Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning Fund for Excellence
Center For Emerging Infections
Center for Game Theory
Center for Health Policy and Management
Center for Healthy Aging
Center for India Studies - Research and Publication Projects
Center For Industrial Cooperation
Center For Infectious Diseases
Center for Integration of Business Education & Humanities Fund
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
Center for News Literacy
Center for Science and Mathematics Education
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Center for the Advancement of Earth & Space Science Education
Center for the Study of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Relations
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Endowed Excellence Fund
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Excellence Fund
Center of Excellence in Wireless Internet and Information Technology (CEWIT)
Centre Valbio Building Fund
Cerebrovascular Center Equipment Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease Research Fund
CESAME Scholarships
CESAME Student Support Fund
CEWIT - General Fund
Chair's Award in Art
Chair's Scholar Quasi Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Golf Outing
Chemistry Alumni Fund
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Corporate Seminar Series
Chemistry Endowment Fund for Excellence
Chemistry Instructional Equipment Account
Chemistry Research Fund for Professor Ojima
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Symposia Fund
Cherith Foundation Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics
Chhabra Endowment for Undergraduate Student Research in Math & Science
Child Life Services Fund
Child Psychiatry Sunshine Fund
Children with Crohn's Colitis and Intestinal Disease
Children's Hospital Comedy Show
Children's Hospital Garden Fund
Children's Resource Center Fundraising Account
Childrens Cancer Research Account
Chinese Culture and Society
Chinese Studies General Purpose Fund
Choi Moo Nam Scholarship for Korean Studies Endowment
Chris Algieri Chamption Lifestyle Scholarship Fund
Christine Rothman Endowment Fund
Christopher Samaria Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy Metcalf Library and Therapy Endowed Intent Fund
Cindy Metcalf Memorial Library
Cingular Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cingular Scholarship Fund
Citigroup Scholarship for Minority Students in Technology and Society
Civic Performance Project
Civil Engineering Diversity Scholarship
Claire D. Hall Endowment
Class of '72 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Aldustus Jordan and Dr. Jack Stern
Cleft Palate/Craniofacial School of Dental Medicine Fund
Clifford E. Swartz Student Excellence Fund in Physics & Astronomy
Clinic Renovation Fund
Clinical Education Fund
Clinical Support Services
CLS Equipment Fund
Coast Institute
Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Cognitive Disability: A Challenge to Moral Philosophy Conference
Colin Carr Scholarship for Cellists
Collaborative for the Earth
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) Hardship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Building Fund
College of Engineering Golf Outing
Colon & Rectal Educational Fund
Community Health Education
Community Medicine / MCS Fund
Community Music Programs General Operating Fund
Community Music Programs Scholarship Fund
Community Service and Service Learning Fund
Commuter Student Services and Off Campus Living
COMPAS Lab - Killer Microsecond Project
Computational Geometry Student Travel Fund
Computational Materials Research Fund
Computer architecture Stony Brook lab
Computer Architecture Stony Brook Lab - Oracle
Computer Associates Education Account
Computer Graphics Vision Fund
Computer Science Honors Program Scholarships
Computer Science Industrial Associates Fund
Computer Science Library
Computer Science Women Retention Program
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Group
Computer-based Problem Solving Lab.
Condensed Matter Physics Fund
Condor Array Telescope Fund
Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms
Confucius Institute
Consortium of Digital Arts, Culture and Technology Fund for Excellence
Conti Family Scholarship Fund
Continuous Individual Crisis Aid Alert System (CICaidA) Fund
Coordinated Fetal Care Program Fund
Copy of David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Costigan,George Endw
Council of International Programs
Covid Rapid Response Biodesign Fund
Creative Writing Award Fund
Crystallography Research Fund
CS Lab Discretionary Fund
Cultural Programming Fund
Curtiss-Wright Centennial Flight Scholarship
Cutaneous Gene Therapy Fund
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
CVB Community Health Team
Cyclone Ava
Cynthia G. Mitchell Endowed Fund for Excellence in History
Cynthia Mitchell Scholarships in History
D-TALE Fund for Excellence
Dal Jae Huh Endowment-Korean Studies
Damianos Endowment Fund
Dan Brooks Memorial Educational Award for Students with Cancer
Dan Rattiner Special Collections Fund
Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Award in Hematolgy
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty Cancer Research Fund
Daniel Lazaroff Family Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Danni Kemp Memorial Fund for Excellence
Das Family Men's Soccer Scholarship Fund
Data Base For Materials
David E. King Field Work Award in Geosciences
David Erdman Fellowship Fund
David Fox Prize
David L. Brown MD Research & Education Fund
David L. Williams Memorial Fund
David L. Williams Scholarship Endowment
David Mayer Energy Research and Technology Fund
Davidson Family Scholarship
DCI - Martin R. Liebowitz Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Dean's Award for Global Health Research
Dean's Cancer Fund
Dean's Merit Fund for Engineering
Dean's Off. SB Southampton
Deana Carpio Memorial Scholarship
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction
Della Pietra Fund for Gifted High School Students in Math and Science
Della Pietra Lecture Series
Della Pietra Visiting Professor in Music
Delphin Endowment for Finance
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Grant 2022
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences - CU
Dental Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Dental Biomaterials Research
Dental Graduation Alumni Activities Fund
Dental Graduation/award Fund
Dental Mission to Madagascar
Dental School Conference and Special Events
Dental Student Yearbook Fund
Dentsply Student Initiative Fund
Department of Children's Dentistry Research Fund
Department of Dermatology Chair
Department of Economics Interdisciplinary Research Fund
Department of French
Department of History's Scholarships
Department of Music Endowed Artist in Residence Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedics CME
Department of Orthopaedics Resident Educational Research
Department of Orthopedics Fellowship Fund for Excellence
Department of Physic and Astronomy Book Prize Fund
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology Fund
Department of Sociology
Department of Surgery Fund for Excellence
Department of Urology Lecture Series
Department of Urology Operating Fund
Department Resident Education and Equipment Fund
Dept of Neurosurgery- Advancement of Neurosciences
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Pathology - Dr Yupo Ma
Dept of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Fund
Dept. of Children's Dentistry
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Golf Outing
Deputy Chief Raymond M. Downey Scholarship
Dermatology Fund
Dermatology Growth and Discovery
Design and Analysis Research Lab
Development and Delivery of Anti Inflammatory and Anti Invasive Bioactives
Development of Components of RSFQ Devices
Di Tian Graduate Award
Diabetes Educational Exchange
Diane D. Brink Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Diane Ducy Hitchings-Tiernan '72 RN Baccalaureate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Digestive Diseases Research Tissue Procurement Facility
Disability and Policy Analysis Research Fund
Disabled Fund Raising Account
Discovery Fund for Research
Distinguished Lecture Series
Distributed Computing Program
Diversity Student Educational Fund
Division of Animal Laboratory Resources Fund
Division of Biological Sciences
Division of Gastroenterology
Doelger Graduate Scholarship Fund
DoIT Women's Leadership Initiatives
Don Ihde Endowed Fund for Excellence in Philosophy
Don Jose Marti Excellence Scholarship
Donald M. Mulvey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Donation Fund for SBU West Campus Essential Employees
Dorothy Awards
Dorothy G. Pieper Graduate Endowment
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Endowment Fund
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund
Douglas Futuyma Endowed Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology
Dr Mindy G. Brodsky Fund for Generative Health Education
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences -INT
Dr. Amy S. Chu-Wong, M.D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bernard Malberg Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Beverly Birns Women's Studies Conference Room
Dr. Blasco C. Gomes Endowment Fund
Dr. Bo Ha Endowed Endodontic Award Fund
Dr. Brisbane Leadership & Social Justice Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou General Dentistry Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Endowed Award
Dr. Ellinor Peerschke Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Eric B. Holst and Virginia Holst Memorial Endowment
Dr. Fred S. Ferguson Scholarship
Dr. Gonzalo Pardo Memorial Award
Dr. Gujavarty Family Seminar Fund in India Studies
Dr. Gustav Durrer Travel Award Endowment
Dr. Gwinnett Dental Student Memorial
Dr. James F. Dana Sr. Scholarship
Dr. Jason Kim '03 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
Dr. John McCann Memorial Award
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic End Fund for Excellence-INT
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic Fund for Excellence
Dr. Luis Gruberg Research in Cardiology
Dr. Martin Hauptman Award
Dr. Martin R. Liebowitz Scholarship
Dr. Max Fink Collection Fund
Dr. Michael DeLuca Endowed Student Excellence Fund for Italian Studies
Dr. Michael Schwartz Award for Excellence in Sociology
Dr. Myung Oh Gateway to Engineering Building Fund
Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Lewis Memorial Fund
Dr. Paul Neuberger Endowment
Dr. Richard J. Oringer Award Endowment
Dr. Roger S. Keresztes Educational and Research Fund
Dr. Seymour Friedman Endowed Scholarship in Endodontics
Dr. Stephen Gold Award
Dr. Vito De Simone and Mrs. Carolyn De Simone Endowment for a Visiting Lectureship in Italian
Drs. Connie and Lee Koppelman Endowed Fund for Scholarships
Drs. Douglas and Barbara Brand Diversity in Medicine Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Drs. Ellen Li and Samuel L. Stanley Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Medicine
Drs. Richard P. and Philip V. Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives
Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center Fund
E. & P. F. Palmedo School In the Music
E. S. Q. Summer Music Festival
Early Breast Cancer Detection Research of Biomarker TSP50
Early Music Operations Account
Eating Disorders Conference
Eckard Wimmer Endowed Graduate Scholarship for Student Excellence
Economics Scholarship Fund
Ed Hahne Marching Band Memorial Award
Edith Salvo Endowment
Edmund D. Pelligrino Professorship of Medicine Endowment
Edmund McTernan Endowment
Education Fund for Lipid Cancer Lab
Educational Exchange China Fellowship
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Edward & Patty Knapp Endowed Scholarship
Edward Countey Memorial Endowment
Edward H. Bergofsky Memorial Fund
Edward J. Mardovich Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Edward J. O'Connell Excellence Award in Health Science
Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award
Edward R. Fabian '08 Alumni Engagement Endowment Fund for the College of Business
Eldercare Initiative
Electrically Controlled Optical Device
Electrophysiology Fund
Eli Seifman Memorial Scholarship
Elia Swartz Memorial Fund
Elisabeth & Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship In the Arts
Elisabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Award in Graduate Art History
Elizabeth Ball Kurz Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth M. Desch Athletic Scholarship
Elof Carlson Fund
Elsie Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Cancer Research Fund
Emergency Mangmnt and Planning
Emergency Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Golf Classic
Emerson String Quartet Special Projects Fund
Empire National Bank Endowment for Banking Education at the College of Business
Employee Compensation Program
Endowed Award Fund for Cognitive Science in Psychology
Endowed Award Fund for Social and Health Psychology
Endowed Chair Account for College of Engineering
Endowed Chair for the Institute for Advanced Computational Science Director
Endowed Chair in Nursing Research
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
Endowed Graduate Fund in Political Science
Endowed Scholarship for Southampton Campus
Engineering and Smart Systems Research
Engineering Ethics Symposium
Engineering Teaching Lab
English Graduate Students Travel Fund
Entrepreneur Fund for the College of Business Current Use Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
EOP-Elite Chemistry Program
Epilespy Educational Research
Ericcson Messaging Systems, Inc. Graduate Fellowship
Ernesto Chinchilla-Aguilar Fellowship
Erwin & Freddie Staller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Estate of Thomas Donahue-Schroeffel
Esther and Jack Spivak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Esther Rentas Research Award
Etherereum 2022
Eugene R. Katz Endowed Excellence Fund in Biological Sciences
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art
Eugenia Brown Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Eugenie Van Drooge Kissinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Evan Frankel Fellowship
Evan Frankel Marine Sciences Scholarship Program
Evan R. Liblit Fund-raising Account
Evan R. Liblit Memorial Fund
Evan R. Liblit Recycling Symposium
Evangelos & Foteini Tsirka Award
Evelyn Bonner Endowment Fellowship
Evelyn Grollman Glick Endowment
Evening of the Arts Fund
Executive Director's Office Account
Experimental Learning for the College of Arts & Sciences
F. Weinstein Dissertation Research Award
FACT Foundation Breast Cancer Research Fund
Faculty Student Association Scholarship
Family Medicine Wellness and Chronic Illness Center
Family Population and Preventive Medicine
Fatty Acid Desaturase
File Systems Lab
Finish in Four General Support
Finish in Four Scholarship Fund
First Advantage Dental Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fit and Fabulous after Breast
Fit Kids Program
Fixed Price Balance Account for CEWIT
Floris Barnett Cash Endowed Scholarship
Foodlab Education Fund
Fossil Africa ConservationTrust
Foundational Research for Input Performance Modelling
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship Endowment
Frances Bisignano Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Frances Brisbane Endowed Scholarship Fund in Social Welfare
Francis Johnson Lecture Series in Chemical Biology
Frank Conti Memorial Football Fund
Frank Myers Fund for Excellence
Fred Sheinbaum Endowment
Freedom School at Stony Brook University
French Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Frey Family Endowed Fellowship Fund
Frey Family Endowed Research Fund
Frey Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Quantitative Finance Fund
Friends of Judaic Studies
Friends of Latin Current Use Fund
Friends of Latin Endowment
Friends of Neurosurgery Fund
Friends of Southampton Marine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve
Friends of the School of Professional Development Alumni
Fritzi Weinstein Reporting Scholarship
FSA Scholarship Endowment
Fumi and Hikaru Kato Endowed Intend Fund for Excellence in Physics
Fumi Kato Student Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Fund for Biomedical Informatics and Faculty Support
Fund for Excellence for Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Fund for Excellence in Psychiatry
Fund for Motion Correction in PET and MRI
Fund for Strategic Initiatives
Fund to Support The Coastal Ecology and Conservation Research Program
Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Garcia Center For Polymers
Gardiner Fund - Long Island Historical Journal
Gardiner Graduate Fellowship
Gardiner Related Activities
Gardiner Scholarship-History
Gardner Foundation Endowed Student Research Award
Gene E. Mundie Scholarship Fund for Doctoral Study
General Clinical Research Center
General Dentistry Faculty and Development Program Initiatives Account
General Dentistry Fund For Mark Wolff
General Engineering Award
General Practice Residency Program
General Reserach Support for the Department of Biochemistry
General Scholarship Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
General Support for Department of Pathology
General Ting Feng Cheng Endowed Chair
Genetics Accounts
Geometry and Graphics Development
George and Olga Tsunis Fellowship for Cancer Prevention
George C. Warner Endowed Schol
George E. Xippolitos Endowed Memorial Fund for Doctoral Education in Nursing Research
George Goldberg Fund
George Goodman Memorial Fund
George J. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
George L. DeWan Endowed Memorial Scholarship
George Williams Endowment Fund for Student Research
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Current Use
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Endowment Intent
Georgica Pond Fund
Geosciences Undergraduate Students
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Geriatric Medicine Instructional Account
GGM Support For Graduate Students
GHI Director's Current Use Fund
Gift Program to Help Cancer Patients
Gilbert Kalish Endowed Scholarship in Musical Performance
Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship
Global Affairs Fund For Excellence
Global and Local History Support
Global Health Institute Endowed Fund
Gloria and Mark Snyder Endowed Award of Excellence
Gloria and Mark Snyder Symposium for Cancer Medicine
Gloria Kahn Prize in Hispanic Languages
Goddard Family Scholarship Fund
Gold Coast Bank Current Use Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Gold Coast Bank Endowed Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Goldberger Fine Arts Endowment
Goldstein Family Fund for Athletic and Academic Excellence
Goldstein Family Student Athlete Development Center Endowment
Graduate Chemistry Endowment Fund
Graduate Fellowship in Hispanic Languages & Literature
Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Graduate Program in Public Health
Graduate School Conferences & Spec Event
Graduate Student Fellowship Fund
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Summer Fellowship in Psychology
Green Conference Africana Studies
Greene Lectureship in Medical Oncology Endowment
Greenhouse Fund
Griffith Lung Cancer Fund
Grumman Ceas Scholarships
Grumman Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Grumman Fellowship Endowment
GSB Music Fest Fund at Stony Brook University Cancer Center
Gudjon Hermannsson Fund
Guru Madhavan Endowed Intent Leadership Speaker in Engineering
Guy A. Cassara Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Research Fund
H Kurnol '61 Ended Scholarship
H. B. Silsbee Award for Excellence
Hanson - Curriculum Development Fund
Hardship Fund
Harpsichord Fund
Harry Kalish Scholarship Fund in Psychology
Harsh Bhasin Political Science Endowed Scholarship Endowment
Harvard Lyman Award
Harvey Aronson and Irene Virag Endowed Scholarship for Narrative Journalism
Hawrys Student Recreation Center
Health Care Policy and Management Fund for Excellence
Health Science Library Research Fund
Health Sciences Center-Clinical Skill Labs-Derinda Pell Steine
Health Sciences Center-Dean of the School of Dentistry
Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center
Heart Institute Cardiology Fund for Excellence
Hematology Department
Hennessy Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for Staller Center for the Arts
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for the School of Health Professions
Herbert Weisinger Endowment
Herman Klurfeld Memorial Scholarship
Herman Nertz Track Endowment
Herrnstein Hall Fund
Hidden Symmetries Art Show
HISB Civic Performance Registration
Hispanic & Latino Scholarship
Hispanic Language Conference Fund
Historical Documents and Programs Fund
History Graduate Fund
Homer Goldberg Scholarship Fund
Hong Zhang '91 and Liya Liang '94 Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Materials Science
Honors College
Honors College Scholarship Program
Hope for Scleroderma
HOPE Program
Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
Howard and Marie Mettler Research Endowment
Howard R. Zern Track and Field Endowed Scholarship
Hsiao - Polymer Chemistry Research Support
Hsin-Yao Teng Memorial Scholarship in Music
Hugh J. Silverman Student Travel Award in Continental Philosophy
Human Evolution Conferences and Special Events
Human Resources Administration
Hydrogeology Fund
I-con Scholarship In Science
I. C. F. A. Conference Funds
I.T.P.A. Director's Development and Operating Account
IACS Corporate Donations
ICB&DD Fund for Student Excellence
IDPAS Fund for Student Success
igniteCS Program
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowship
Ilana Shanks Memorial Scholarship
Immunology Research of Dr. Ghebrehiwet
IMS- Simons Endow Math/Physics
In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing Fund
Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation Endowed Chair in Insurance and Risk Management Fund
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County Fund at the College of Business
India Studies Gala
Indoor Training Center Fund
Industrial Partners Program
Infection Control Education Fund
Infectious Disease Research Gifts Program
Infectious Diseases Division Fund
Information Assurance Lab Fund
Inke Anatomical Research Fund
Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Institute for Global Studies
Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science (IOCS) General Fund
Institute for STEM Education Fund
Institute for Sustainable Development
Institute for Theoretical Physics Fund
Institute of Cell & Devel. Biology Fund
Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Research Assistance
Institute Of Energy: Sustainability, Environment, And Equity Excellence Fund
Intelligent Dashboards Research Fund
Intensive English Center
Interfaith Center Furnishings Fund
Interfaith Renovation
Internal Medicine Resident Research Award Fund
International Academic Programs Development
International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop
International Dental Outreach Fund
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Development
Inventor Recognition
Investors Foundation AYA Grant 2022
IPS Scholarship Fund
Iraq Site Looting Project
Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship Fund Endowment
Irving Abrahams Endowment
Island Federal Credit Union Database Fund
Island Federal Credit Union Dean's Fund for Excellence in Finance
Island Federal Credit Union Endowment for Banking Education and Research
Italian American Archive R&T
Italian Language Instruction in Community
Italian Studies Endowment
Ivan & Alice Chao Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
J Hennessy End Prof in Com Sci
J. Howard Oaks Student Scholarship
Jacob Bigeleisen Lectureship Endowment
Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection
James Davis Memorial Fund
James Droesch Minimally Invasive Gynecology Endowed Award
Janice Rohlf Endowed Scholarship
Japanese Studies Program
Jarelyn Lopez Endow Scholar
Jay D. Waxenberg Family Scholarship
Jazz Fund for Excellence
JC Cancer Laboratory Support Fund
Jean M. Devlin Achievement Award
Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Jeff Pobiner Memorial Fund Endowment
Jeffrey Irwin Memorial Fund
Jennifer Ferraro Fund
Jerome Roth Fund for Music
Jesse Tepper Chair's Scholarship Fund in the Department of Sociology Endowment
Jewish Culture Fund at Stony Brook University
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health - Current Use
Jim Fiore, Sr. Fund for Academic & Athletic Excellence
Jo Fusco Fellowship Endowment
Joan Kenny Endowed Scholarship
Joan Korins, DDS '80 Memorial Award in Pediatric Dentistry
Joan Moos Scholarship Fund
Jocelyn Rose Pascucci Fund
Joe Nathan Baseball Fund
Joel Mitofsky Memorial Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Cancer Research Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Professorship in Cancer Research
Joel Strum Kenny School in Madagascar
John Dunn Excellence Fund in Life Sciences
John F. and Joan Risickella Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Gassner Endowment Fund
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship for Science, Engineering & Mathematics
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship in Music Performance
John H. Marburger III Pollock-Krasner Annual Lecture Endowed Fund
John J. and Margaret D. Leddy Sr. Marching Band Endowed Scholarship
John Leddy Marching Band Award
John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence
John Sampson Toll Endowment - Prize in Physics
John W. Milnor Endowed Graduate Fund in Math
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology INT
Joint Replacement Center
Jonathan D. Kaufman Endowed Student Excellence Fund in Physics
Jonathan S. Ryan Scholarship
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library Fund
Joseph A. Tursi Scholarship in Italian Studies
Joseph and Virginia Roller Endowment
Joseph Andriola Memorial Fund to Benefit SBUMC Epilepsy Program
Joseph Lauher And Frank Fowler Endowed Chair In Materials Chemistry Fund
Joseph N. Campolo Award for Legal Studies
Joseph P. Durso Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Joseph Tromba Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of College Science Teaching Fund
Journalism Internship Stipends
Journalism without Wall Scholarship
Joyce Trondle Memorial Library
Judith Boudreau Endowed Scholarship Award
Judith Tanur Dissertation Research Endowment Fund
Karen Burke Endowed Memorial Fund
Karen Burke Memorial Fund
Karen Sabol Memorial Scholarship
Katherine & Bob Bayer Endowed Intent Scholarship in Music Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Kavita & Lalit Bahl Molecular Imaging Laboratory
Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Innovation Award Fund
Kavli PES Comms Training
Keane T. Kyle Nursing Award
Kehoe Family Fund for Stony Brook Athletics
Kenneth Short Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenneth Staudte Scholarship
Kerry Rose Foundation Fund for Commuter Student Services and Off-Campua Housing Fire Safety
Kevin C. King and John A. Miller Endowment
Kidney Dialysis Related Research Fund
KidOYO: Arie E. Kaufman Mentor Service Award
Kilimitzoglou Endowed Scholarship Fund
Klio Claire Kordas Memorial Fund For Excellence
Knapp Fund
Knapp Swezey Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Koch Family Basketball Scholarship Fund
Koppelman Endowed Fellowship in Political Science
Korean Buddhist Research Fund Endowment
Korean Studies Center
Korean Studies Endowment
Korean Studies Publication Project
Kristin Harris Award
Kuga-Sah Memorial Fund
L I Technology Hall of Fame
L. I. Kleinman, Md Pediatric Library
L.I.C.C. Cancer Database Fund
L.I.L.A.C. Fund 2016
Lab. For Wireless & Intelligent Systems
Lab. Research Neuron Growth
Labor/management Studies
Laboratories for Brain and Spinal Cord Research
Laboratory For Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Information Technology
Laboratory for the Analysis and Dating of Sediment
Lama Telescope Project
Language Learning Research Center Development Fund
Lap Chan Endowment
Larry Roher Entrepeneurial Award
Larry Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laser Teaching Center
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Center Student Award
Latin and/or CLS Studies Scholarship
Laufer Center
Laufer Center 2017 Professorship
Laufer Center Art Fund
Laufer Center for Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs
Laufer Center Fund for Excellence
Laufer Center-Ukrainian Research Initiative
Laufer Chair Laboratory Fund
Laufer Chemistry Faculty Fund
Laufer Endowed Associate Professorships
Laufer Endowed Chair
Laufer Fellow Carlos Simmerling
Laufer Professor Laboratory Fund
Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
Lauren Ackerman Memorial
Laurence Baxter Memorial Lecture Fund
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for C. Gobler & B. Peterson
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for Ellen Pikitch
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Fund for Graduate Research
Lawrence E. Noonan Scholarship
Leakey Fellowships
Lee Myers Endowment
Leeds Tuition Scholarship
Leo and Mickey Sreebny Symposium Quasi Endowment Fund
Leo Guthart Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leon Bolotin Memorial Scholarship in Arts
Leon Marienberg Family Practice Award Endowment
Leonard Krasner Psychological Center
Lev Ginzburg Lectureship in Ecology
Lewis M. Peterson Technical Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Library Books Shipping Fund
Library Collection Development Fund
Library Director's Account
Lichtenstein Fund for Centre ValBio
Lichtenstein Fund for Southampton Arts at Stony Brook University
Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Kahn Endowment
Lina Obeid Memorial Cancer Research Fund
Linda Bily Patient Advocacy Fund
Linda Delligatti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
LISTnet LISA Scholarships
Lloyd Cutler Endowment
Lois and Robert Stafford Award
Long Island Cancer Center (LICC)
Long Island Cancer Center Advancement Events Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Programs And Research Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Witness Fund
Long Island Cancer Center's Cut For The Cure
Long Island Cancer Research Donation Account
Long Island Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Long Island Groundwater Institute
Long Island High Technology Entrepreneurs Program
Long Island Museum of Natural Sciences
Long Island State Veterans Home
Long Island State Veterans Home Capital Fund
Long Island State Veterans Home-Special Projects
Long Island Tech Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship
Lori R. Brickman Student Support Fund
Louise Guarneri College of Arts & Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Louise Guarneri Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS - Development and Outreach
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS Research Fund
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS-Camp
Lourie Research Endowed Fellowships in Physics
Lung Cancer Evaluation Center
Lung Cancer Screening Fund
Lupus Account For Gary Zieve
Lyme Disease-Southampton Fund
M L Stone Education Center
M.S.R.C. Endowment
Madagascar Ankizy Fund
Madagascar Dental Outreach Fund
Madeline Fusco Fellowship Award
Manlong Rao Endowed Fund for Excellence
Marburger Scholarship
Marcell and Maria Roth Scholarship (Endowment)
Marcy McGinnis Endowed Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism
Margot Ammann Durrer Library Endowment
Maria Tzamarioudaki Memorial Fellowship In Chemistry
Marian I. Eskow Physician Assistant Scholarship
Marie Colvin Center for International Report - The Reporting Project
Marie Colvin Memorial Endowment Fund
Marie Colvin Memorial Fund
Marie Frey Memorial Award
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Reseach Fund
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Research Fund
Marilyn Colletta Research Fund
Marilyn Goodman Commuter Assistant Program
Marilyn Goodman Endowed Excellence Award
Marinetics Endowed Professorship in Marine Science
Mark Herzinger Scholarship in Political Science
Mark Ian Funt MD Resident Research Award
Marlene Ina Goldis Endowment
MART Art and Children's Hospital Enhancement Fund
MART Building Project
Martin Buskin Endowment
Martin Stone Endowment
Marty Weinbaum Fund for Excellence
Marvin Kuschner Professorship of Pathology Endowment
Marvin Kuschner Scholarship Fund
Mary Ellen Trodden Melanoma Fund
Mary F. Porter Scholarship
Marylou Stewart Pride Scholarship Fund
Material Sciences Endowment For Excellence
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Materials Sciences Research Center
Math for Simons Endowment for Math & Physics
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Matthew Blend Fund
Matthew T. Crosson Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Max Dresden Theory Physics Thesis Prize
Maynard M. Dewey Endowment
Maze-Landeau Fellowship
Maze-Landeau Graduate Student Fund for Excellence
MEC Senior Design Projects
Med Intensive Care Research
Medical Informatics
Medical Physics Education Research Fund
Medicine Academic Support Fund
Medicine Faculty Association
Medtronic Education Fund
Mellon Fellowship in Latin American History
Melvin V. Simpson Lecture Fund in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Memorial Account for Marta O. Sabates
Mendik-lyme Disease Fund
Merck Award
Merit Stony Brook Scholarship Program
Meyer Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in English
MFA Southampton Review
Michael A. Bane Music Scholarship
Michael A. Maffetone Community Service Award
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Math
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in SOMAS
Michael Corey Scholarship Fund
Michael Flynn Memorial Endowment
Michael Marx Memorial Fund
Michael P. Colbert Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Ohr Memorial Award Endowment
Michael S. Rosenbaum Scholarship for Journalism
Michi Nakao Japanese Studies
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor Systems
Middleton Family Student Athletic Alumni Award
Midwinter's Night Dream Research Lab
Milton Lodge Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Mind Body Clinical Research Center
Mineral Physics Institute General Fund
Mineral Physics Student Fund in Geosciences
Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund
Minorities In Medicine Fund
Minorities in Psychology Program
Mitchell Stern Scholarship
Mobile Systems & Web Performance Lab
Modern Monetary Theory
Molecular Control of Cellular Growth Development and Signalling Leading to Inflammation, Immune Resp
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Award
Morton E. Kahn Prize in English
Mother Cabrini Oral Health Grant for 2023
MSE Special Events Fund
Multicultural Affairs Initiatives Fund
Multicultural Executive Mentoring Program
Multiple Sclerosis Care Center
Music Department
Music Student Award
Myra Haggerty '86 & Michael Harrold '85 Endowment for the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
N. I. C. U. -Nursing Education Fund
N. I. C. U. -Physician Research
N.I.C.U. Development Fund
NAIS David Sheehan Memorial Fund
Nancy Mendell Endowed Scholarship in Statistics
Nancy Wender Natl D
Naomi Stampfer Scholarship Endowment
Natale & Josephine Maresca Music Award
Nathaniel Bohrer Finance Endowment Fund
National Black AIDS Awareness Symposium
National Cancer Survivor Day
Native American Peoples Support Fund
Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Fund
Navy Seal LT Michael Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Neil and Arlene Butterklee Endowment Fund at the College of Business
NetApp Research Fund
Neurobiology - Mc Kinnon
Neurobiology of Retina
Neurology Department
Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Fund
Neurology Rehabilitation Research Fund
Neurology Stroke Research
New Computer Science Building
New Conjugated Materials Research
New Molecular & Macromolecular Materials
New Theatre Guild Chair's Fund
New York Community Bank Foundation Endowment for Real Estate Studies at College of Business
New York Dragons' Athletic Band Scholarship
New York Islanders' Brookhaven Scholarship Fund
New York Sea Grant
News Corp Commencement Award
Next Generation Endowment Fund
Nextel Scholarship Endowment
NextStep at Stony Brook University
Nina and Vinod Rathore Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad
Nirmal and Augustina Mattoo Endowed Chair in Indic Humanities
Nobel Biocare Fund for Implant Dentistry
Norman "Norm" Goodman Endowed Excellence Award in Sociology Endowment Fund
Norman "Norm" Goodman University Senate Endowment Fund
Norman Creel Prize Endowment
Norman H. Edelman MD Alumni Achievement Award for the Program in Public Health's 10th Anniversary
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award - INT
Nursing Vision Awards
NY Islanders Children's-Burn
NY Speaks SLP Bilingual Scholarship
O. S. A. Outreach & Education Program
Oberleder Professorship in Geriatric Medicine
OBGYN Access Fund
Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund
Obstetrics Dept
Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Support Fund
Okubo Endowment Fund
Okubo Fund
OLLI Commemorative Fund
Omnicon Group Inc. Scholarship Fund
Oncology Nursing Education Fund
Online Programming-Alda Center
Opera Guild of Long Island at Stony Brook
Optical Sciences
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Education Fund
Oral Biology and Pathology Department Fund
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organization for Tropical Studies Support Fund
Osteoporosis Center Fund
Othmar Ammann Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Othmar Ammann Endowment
Outstanding Korean-American Award Endowment
PACE Program Fund (Pre-Medical Access to the Clinical Experience)
Palliative Care Department Fund for Excellence
Palliative Care Program Fund
Pancreatic Cancer & Surgical Oncology Fund
Parameter-Free Stochastic Minimization of Non-Convex Functions
Parasites Project in Remote Madagascar
Parent Day Event Fund
Parent Relations Fund
Parker Aerospace Scholarship
Patricia A. Gramer Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Herman Memorial Fund
Patricia Lewis Pediatric Dentistry Residency Fund
Patrick Brooks Memorial Award Endowment Fund
Patrick Herley Memorial Fund
Patrick W. Warner Award
Paul A. Schreiber Scholarship
Paul Licht Teaching Award in Chemistry
Paul M.Bingham - Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Award
Paul N. Baer Department of Periodontics Educational Fund
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Endowment Fund
Pediatric Aids Fund
Pediatric Development Fund
Pediatric Fellowship Program Fund
Pediatric I. C. U. Development Fund
Pediatric Neurology Account
Pediatric Neurosurgery Support Fund
Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatric Trauma Account
Pediatric TV Fund
Pericles Gasparis Memorial Fund
Periodontal Molecular Immunolgy Lab (PMIL)
Peter B. Kahn Fund
Peter B. Kahn Physics Department Endowment
Peter F. Cohn Professorship in Cardiology Endowment
Peter H. Freedman Endowed Lecture Series in HIV Research
Peter J. Rajkowski Award
Peter Paul Memorial Endowment Fund
Peter S. Kim MD Endowed Scholarship
Peter V. Tsantes Family Endowed Scholarship to Study Abroad in Greece
Peter V. Tsantes Professorship in Greek Literature & Language
Petra M. Udelhofen Scholarship Endowment
Petrology Fund
Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C. Scholarship Fund
Pharmacology Undergraduate Program
PhD Graduate Fellowships in Chemistry
Philosophers of the Future Excellence Fund
Philosophy Department Visiting Lecturers
Philosophy Graduate Fund for Excellence
Physician Outreach Specl Proj
Physics & Astronomy Education Account
Physics and Astronomy Faculty Mortgage Assistance
Physics- Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Physiology & Biophysics Department
Piano Initiative
Piano Maintenance Endowment in Music
Pierce Gardiner Scholarship for International Medicine
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award
Pink Aid UBER to Stony Brook Mobile Mammography Sites
Pink Rock Fund
Poetry Center Donor Fund
Pollock-Krasner Conference Account
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Support
Pollock-Krasner House
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center Endowment
Pollock-Krasner Study Center
Pollock-Krasner Study Ctr.
Polymer Materials Field Fund
Polymer Nanocomposite Research
Pool Renovation Project
Post Endodontic Educational Fund
Post Graduate Orthodontic Fund
Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship Fund
President's Fund
Presidental Support
Presidential Innovation and Excellence
Presidential University Initiatives
Preventive Medicine Research
Preventive Medicine Residency
Preventive Medicine: Division of Epidemiology
Pritchard Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Pritchard Charitable Trust Gymnasium Renovation Account
Professional Services Fund, Laufer Center
Professor Akoglu Research in Advanced Graph Data Structure Processing, Analysis and Visualization
Professor Belenky Lab Fund
Professor John Neale Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in Psychology
Professor Richard S. L. Lee and Grace F. Lee Scholarship Fund
Project W.I.S.E. (Women in Science and Engineering)
Protopopescu Fundraising Benefit Fund
Psychiatry Department
Pulmonary Education Fund
Pulmonary Hypertension Fund
Pulmonary Mechanics Research
Pulmonary/Critical Care General Account
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund
R Leakey End Intent FD for TBI
R. R. Sokal Research in Statistical Biology
Radar Sensor Management
Radiation Oncology Fund
Rahsaan T. Jackson Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Watkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ramsey Water Well
Raphael Santore DDS '78 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Re-imagining Stony Brook Challenge Fund
Remote Area Medical Outreach Fund
Renaissance Fellowships in Computer Science
Renaissance School of Medicine - Peru Mission
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Event Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Contingency Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Endowment
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund for Excellence
Renaissance School of Medicine International Medicine Award Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Stethoscope Drive
Renaissance School of Medicine/University Hospital Fundraising Account
Renal Division Fund
Renner Dental Student Award
Reproductive Endocrinology Fund
Research & Education Activities-Headache
Research and Support in Oral Biology and Pathology
Research Gift Program
Research Gifts Program for ALS
Research Gifts Program for Breast Cancer Fund
Research Gifts Program for Diabetes
Research Gifts Program for Environmental Studies
Research Gifts Program for Obstetrics/Gynecology
Research Gifts Program for Oncology
Research Gifts Program for Pediatrics
Research Gifts Program for Prostate Cancer
Research Gifts Program for Pulmonary Disease
Research Gifts Program for Surgery
Research in Computational Neuroscience
Research into Microgravity Processed Materials
Research Support Account
Research Support for Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology of Organic Chemicals
Respiratory Care Program Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Disease Memorial Gift Account
Returning Military Personnel Scholarship
RF Sensing and Multimodal Fusion Research Fund
Rheological Studies Program
Rheumatology Education Fund
Rheumatology Faculty Recruitment and Retention Fund
Rich and Mary Morrison Basketball Fund
Richard A. Bishop Memorial Endowment Fund
Richard B. Martin Endowed Scholarship in History
Richard B. Martin Scholarship in History
Richard Friedman, Ph. D. Memorial Fund
Richard Gelfond Scholarship Fund
Richard Hartzell Endowment
Richard J. Oringer Implant Surgical Suite
Richard J. Puz Scholarship in Journalism
Richard Leakey Family Fund
Richard Nasti Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship
Richard W. Reeder Endowment Student Excellence Fund
Richmond County Savings Foundation Scholarship
Ride for Life ALS Clinical Office Gift Account
Robert "Dean" Schamberger Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Robert A. Rango '80 Endowed Fund for Computer Science
Robert A. Schwartz Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Robert and Rhoda Amon Scholarship
Robert Clark Scholarship Fund
Robert Clasen Schol in PoliSci
Robert David Lion Gardiner Chair in American History Fund
Robert Kahen Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Robert Liebermann Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Robert Renner Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert Renner Minority Student Recruitment Award
Robert S. Roth Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Robert W. Greene Summer Institute
Robotics Research Laboratory
Rod Engelmann Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
Roger Rosenblatt Prize in English
Roger Wunderlich Endowed Student Excellence Fund
Rohlf Medal
Rory Hackett Scholarship Fund
Rosalind Dressler Susman Memorial Endowment
Rosenthal Research Fund in History Endowment
Roslyn Foundation News Literacy Scholarship
Rozalia and Emil Berla Scholarship in Judaic Studies
RSOM Class of 1999 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
RSOM LQBTQ* Fund for Excellence
RSOM Scholarship Underrepresented Students
Ruby Peck Memorial Scholarship
Rudin Foundation Sch
Rudolph and James DiPietro Football Fund
Rudolph DiPietro Football Fund
Rugby Scholarship
Ruskin, Moscou, Evans and Faltischek, P.C. High Technology Scholarship Endowment
Russo Geriatric Education Scholarship Fund for Graduate SSW Students
Ruth Pasternack Leadership Award
S.B.F./ Dental Student Fund
S.H.T.M. Alumni Association
S.P.I.R. Scholarship For College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
S.T.E.M. Smart
Sachem Dental Group Endowment Fund
Safe Kids Account
Sag Harbor Village Fund
Sagaponack Pond Research Fund
Saints Program
Sajid and Ninoska Malik CAR-T Therapy Cancer Research Fund
Salomon Smith Barney Lecture Series
Sam and Rose Berezin Endowment
Sam Kornhauser Scholarship
Sampson Research Award
Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Foundation Scholarship
Samuel Baron Music Commission
Samuel Baron Prize In Music
Save The Lemurs Gala
Sayville Project
SB Home Gala
SB Southampton - Avram Gallery
SB Southampton Special Events
SB Undergraduate Student Book Award
SB Water Purification Grant
SBU Athletic Band Alumni Award
SBU Cancer Center End Research
SBU Climate Solutions Fund for Excellence
SBU Hacks
SBU Kappa Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Scholarship
SBU Letters Fund
SBUMC Lobby Enhancement Fund
Schermerhorn Cancer Foundation
Scholarship Support
Scholarships, Grant and Other Aid - Undergraduate Research
School of Dental Medicine Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
School of Dental Medicine Community Outreach Fund
School of Dental Medicine Enrichment Fund
School of Dental Medicine Post Graduate Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics Fund
School of Health Professions Aids Education and Resource Center
School of Health Professions Development
School of Health Professions High Tech Facility Construction
School of Health Professions PA Support Program
School of Health Professions Student Support Fund
School of Journalism Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine Alumni Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2005 Gift Matching Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2006 Gift Matching Fund
School of Nursing - 50th Anniversary Gala
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
School of Social Welfare Alumni Fund
School of Social Welfare Faculty Scholars Fund for Excellence
School of Thought - Union Walkway Project
School Re-entry Program
Science of Sexual Function
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Scott D. Middleton Scholarship in Political Science
SDM Continuing Education
Seawolves Mental Health Fund
Seawolves Success Scholarship
Seawolves United
Seawolves United Events
Sediment Imaging and Enviromental Sensor Research Fund
Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarship
Sei Sujishi Prize Endowment Fund
Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Senator Akporokena Pius Ewherido Memorial Scholarship
Sensor Cat Scholarship Program
Shalini Devi Gujavarty Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Shaun Abrilz Pediatric Research Fund
Shaun T Abrilz Pediatrics Fund
Shi Ming Hu Memorial Endowment for Leadership, Freshman, & Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Awards
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Clam Fund
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project
Shirley Murray Award for Distinguished Service
Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Fund Endowment
SHPE Scholarship
Si Young Bae Fellowship Endowment
Sidney Gelber Endowment
Sillcox Scholars Current Use Scholarship Fund
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Current Use Fund
Simons Chair of Medicine Endowment
Simons Institute of Mathematical Sciences Operating Fund
Simulation Seminar Master Awards
Single Parent Award Endowment Fund
Sir James Black Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research
Sir Run Run Shaw Endowment
Sleep Research in Psychology
SLUNGE Alumni Scholarship for the College of Arts & Sciences
Social Media Data Mining
Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Society of Flight Test Engineers-Long Island Chapter
Sociology Endowment Fund
Sokal Reading Room
Solan James Family & Lyshaan Hall Family Football Scholarship Fund
SOM Class of 1988 Endowed Award for Excellence in memory of our classmates
SOMAS Student Support
SoMAS Undergraduate Environmental Essay Writing Award
Soroff Family Israel Fellowship Endowment
Southampton Campus Windmill Renovation
Southampton Graduate Arts
Southampton Studio Theatre
Spanish Fund
Spatz Foundation Academic Scholarships for Renaissance School of Medicine Students
Special Collections Fund
Spect Research
Speech Language Pathology
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation Power Electronics Lab
Spellman Sustainable Future Research Fund
Spiegel Family Endowed Scholarship
Spinal Neurosurgery Research & Education
Sports Medicine Fund for Excellence
Sprint PCS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Squires/Steinberg Endowment Fund
SRI Research Fund - T. Koga
Srivastav, Tucker and Weitzman Scholarship
SSK Student Arts Festival Prgm
Staller Center Benefit Fund
Staller Center Dance Initiative
Staller Center for the Arts Endowment
Staller Center Initiatives
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2017
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2018
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2019
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2020
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2021
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2022
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2024
Stelling Family Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Stem Cell Research
Stewart Harris Memorial Lectureship Fund
Stewart Harris Scholarships
Stone Disease Program
Stony Brook Alumni Association Life Members Endowed Award Fund
Stony Brook Alumni Law Day
Stony Brook Athletics Golf Classic
Stony Brook Camerata Singer Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Annual Golf Outing
Stony Brook Cancer Center CancerWise Cafe Events
Stony Brook Cancer Center Events and Cause Marketing Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Innovation Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Research
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Excellence Fund
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Children's Early Childhood Clinic Fund
Stony Brook Children's Wellness Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Awards Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Center Equipment Account
Stony Brook Distinguished Lecture in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Endowment
Stony Brook Endowed Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry
Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Quasi Endowment Fund
Stony Brook Foundation/Advancement Scholarship Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Golf Classic
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Walk of Heroes Fund
Stony Brook Gala Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Heights
Stony Brook Home Program Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Kappas Endowed Achievement Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Madagascar Fund
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Men's Soccer Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Ophthalmology Fund
Stony Brook Rugby
Stony Brook Southampton - Avram Theater
Stony Brook Southampton Graduate Arts Food Lab and Initiatives
Stony Brook Southampton M.F.A. and Writers Conference
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook University 'Seawolves Pantry'
Stony Brook University Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
Stony Brook University Biopsychology Founders Endowed Fellowship
Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Social Work Indigent Patient Fund
Stony Brook University Pre-College Program in Music
Stony Brook University Software Incubator
Stony Brook Women's Basketball Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Women's Lacrosse Golf Outing Event
Storm Surge Research Group
Structural Biology Fund
Structure Development in Processing of Elastomers
Stuart and Sherry Greene Research and Education Grant
Stuart Sharoff Family Athletic Fund
Student Enrichment; Theatre in New York
Student Life
Student Research Initiatives
Student Welfare Fund
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Study of Aging Fund
Sudesh and Sudha Mukhi Vedic Music and Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Burn Center
Suffolk Firefighters Burn Center Fund
Sukon Kim Fund
Summer Math Scholarship
Summer Math Scholarship Endowed Fund
Summer Math Scholarship Second Summer
Sun Microsystems Fund
Sunrise Fund at Stony Brook
Sunrise Fund Play Fit Stay Fit
Sunrise Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Quasi-Endow Research Fund
SUNY LI Pitchfest Prize
Suny-Stony Brook Geriatric Program
Support for Stony Brook Cancer Center Clinical Research
Surface Science
Susan K. Kershnar Endowed Nursing Emergency Relief Fund
Susanna and Frederick Schoenewolf Endowed Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship Endowment Fund
Sustainability Studies Program Fund
Sustainable Off-Grid Solutions for Africa Economic Development
Svam International Scholarship
Swoboda-Ward Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
Sydney & Edith Golub Endowed Memorial Fund for Faculty Development
Sylvia Fund Endowment
Symbol Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Symbol/Motorola Fellowship
Sythesis of Natural Products
Szema Yuan-Pian Award
T-Mobile Endowment
T-Mobile Scholarship
T. Alexander Pond Endowment
Tamarath Yolles Endowment
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Technology & Society Excellence Fund
Ted Moorman Memorial Book Collection Fund
Ted Weiss Award Endowment
Teen Education & Resource Fund
Telnet Revenue Account
Teresa Haire Memorial Award Fund
Terry Alexander Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Thaw Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
The Ackerman Fund for Cardiology Fellow Support
The Adolescent Medicine Fund for Excellence
The Alex and Zach Traum Research Prize and Award In American History Endowment
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging - Current Use
The Ana Marie Torres Scholarship for Hispanic/Latino Students Fund
The Annette and Sol Goldstein Scholarship in Music History
The Anthropoid Origins Fund
The Benedict '76 Scholarship Endowment
The Bergman Family Foundation Prize in Memory of Roberta Richin for Student Initiatives for Soc Gd
The Bernard Osher Foundation Endowment
The Cancer Center Director's Fund
The Center for Understanding and Treating Cognitive Decline
The Center of Entrepreneurial Finance
The Christina Seix Fund for Presidential Initiatives
The Concerned Women of the Grove Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Conti Family Scholarship
The Corey Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dan's Paper Literary Scholarship
The Debbie Whittemore Endowed Scholarship Fund
The deBrauwere Family Endowed Intent Medical Scholarship Current Use Fund
The Della Pietra Family Endowed Chair in Biomedical Imaging
The Dr. Dorothy L. Hurley Fellowship
The Dr. Joseph W. Woo Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine Fund
The Ellen J. Bell Scholarship
The Emilio Belari Scholarship in Voice
The Emma Mumper Memorial Fund
The Empowerment English Endowm
The Endowment Fund for the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Eppenstein Family Scholarship Fund
The Esther Kaminoff Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Music
The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
The Flame Challenge
The Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship Progran at Stony Brook University
The Francesco P. And Dina D'Alto Malgeri Endowment in Italian Culture
The Frey Family Foundation Endowment
The Frey Professorship in Quantitative Finance
The Frey Scholarship for Students in the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
The Halpern Research Fellowship
The Hilda R Maier Scholarship Endowment for the School of Nursing
The Institute for Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Post-Doc Fellowship
The Irwin Oster Prize
The Israel Wilenitz Endowment
The Jack Foley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jack Heller Award
The Japan Center at Stony Brook
The Jerry R. Schubel Graduate Fellowship Endowment
The John C. Dunphy Private Foundation Cancer Innovation Fund
The John F. Lauro, P.A. Fund
The John J. Ricotta, MD Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series in Surgery Endowment Fund
The Joseph and Angela Comberiate Memorial Scholarship
The Judy Sue Sussman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
The Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Fund
The Kim Mehmood Scholarship fund in Nursing
The Laufer Family Fund for Tibetan Scholars
The Lee Lutz Commencement Award
The Lillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professorship in Trauma Surgery
The Lisa and Robert Lourie Imaging Suite
The Manuel London, PhD and Marilyn London, EdD Endowed Award Fund at the College of Business
The Marc and Caren Tishfield Endowed Scholarship in Economics
The Mary G. Bourguignon Memorial Scholarship Fund
The McGuire Family Fund
The Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Physics
The Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical & Educational Scholars
The Miriam & David Donoho Distinguished Teaching Professor
The Miriam and David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars
The Nancy K. Squires Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Network Lab Fund for Student Excellence
The NPD Group, Inc. Scholarship
The Ojima Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Award
The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award Current-Use Fund
The Oliver Schaeffer Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Omnicon Group, Inc. WISE Scholarship
The Overseas Partnership Program in News Literacy
The Paglia Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering
The Pamela J. Combs and John Primavera Award for Community Service in Dentisty
The Parent Fund for Stony Brook Southampton
The Paul A. Schreiber Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Endowed Lectureship in Anesthesiology
The Peter Glass, MD Endowed Excellence Fund
The Peter K. Weyl Memorial Award in Climate Changes Science Endowment Intent Current Use Fund
The Peter W. "Pete" Bretsky, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Geosciences
The Philip Johnson Endowment for Physical Chemistry
The Pre-College Summer Institute
The Pretty and Powerful Program
The Rajesh and Sonali Kakani Lecture in India Studies
The Real Estate Institute Scholarship for Real Estate Studies
The Renaissance School of Medicine Class of 1999 Endowed Scholarship
The Richard E. Aiello Lung Cancer Research Fund
The Rita and Kurt Eppenstein Hall of Fame
The Robert Von Tauber & Olga Von Tauber Fund
The Roberto and Palmina Mignone Fellowship in Italian and Italian American Studies
The Role of Erythropoietin in Ex Vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Cells from Umbilical Cord/Blood
The Ronald and Rosanne Roge Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Rosaline & Milton Sterman Travel Awards in the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ryan Scholarship for Future Academicians at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
The Sanacora Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Endowment Fund
The Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard Fellowship in Music History-Theory
The Scholarly Concentration Program Research Track Student Award
The Seawolves for Life Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Sherry and Howard Sussman Endowed Scholarship
The Stanley Scholarship Fund
The Stem Cell Transplantation & Hematologic Malignancy Program
The Steven Allard Returning Military Personnel Endowed Scholarship
The Stony Brook Cancer Center Garden Fund
The Stony Brook Children's Hospital Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Care Center
The Stony Brook Taiko Ensemble
The Tarrson Family Professorship in Periodontology
The Telescope Fund
The Terian Fund for Nursing Education
The Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Endowed Scholarship in Dental Medicine
The University Fund
The Vincent & Robert Gallucci Endowment in Memory of Sam Gallucci
The Violet and Les Payne Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
The Virginia Fuller Senior Award Sponsored by Sharon Cowles on behalf of Gallery North
The Wai Seak Hom Memorial Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Weinig Foundation Scholarship
The William Wertheim Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education
The Women's Integrative Cancer Center Fund
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Immunology
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Theatre Arts Department Fund for Excellence
Theatre Renovation Fund
Theodore W. Allen Scholar Program
Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize
Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Fund
Thomas F. Irvine Scholarship Endowment
Thomas Flanagan Prize
Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research in Neurobiology & Behavior
Thomas Neumiller Scholarship Fund in Music
Thomas R. and Margherita T. Sexton Award for Academic Excellence While Facing Uncommon Obstacles
Thomas Rogers Prize
Tick Borne Disease Fund
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
Tina Staller Memorial Account
Tom Neumiller Guest Artist Series
Tom Neumiller Scholarship Fund
Tony and Aspacia Poulis Scholarship Fund
Touch Modeling Research
Touchdown Club / Football Fund for Excellence
Transatlantic Collegium
Transatlantic Collegium of Philosophy
Transplant Division Gifts
Transplantation Division of Surgery Fund
Trauma Center
Travelers Insurance/Citigroup Scholarship in Insurance
Travelers Scholarship Fund
Travis Political Science Award
Tribology Laboratory
Turan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Umbilic Torus Project
UME/NV Kurup Memorial Altruism Award
Undergraduate and Graduate Fund in Mathematics
Undergraduate Pharmacology Scholarship Award Account
Undergraduate Programs Support Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund in Anthropology
University Advancement - Special Events
University Affairs Graduate Fellowship
University Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
University Diversity Initiatives
University Hospital Patient Benefit Fund
University Housing Fund
University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award
University Library
University Medical Center Special Events Account
University Preschool
Ur Excavations
Urology Department Fund
Urology Education and Research Fund
USG Presents: The 30th Annual Roth Regatta / USG Events
Vallone Family Endowed Scholarship
Vascular Surgery Journal Club 2022-2023
Vascular Surgery Research & Education
Verizon Wireless Endowed Scholarship
Verizon Wireless Scholarship
Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Fund
Violet's Voice Fund
VIP Hockey Fund
Virginia Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Roller Trust Properties
Visiting Artists Series in Music
Visiting Professorship in Pediatrics
Visiting Scholar Fund
Vito Dechiaro Otolaryngolgy Education Fund
Vivian Ling Scholarship Fund
Vivien Hartog Endowment
Voll Professorship Fund
VP Brookhaven National Laboratory Affairs Iniviatives
VP for Economic Development Fund for Excellence
W. Averell Harriman Endowment
W. Turner Founding Dean Scholarship
W.I.S.E.-Diamond Award Programming Funds
Wachter Family Athletics Scholarship
Wainscott Pond Project
Wall Street Group Fundraising Initiative
Wang Asian Programming Fund
Waterbor Burn & Cancer Foundation
Welfare and Family Preventive Medicine Research Fund
William and Jane Knapp Alumni Center
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Energy and the Environment
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Pharmacological Sciences
William and Maude Pritchard Scholarship Endowment
William and Teresa Meyer Award Endowment Fund
William Dawes Endowed Fund for Excellence in Economics
William J. and Florence M. Catacosinos Fund for Cancer Research Endowment
William J. Burke Scholarship Endowment
William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William Ryan Pancreatic Cancer Fund
William Van Der Kloot Awards in M&C Pharmacolgy
William W. and James W. Catacosinos Fund for Computer Sciences
Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Wings Lab Professor Samir's Research Fund
Wise Banquet Event
Witness Project Anniversary Celebration
Wolfie Mascot Bench Fund
Wolfie Tank Award
Women For Women Project
Women's Health
Women's Health Endowment Fund
Women's Studies Conferences
Womens Studies-G.T.E. Foundation
Wonhyo Translation Project
Woo Jong Kim Dissertation Prize
World Language Teacher Education Award
World Trade Center Program
Yacov and Linda Shamash Scholarship Fund
Yetta Brandwine Parker Memorial Scholarship
YITP-Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Young Artists and Writers Project
Young Investigators Review: Undergraduate Science Journal
Yusuf A. Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Yusuf A.Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Zhang Award: Beaupre - Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Helminth Parasite
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Microbes in Parasite Fitness
Zhang Award: Dvarskas - Economic Modeling of Fishing
Zhang Award: Reed - Impact of Climate Change
Zhang Award: Wehrmann - Arctic Fjords
Zickler Scholar Award in Translational Biomedical Research
Legacy Way Fund
Alumni Awards
Alumni Association St. Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament
Africana Studies Fund for Excellence
Alda Center for Communicating Science
Alda Center Innovation Fund
Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Alumni Dissertation Fellowship in Philosophy
Anatomical Sciences Department Support Fund
Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
Anthropology Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Fund for Excellence
Art Department Fund for Excellence
Asian and Asian American Studies Fund for Excellence
Athletic Training Program School of Health Professions
Athletics - Seawolves United
Autism Initiative Excellence Fund
Bachelor of Science in Health Science Support Fund
Baseball Fund for Excellence
Baseball/Softball Complex Fund
Bay Scallop Bowl
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Endowed Fund for Excellence
Biomedical Engineering Department Fund for Excellence
Black and Latino Alumni Network Endowed Scholarship
Cancer Center
Cardiothoracic Surgery Fund
Career Center Student Professional Development Fund
Carlos Vidal Memorial Fund
Center for Changing Systems of Power Excellence Fund
Center for Clean Water Technology Excellence Fund
Center for Hellenic Studies
Center for India Studies
Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communications Fund for Excellence
Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease
Chemistry Dept Fund for Excellence
Civil Engineering Fund for Excellence
Clinical Laboratory Science Fund for Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Development Fund
Cross Country / Track & Field Fund for Excellence
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship Current Use Fund
Dental Medicine Scholarship Endowment Fund
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fund for Excellence
Dept of Medicine Education Research Fund
Dept Orthopedics Resident Education FFE
Dept. of Neurology: Resident Training Funds
DoIT Innovation
DoIT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Dr. Aldustus E. Jordan Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Ecology & Evolution Award for Student Excellence
Ecology and Evolution Department Fund for Excellence
Economics Department Fund for Excellence
Education For The Local Malagasy People
Electrical and Computer Engineering Fund for Excellence
Endocrinology Division
EOP/AIM Fund For Excellence
Family Medicine Division Fund for Excellence
First Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Football Fund for Excellence
Frances L. Brisbane Endowment Fund for Leadership and Social Justice
Fund for Excellence in Undergraduate Biology
General Scholarship Fund
Geosciences Department Fund for Excellence
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Medical Education Fund for Excellence
Graduate Program in Public Health Development Account
Graduate School
Graduate Student Organization Student Emergency Support Fund
Health Crisis Fund
Heart Institute
Hispanic Languages and Literature Fund for Excellence
Hispanic Languages and Literature Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Fund
History Chair's Fund
History Dept Alumni Fund
Honors College Scholarship Fund
Humanities Institute Fund
IDEA Fund of Excellence
IGS Excellence Fund
Internet of Things Laboratory Fund
Italian Studies Fund
James Nobles Memorial Award
John J. Ricotta Professorship in Surgery
Kidney Transplantation Program Fund
Lab Modernization Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Languages & Cultural Studies Fund for Excellence
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Fund for Excellence
Lauterbur Frontier Research Endowment Fund in Chemistry
LGBTQ* Center Fund for Excellence
LI Shore Real-Time Environmental Data Systems
Linguistics Fund for Excellence
Long Island State Veterans Home
Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration Student Fund
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Mathematics Department Fund for Excellence
Mechanical Engineering Fund
Medical Scientist Training Program Fund for Excellence
Men's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Men's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Men's Soccer Fund for Excellence
Microbiology Department
Milton Lodge Fund for Political Psychology
Mobile Stroke Unit
Music Department Fund for Excellence
Neurobiology and Behavior Fund for Excellence
Neurosciences Institute
Occupational Therapy Fund for Excellence
OLLI Member Giving Account
Paul Siegel Endowed Scholarship
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Pediatric Emergency Department Expansion Fund
Pediatric Research Innovation Fund for Excellence
Pharmacology Department
Philosophy Department Fund for Excellence
Physical Therapy Department Fund for Excellence
Physician Assistant Education Fund for Excellence
Physics and Astronomy Department Fund for Excellence
Political Science Fund for Excellence
Program in Writing and Rhetoric Fund for Excellence
Psychology Department Fund for Excellence
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund (HOLDING ACCOUNT)
Radiation Oncology Department Fund for Excellence
Radiology Department
Red Watch Band Support Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Care Program Fund for Excellence
Richard B. Moore Endowment
Richard L. Gelfond Fund on the Health Effects of Mercury Exposure
SB Home
School of Communication and Journalism Excellence Fund
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine Dean's Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
School of Dental Medicine Student Assistance Fund
School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions Fund for Excellence
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Alumni Fund
School of Nursing Award
School of Professional Development
School of Social Welfare
School of Social Welfare L Fund
School of Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Senior Design Fund for TBI
Sociology Department Fund for Excellence
Softball Fund for Excellence
SoMAS General Scholarship Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Endowed Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Fund
Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Child Care
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
Stony Brook Film Festival Current Use
Stony Brook Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Marching Band
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SBVAC) Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Student Affairs Fund
Student Emergency Support Fund
Student Life Fund
Surgery Chairman's Research and Education Fund
Swimming & Diving Fund for Excellence
Tennis Fund for Excellence
The English Department Fund for Excellence
The Parent Fund
Turkana Basin Institute Project
Turner Support Fund
Undergraduate Biology Fund
Undergraduate Philosophy Club
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
University Counseling Center
University Library
Veterans Assistance Fund
Volleyball Fund for Excellence
W. Burghardt & Joyce Turner Endowed Fellowship Fund
Wise Scholarship Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Fund for Excellence
Women's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Women's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Women's Leadership Council Fund
Women's Soccer Fund for Excellence
WUSB-FM Radio Fund
- Choose a Program -
1998 Black Expo Fund
2008 Class Gifts
2010 Class Gifts
2011 Class Gifts
2012 Class Gifts
33rd Northeast Bioengineering Conference
40 Under Forty
A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Endowed Scholarship
A.M.S. Memorial Scholarship
Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship in Classical Literature and Latin
Academic Excellence
Accounting Advisory Board
Accurate, Scalable, Low Cost Floor Plan Construction Using Commodity Smartphones Research
Ackerman Music Endowment
Adult Literacy Program
Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)
Advanced Power Sources Laboratory
Aeroflex Laboratories Scholarship
Aerosol and Mucous Hypersecretion Account
Africana Studies-Black Womens Forum
AI and Music Initiative
AIDC 100 Library Collection
AIDC 100 Library Collection Endowment
AIDS Center Patient Care Fund
AIDS Center Research Fund
AIDS Center/ AIDS Education
Al & Harriet Zlatin Fund at Staller Center
Alan Babich Memorial Prize in English Endowment
Alfonse D'Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American Studies
Alfred Wolf Award Fund
Algorithms Guarding and Acquiring Geometric Models
Alison Stopeck Research Fund
All Teens Considered
All the Way Scholarship Fund
Alumni Center
Alumni Deans Choice Award
Alumni Initiative Endowment
Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
Alumni Programs Fund
Alumni Reunions
Alzheimer Research Foundation
Ama Medical Student Activity Account
Ambulatory Patient Complimentary Medical Supplies
Amenities Fund in Honor of A. Peter Gary
Amenities Fund In Honor of Charles Davis
Amenities Fund In Honor of E. Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Evelyn (Billie) Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Morris G. Cohen
Amenities Fund in Honor of W K Ferguson
AMETEK Thermal Scholarship Fund
Amie Hanes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
AMS Dept. Quantitative Finance Program
Analog Design Automation
Analysis Fund in Mathematics
Ananya Fund Center for India Studies
Anatomical Sciences Department
Andrea Roher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Merrill Silver Endowed Scholarship
Andrew and Merrill Silver Flexcelsior
Andrew and Merrill Silver Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Yue Min Lee Scholarship
Anemia-Chronic Renal Failure Account
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Ania Kowalik and Laurence Higgins Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medi
Ann Neuberger Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Bohme Endowed Scholarship
Anne Sayre Prize Endowment
Anthony and Antoinette Di Donato Scholarship
Anthony Fronzoni III Endowed Scholarship
Anthony M. Bongiorno Endowed Scholarship for Women in Science
Antonawich Lab Education Account
Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund
APD Sean Finnegan and Paul Richards Memorial Fund
Applied Health Informatics Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Teaching Chair
Applied Math Scholarship
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund (Current Use)
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arms Control Disarmament Peace Fund
Arms Control/Peace
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Award
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Fund
Arnold M. Feingold Prize in Astronomy
Aronson and Virag Scholarship Current Use Fund for Narrative Journalism
Arrhythmia Project/Study Fund
Art Therapy Fund
Artem Ayzen Memorial Fund
Arthur Berken Memorial Fellowship Fund
Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship
Artificial Intelligence Fund for Excellence
Artificial Intelligence Research Fund
Arunkumar and Umaben Parikh Scholarship
Ashley Schiff Preserve Endowed Scholarship
Asian American Center
Asian American Fundraising Account
Aspiring Science and Mathematics Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Asthma Research
Astronomy Group
Athletic Department Fund for Excellence
Athletic General Scholarship Fund
Athletics Academic Support Center
Athletics Endowment
Autism Applied Behavioral Research Fund in Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Fund
Autoinflammatory Disease Research Fund
Aviv Scholarship for First Generation Students Endowment Fund
Ayanis Outer Town Archaelogical Project
Babak Movahedi Student Leadership Endowment
Babies' and Children's Memorial Garden
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Baldwin Breast Imaging
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara M. Swartz Endowed Student Excellence Fund in History
Barbara Mills Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara N. Pond Memorial Student Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts & Education Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts and Education Endowment
Bariatric Walk for Weight Loss
BASH Event Operations
Behavioral Sciences Education in Dental Medicine
Benjamin W. Lee and Joo Sang Kang Endowed Memorial Award
Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund
Berlin Family Foundation/Arkwin Industries, Inc.
Bernard Semmel Endowed Fund in History
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Betumonga Research Station Project
Bill Arens Endowed Scholarship Fund for International Study
Bill Drayton Social Enterprise Fund at the College of Business
Bill Godfrey Endowed Teaching Excellence Awards
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence
Biochemistry Department
Biochemistry General Support
Biological Basis of Personality
Biomedical Engineering Building
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Bioscience-Lyme Research-Coyle
Bipolar Awareness Account
Bishembarnath & Sheela Mattoo Center for India Studies Endowment
Black Faculty School Fund
Black History Month Fund
Bliss Verdon Scholarship Fund Endowment
Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Bloomberg Climate
BMI Donations
Board of Trustees' Special Fund for Presidential Initiatives
Bob Meyers Award in Music
Bonazzi Voice Scholarship Endowment
Bone Marrow Transplant
Brady William Russell Memorial Fund
Braile MacArthur Prize History
Brain Tumor Research Project
BRAtender Challenge
Breast Cancer Education Grant
Breast Cancer Equipment Lease Account
Breast Cancer Patient Service Fund
Breast Cancer Programs and Services
Breast Cancer Research
Breast Cancer Research-Ute Moll
Breast Cancer Service Acoount
Brenda Daniels Memorial Fund
Brevet Capital Management Fund for the Investment Club
Brian A. Wright Memorial Autism Research Fund
Brinkhuis Scholarship Award
Bromo Criptine In Aphasia
Brooke Ellison Legacy Scholarship
Bryan Griesbeck Memorial Scholarship
Building a Pipeline for Social Work Careers
Burn Center and Skin Bank Fund
Burn Center Compression Garment Fund
Burt and Jean Stangarone Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
Buskin Committee Activities
C. Chernow Endow Schol Journal
C. E. W. I. T. Conference and Expo
C. N. Yang - DENG Wei Endowed Chair in Physics and Astronomy
CA Technologies
Campus Beautification Committee Fund
Campus Residence Fund
Campus Services Enhancements
Cancer Boutique
Cancer Center SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Center/SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Research at SBUMC
Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Research-Basil Rigas
Capital Campaign
Capstone Corporate Corporate Partners Fund
Car-T Cancer Therapy Program
Cardiology Department
Cardiology Research and Education Fund (CaRE Fund)
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing Staff
Cardiovascular Center
Career Center Support Fund
Career Placement Center Revitalization
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Carol and Lyle Gomes Endowed Scholarship
Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
Carol Chernow Memorial Scholarship at Stony Brook University
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center
Carole L. Weidman (Nussbaum) Athletics Endowment
CAS Fund for Education
CAS Pure Endowment Fund
Catacosinos Family Fund
Catherine Wang Fund in History
Catholic Campus Ministries
Catholic Studies Endowment
CEAS Co-Curricular Education Fund
CEAS Fellowships
CEAS Tech & Society Excellence Fund
Cecil L. Hall Endowment
Cedric J. Priebe Endowed Pediatric Surgery Lectureship
Cellular Tel - Southampton Campus
Cellular Tel. (AT&T) Scholarship Endowment Fund
CELT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Center for Advanced Technology Sensor Systems
Center For Biotechnology Fund for Excellence
Center for Biotechnology Translational Research
Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning Fund for Excellence
Center For Emerging Infections
Center for Game Theory
Center for Health Policy and Management
Center for Healthy Aging
Center for India Studies - Research and Publication Projects
Center For Industrial Cooperation
Center For Infectious Diseases
Center for Integration of Business Education & Humanities Fund
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
Center for News Literacy
Center for Science and Mathematics Education
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Center for the Advancement of Earth & Space Science Education
Center for the Study of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Relations
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Endowed Excellence Fund
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Excellence Fund
Center of Excellence in Wireless Internet and Information Technology (CEWIT)
Centre Valbio Building Fund
Cerebrovascular Center Equipment Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease Research Fund
CESAME Scholarships
CESAME Student Support Fund
CEWIT - General Fund
Chair's Award in Art
Chair's Scholar Quasi Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Golf Outing
Chemistry Alumni Fund
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Corporate Seminar Series
Chemistry Endowment Fund for Excellence
Chemistry Instructional Equipment Account
Chemistry Research Fund for Professor Ojima
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Symposia Fund
Cherith Foundation Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics
Chhabra Endowment for Undergraduate Student Research in Math & Science
Child Life Services Fund
Child Psychiatry Sunshine Fund
Children with Crohn's Colitis and Intestinal Disease
Children's Hospital Comedy Show
Children's Hospital Garden Fund
Children's Resource Center Fundraising Account
Childrens Cancer Research Account
Chinese Culture and Society
Chinese Studies General Purpose Fund
Choi Moo Nam Scholarship for Korean Studies Endowment
Chris Algieri Chamption Lifestyle Scholarship Fund
Christine Rothman Endowment Fund
Christopher Samaria Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy Metcalf Library and Therapy Endowed Intent Fund
Cindy Metcalf Memorial Library
Cingular Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cingular Scholarship Fund
Citigroup Scholarship for Minority Students in Technology and Society
Civic Performance Project
Civil Engineering Diversity Scholarship
Claire D. Hall Endowment
Class of '72 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Aldustus Jordan and Dr. Jack Stern
Cleft Palate/Craniofacial School of Dental Medicine Fund
Clifford E. Swartz Student Excellence Fund in Physics & Astronomy
Clinic Renovation Fund
Clinical Education Fund
Clinical Support Services
CLS Equipment Fund
Coast Institute
Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Cognitive Disability: A Challenge to Moral Philosophy Conference
Colin Carr Scholarship for Cellists
Collaborative for the Earth
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) Hardship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Building Fund
College of Engineering Golf Outing
Colon & Rectal Educational Fund
Community Health Education
Community Medicine / MCS Fund
Community Music Programs General Operating Fund
Community Music Programs Scholarship Fund
Community Service and Service Learning Fund
Commuter Student Services and Off Campus Living
COMPAS Lab - Killer Microsecond Project
Computational Geometry Student Travel Fund
Computational Materials Research Fund
Computer architecture Stony Brook lab
Computer Architecture Stony Brook Lab - Oracle
Computer Associates Education Account
Computer Graphics Vision Fund
Computer Science Honors Program Scholarships
Computer Science Industrial Associates Fund
Computer Science Library
Computer Science Women Retention Program
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Group
Computer-based Problem Solving Lab.
Condensed Matter Physics Fund
Condor Array Telescope Fund
Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms
Confucius Institute
Consortium of Digital Arts, Culture and Technology Fund for Excellence
Conti Family Scholarship Fund
Continuous Individual Crisis Aid Alert System (CICaidA) Fund
Coordinated Fetal Care Program Fund
Copy of David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Costigan,George Endw
Council of International Programs
Covid Rapid Response Biodesign Fund
Creative Writing Award Fund
Crystallography Research Fund
CS Lab Discretionary Fund
Cultural Programming Fund
Curtiss-Wright Centennial Flight Scholarship
Cutaneous Gene Therapy Fund
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
CVB Community Health Team
Cyclone Ava
Cynthia G. Mitchell Endowed Fund for Excellence in History
Cynthia Mitchell Scholarships in History
D-TALE Fund for Excellence
Dal Jae Huh Endowment-Korean Studies
Damianos Endowment Fund
Dan Brooks Memorial Educational Award for Students with Cancer
Dan Rattiner Special Collections Fund
Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Award in Hematolgy
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty Cancer Research Fund
Daniel Lazaroff Family Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Danni Kemp Memorial Fund for Excellence
Das Family Men's Soccer Scholarship Fund
Data Base For Materials
David E. King Field Work Award in Geosciences
David Erdman Fellowship Fund
David Fox Prize
David L. Brown MD Research & Education Fund
David L. Williams Memorial Fund
David L. Williams Scholarship Endowment
David Mayer Energy Research and Technology Fund
Davidson Family Scholarship
DCI - Martin R. Liebowitz Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Dean's Award for Global Health Research
Dean's Cancer Fund
Dean's Merit Fund for Engineering
Dean's Off. SB Southampton
Deana Carpio Memorial Scholarship
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction
Della Pietra Fund for Gifted High School Students in Math and Science
Della Pietra Lecture Series
Della Pietra Visiting Professor in Music
Delphin Endowment for Finance
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Grant 2022
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences - CU
Dental Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Dental Biomaterials Research
Dental Graduation Alumni Activities Fund
Dental Graduation/award Fund
Dental Mission to Madagascar
Dental School Conference and Special Events
Dental Student Yearbook Fund
Dentsply Student Initiative Fund
Department of Children's Dentistry Research Fund
Department of Dermatology Chair
Department of Economics Interdisciplinary Research Fund
Department of French
Department of History's Scholarships
Department of Music Endowed Artist in Residence Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedics CME
Department of Orthopaedics Resident Educational Research
Department of Orthopedics Fellowship Fund for Excellence
Department of Physic and Astronomy Book Prize Fund
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology Fund
Department of Sociology
Department of Surgery Fund for Excellence
Department of Urology Lecture Series
Department of Urology Operating Fund
Department Resident Education and Equipment Fund
Dept of Neurosurgery- Advancement of Neurosciences
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Pathology - Dr Yupo Ma
Dept of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Fund
Dept. of Children's Dentistry
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Golf Outing
Deputy Chief Raymond M. Downey Scholarship
Dermatology Fund
Dermatology Growth and Discovery
Design and Analysis Research Lab
Development and Delivery of Anti Inflammatory and Anti Invasive Bioactives
Development of Components of RSFQ Devices
Di Tian Graduate Award
Diabetes Educational Exchange
Diane D. Brink Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Diane Ducy Hitchings-Tiernan '72 RN Baccalaureate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Digestive Diseases Research Tissue Procurement Facility
Disability and Policy Analysis Research Fund
Disabled Fund Raising Account
Discovery Fund for Research
Distinguished Lecture Series
Distributed Computing Program
Diversity Student Educational Fund
Division of Animal Laboratory Resources Fund
Division of Biological Sciences
Division of Gastroenterology
Doelger Graduate Scholarship Fund
DoIT Women's Leadership Initiatives
Don Ihde Endowed Fund for Excellence in Philosophy
Don Jose Marti Excellence Scholarship
Donald M. Mulvey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Donation Fund for SBU West Campus Essential Employees
Dorothy Awards
Dorothy G. Pieper Graduate Endowment
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Endowment Fund
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund
Douglas Futuyma Endowed Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology
Dr Mindy G. Brodsky Fund for Generative Health Education
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences -INT
Dr. Amy S. Chu-Wong, M.D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bernard Malberg Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Beverly Birns Women's Studies Conference Room
Dr. Blasco C. Gomes Endowment Fund
Dr. Bo Ha Endowed Endodontic Award Fund
Dr. Brisbane Leadership & Social Justice Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou General Dentistry Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Endowed Award
Dr. Ellinor Peerschke Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Eric B. Holst and Virginia Holst Memorial Endowment
Dr. Fred S. Ferguson Scholarship
Dr. Gonzalo Pardo Memorial Award
Dr. Gujavarty Family Seminar Fund in India Studies
Dr. Gustav Durrer Travel Award Endowment
Dr. Gwinnett Dental Student Memorial
Dr. James F. Dana Sr. Scholarship
Dr. Jason Kim '03 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
Dr. John McCann Memorial Award
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic End Fund for Excellence-INT
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic Fund for Excellence
Dr. Luis Gruberg Research in Cardiology
Dr. Martin Hauptman Award
Dr. Martin R. Liebowitz Scholarship
Dr. Max Fink Collection Fund
Dr. Michael DeLuca Endowed Student Excellence Fund for Italian Studies
Dr. Michael Schwartz Award for Excellence in Sociology
Dr. Myung Oh Gateway to Engineering Building Fund
Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Lewis Memorial Fund
Dr. Paul Neuberger Endowment
Dr. Richard J. Oringer Award Endowment
Dr. Roger S. Keresztes Educational and Research Fund
Dr. Seymour Friedman Endowed Scholarship in Endodontics
Dr. Stephen Gold Award
Dr. Vito De Simone and Mrs. Carolyn De Simone Endowment for a Visiting Lectureship in Italian
Drs. Connie and Lee Koppelman Endowed Fund for Scholarships
Drs. Douglas and Barbara Brand Diversity in Medicine Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Drs. Ellen Li and Samuel L. Stanley Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Medicine
Drs. Richard P. and Philip V. Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives
Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center Fund
E. & P. F. Palmedo School In the Music
E. S. Q. Summer Music Festival
Early Breast Cancer Detection Research of Biomarker TSP50
Early Music Operations Account
Eating Disorders Conference
Eckard Wimmer Endowed Graduate Scholarship for Student Excellence
Economics Scholarship Fund
Ed Hahne Marching Band Memorial Award
Edith Salvo Endowment
Edmund D. Pelligrino Professorship of Medicine Endowment
Edmund McTernan Endowment
Education Fund for Lipid Cancer Lab
Educational Exchange China Fellowship
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Edward & Patty Knapp Endowed Scholarship
Edward Countey Memorial Endowment
Edward H. Bergofsky Memorial Fund
Edward J. Mardovich Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Edward J. O'Connell Excellence Award in Health Science
Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award
Edward R. Fabian '08 Alumni Engagement Endowment Fund for the College of Business
Eldercare Initiative
Electrically Controlled Optical Device
Electrophysiology Fund
Eli Seifman Memorial Scholarship
Elia Swartz Memorial Fund
Elisabeth & Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship In the Arts
Elisabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Award in Graduate Art History
Elizabeth Ball Kurz Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth M. Desch Athletic Scholarship
Elof Carlson Fund
Elsie Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Cancer Research Fund
Emergency Mangmnt and Planning
Emergency Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Golf Classic
Emerson String Quartet Special Projects Fund
Empire National Bank Endowment for Banking Education at the College of Business
Employee Compensation Program
Endowed Award Fund for Cognitive Science in Psychology
Endowed Award Fund for Social and Health Psychology
Endowed Chair Account for College of Engineering
Endowed Chair for the Institute for Advanced Computational Science Director
Endowed Chair in Nursing Research
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
Endowed Graduate Fund in Political Science
Endowed Scholarship for Southampton Campus
Engineering and Smart Systems Research
Engineering Ethics Symposium
Engineering Teaching Lab
English Graduate Students Travel Fund
Entrepreneur Fund for the College of Business Current Use Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
EOP-Elite Chemistry Program
Epilespy Educational Research
Ericcson Messaging Systems, Inc. Graduate Fellowship
Ernesto Chinchilla-Aguilar Fellowship
Erwin & Freddie Staller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Estate of Thomas Donahue-Schroeffel
Esther and Jack Spivak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Esther Rentas Research Award
Etherereum 2022
Eugene R. Katz Endowed Excellence Fund in Biological Sciences
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art
Eugenia Brown Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Eugenie Van Drooge Kissinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Evan Frankel Fellowship
Evan Frankel Marine Sciences Scholarship Program
Evan R. Liblit Fund-raising Account
Evan R. Liblit Memorial Fund
Evan R. Liblit Recycling Symposium
Evangelos & Foteini Tsirka Award
Evelyn Bonner Endowment Fellowship
Evelyn Grollman Glick Endowment
Evening of the Arts Fund
Executive Director's Office Account
Experimental Learning for the College of Arts & Sciences
F. Weinstein Dissertation Research Award
FACT Foundation Breast Cancer Research Fund
Faculty Student Association Scholarship
Family Medicine Wellness and Chronic Illness Center
Family Population and Preventive Medicine
Fatty Acid Desaturase
File Systems Lab
Finish in Four General Support
Finish in Four Scholarship Fund
First Advantage Dental Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fit and Fabulous after Breast
Fit Kids Program
Fixed Price Balance Account for CEWIT
Floris Barnett Cash Endowed Scholarship
Foodlab Education Fund
Fossil Africa ConservationTrust
Foundational Research for Input Performance Modelling
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship Endowment
Frances Bisignano Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Frances Brisbane Endowed Scholarship Fund in Social Welfare
Francis Johnson Lecture Series in Chemical Biology
Frank Conti Memorial Football Fund
Frank Myers Fund for Excellence
Fred Sheinbaum Endowment
Freedom School at Stony Brook University
French Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Frey Family Endowed Fellowship Fund
Frey Family Endowed Research Fund
Frey Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Quantitative Finance Fund
Friends of Judaic Studies
Friends of Latin Current Use Fund
Friends of Latin Endowment
Friends of Neurosurgery Fund
Friends of Southampton Marine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve
Friends of the School of Professional Development Alumni
Fritzi Weinstein Reporting Scholarship
FSA Scholarship Endowment
Fumi and Hikaru Kato Endowed Intend Fund for Excellence in Physics
Fumi Kato Student Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Fund for Biomedical Informatics and Faculty Support
Fund for Excellence for Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Fund for Excellence in Psychiatry
Fund for Motion Correction in PET and MRI
Fund for Strategic Initiatives
Fund to Support The Coastal Ecology and Conservation Research Program
Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Garcia Center For Polymers
Gardiner Fund - Long Island Historical Journal
Gardiner Graduate Fellowship
Gardiner Related Activities
Gardiner Scholarship-History
Gardner Foundation Endowed Student Research Award
Gene E. Mundie Scholarship Fund for Doctoral Study
General Clinical Research Center
General Dentistry Faculty and Development Program Initiatives Account
General Dentistry Fund For Mark Wolff
General Engineering Award
General Practice Residency Program
General Reserach Support for the Department of Biochemistry
General Scholarship Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
General Support for Department of Pathology
General Ting Feng Cheng Endowed Chair
Genetics Accounts
Geometry and Graphics Development
George and Olga Tsunis Fellowship for Cancer Prevention
George C. Warner Endowed Schol
George E. Xippolitos Endowed Memorial Fund for Doctoral Education in Nursing Research
George Goldberg Fund
George Goodman Memorial Fund
George J. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
George L. DeWan Endowed Memorial Scholarship
George Williams Endowment Fund for Student Research
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Current Use
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Endowment Intent
Georgica Pond Fund
Geosciences Undergraduate Students
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Geriatric Medicine Instructional Account
GGM Support For Graduate Students
GHI Director's Current Use Fund
Gift Program to Help Cancer Patients
Gilbert Kalish Endowed Scholarship in Musical Performance
Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship
Global Affairs Fund For Excellence
Global and Local History Support
Global Health Institute Endowed Fund
Gloria and Mark Snyder Endowed Award of Excellence
Gloria and Mark Snyder Symposium for Cancer Medicine
Gloria Kahn Prize in Hispanic Languages
Goddard Family Scholarship Fund
Gold Coast Bank Current Use Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Gold Coast Bank Endowed Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Goldberger Fine Arts Endowment
Goldstein Family Fund for Athletic and Academic Excellence
Goldstein Family Student Athlete Development Center Endowment
Graduate Chemistry Endowment Fund
Graduate Fellowship in Hispanic Languages & Literature
Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Graduate Program in Public Health
Graduate School Conferences & Spec Event
Graduate Student Fellowship Fund
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Summer Fellowship in Psychology
Green Conference Africana Studies
Greene Lectureship in Medical Oncology Endowment
Greenhouse Fund
Griffith Lung Cancer Fund
Grumman Ceas Scholarships
Grumman Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Grumman Fellowship Endowment
GSB Music Fest Fund at Stony Brook University Cancer Center
Gudjon Hermannsson Fund
Guru Madhavan Endowed Intent Leadership Speaker in Engineering
Guy A. Cassara Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Research Fund
H Kurnol '61 Ended Scholarship
H. B. Silsbee Award for Excellence
Hanson - Curriculum Development Fund
Hardship Fund
Harpsichord Fund
Harry Kalish Scholarship Fund in Psychology
Harsh Bhasin Political Science Endowed Scholarship Endowment
Harvard Lyman Award
Harvey Aronson and Irene Virag Endowed Scholarship for Narrative Journalism
Hawrys Student Recreation Center
Health Care Policy and Management Fund for Excellence
Health Science Library Research Fund
Health Sciences Center-Clinical Skill Labs-Derinda Pell Steine
Health Sciences Center-Dean of the School of Dentistry
Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center
Heart Institute Cardiology Fund for Excellence
Hematology Department
Hennessy Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for Staller Center for the Arts
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for the School of Health Professions
Herbert Weisinger Endowment
Herman Klurfeld Memorial Scholarship
Herman Nertz Track Endowment
Herrnstein Hall Fund
Hidden Symmetries Art Show
HISB Civic Performance Registration
Hispanic & Latino Scholarship
Hispanic Language Conference Fund
Historical Documents and Programs Fund
History Graduate Fund
Homer Goldberg Scholarship Fund
Hong Zhang '91 and Liya Liang '94 Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Materials Science
Honors College
Honors College Scholarship Program
Hope for Scleroderma
HOPE Program
Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
Howard and Marie Mettler Research Endowment
Howard R. Zern Track and Field Endowed Scholarship
Hsiao - Polymer Chemistry Research Support
Hsin-Yao Teng Memorial Scholarship in Music
Hugh J. Silverman Student Travel Award in Continental Philosophy
Human Evolution Conferences and Special Events
Human Resources Administration
Hydrogeology Fund
I-con Scholarship In Science
I. C. F. A. Conference Funds
I.T.P.A. Director's Development and Operating Account
IACS Corporate Donations
ICB&DD Fund for Student Excellence
IDPAS Fund for Student Success
igniteCS Program
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowship
Ilana Shanks Memorial Scholarship
Immunology Research of Dr. Ghebrehiwet
IMS- Simons Endow Math/Physics
In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing Fund
Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation Endowed Chair in Insurance and Risk Management Fund
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County Fund at the College of Business
India Studies Gala
Indoor Training Center Fund
Industrial Partners Program
Infection Control Education Fund
Infectious Disease Research Gifts Program
Infectious Diseases Division Fund
Information Assurance Lab Fund
Inke Anatomical Research Fund
Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Institute for Global Studies
Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science (IOCS) General Fund
Institute for STEM Education Fund
Institute for Sustainable Development
Institute for Theoretical Physics Fund
Institute of Cell & Devel. Biology Fund
Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Research Assistance
Institute Of Energy: Sustainability, Environment, And Equity Excellence Fund
Intelligent Dashboards Research Fund
Intensive English Center
Interfaith Center Furnishings Fund
Interfaith Renovation
Internal Medicine Resident Research Award Fund
International Academic Programs Development
International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop
International Dental Outreach Fund
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Development
Inventor Recognition
Investors Foundation AYA Grant 2022
IPS Scholarship Fund
Iraq Site Looting Project
Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship Fund Endowment
Irving Abrahams Endowment
Island Federal Credit Union Database Fund
Island Federal Credit Union Dean's Fund for Excellence in Finance
Island Federal Credit Union Endowment for Banking Education and Research
Italian American Archive R&T
Italian Language Instruction in Community
Italian Studies Endowment
Ivan & Alice Chao Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
J Hennessy End Prof in Com Sci
J. Howard Oaks Student Scholarship
Jacob Bigeleisen Lectureship Endowment
Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection
James Davis Memorial Fund
James Droesch Minimally Invasive Gynecology Endowed Award
Janice Rohlf Endowed Scholarship
Japanese Studies Program
Jarelyn Lopez Endow Scholar
Jay D. Waxenberg Family Scholarship
Jazz Fund for Excellence
JC Cancer Laboratory Support Fund
Jean M. Devlin Achievement Award
Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Jeff Pobiner Memorial Fund Endowment
Jeffrey Irwin Memorial Fund
Jennifer Ferraro Fund
Jerome Roth Fund for Music
Jesse Tepper Chair's Scholarship Fund in the Department of Sociology Endowment
Jewish Culture Fund at Stony Brook University
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health - Current Use
Jim Fiore, Sr. Fund for Academic & Athletic Excellence
Jo Fusco Fellowship Endowment
Joan Kenny Endowed Scholarship
Joan Korins, DDS '80 Memorial Award in Pediatric Dentistry
Joan Moos Scholarship Fund
Jocelyn Rose Pascucci Fund
Joe Nathan Baseball Fund
Joel Mitofsky Memorial Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Cancer Research Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Professorship in Cancer Research
Joel Strum Kenny School in Madagascar
John Dunn Excellence Fund in Life Sciences
John F. and Joan Risickella Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Gassner Endowment Fund
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship for Science, Engineering & Mathematics
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship in Music Performance
John H. Marburger III Pollock-Krasner Annual Lecture Endowed Fund
John J. and Margaret D. Leddy Sr. Marching Band Endowed Scholarship
John Leddy Marching Band Award
John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence
John Sampson Toll Endowment - Prize in Physics
John W. Milnor Endowed Graduate Fund in Math
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology INT
Joint Replacement Center
Jonathan D. Kaufman Endowed Student Excellence Fund in Physics
Jonathan S. Ryan Scholarship
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library Fund
Joseph A. Tursi Scholarship in Italian Studies
Joseph and Virginia Roller Endowment
Joseph Andriola Memorial Fund to Benefit SBUMC Epilepsy Program
Joseph Lauher And Frank Fowler Endowed Chair In Materials Chemistry Fund
Joseph N. Campolo Award for Legal Studies
Joseph P. Durso Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Joseph Tromba Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of College Science Teaching Fund
Journalism Internship Stipends
Journalism without Wall Scholarship
Joyce Trondle Memorial Library
Judith Boudreau Endowed Scholarship Award
Judith Tanur Dissertation Research Endowment Fund
Karen Burke Endowed Memorial Fund
Karen Burke Memorial Fund
Karen Sabol Memorial Scholarship
Katherine & Bob Bayer Endowed Intent Scholarship in Music Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Kavita & Lalit Bahl Molecular Imaging Laboratory
Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Innovation Award Fund
Kavli PES Comms Training
Keane T. Kyle Nursing Award
Kehoe Family Fund for Stony Brook Athletics
Kenneth Short Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenneth Staudte Scholarship
Kerry Rose Foundation Fund for Commuter Student Services and Off-Campua Housing Fire Safety
Kevin C. King and John A. Miller Endowment
Kidney Dialysis Related Research Fund
KidOYO: Arie E. Kaufman Mentor Service Award
Kilimitzoglou Endowed Scholarship Fund
Klio Claire Kordas Memorial Fund For Excellence
Knapp Fund
Knapp Swezey Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Koch Family Basketball Scholarship Fund
Koppelman Endowed Fellowship in Political Science
Korean Buddhist Research Fund Endowment
Korean Studies Center
Korean Studies Endowment
Korean Studies Publication Project
Kristin Harris Award
Kuga-Sah Memorial Fund
L I Technology Hall of Fame
L. I. Kleinman, Md Pediatric Library
L.I.C.C. Cancer Database Fund
L.I.L.A.C. Fund 2016
Lab. For Wireless & Intelligent Systems
Lab. Research Neuron Growth
Labor/management Studies
Laboratories for Brain and Spinal Cord Research
Laboratory For Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Information Technology
Laboratory for the Analysis and Dating of Sediment
Lama Telescope Project
Language Learning Research Center Development Fund
Lap Chan Endowment
Larry Roher Entrepeneurial Award
Larry Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laser Teaching Center
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Center Student Award
Latin and/or CLS Studies Scholarship
Laufer Center
Laufer Center 2017 Professorship
Laufer Center Art Fund
Laufer Center for Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs
Laufer Center Fund for Excellence
Laufer Center-Ukrainian Research Initiative
Laufer Chair Laboratory Fund
Laufer Chemistry Faculty Fund
Laufer Endowed Associate Professorships
Laufer Endowed Chair
Laufer Fellow Carlos Simmerling
Laufer Professor Laboratory Fund
Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
Lauren Ackerman Memorial
Laurence Baxter Memorial Lecture Fund
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for C. Gobler & B. Peterson
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for Ellen Pikitch
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Fund for Graduate Research
Lawrence E. Noonan Scholarship
Leakey Fellowships
Lee Myers Endowment
Leeds Tuition Scholarship
Leo and Mickey Sreebny Symposium Quasi Endowment Fund
Leo Guthart Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leon Bolotin Memorial Scholarship in Arts
Leon Marienberg Family Practice Award Endowment
Leonard Krasner Psychological Center
Lev Ginzburg Lectureship in Ecology
Lewis M. Peterson Technical Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Library Books Shipping Fund
Library Collection Development Fund
Library Director's Account
Lichtenstein Fund for Centre ValBio
Lichtenstein Fund for Southampton Arts at Stony Brook University
Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Kahn Endowment
Lina Obeid Memorial Cancer Research Fund
Linda Bily Patient Advocacy Fund
Linda Delligatti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
LISTnet LISA Scholarships
Lloyd Cutler Endowment
Lois and Robert Stafford Award
Long Island Cancer Center (LICC)
Long Island Cancer Center Advancement Events Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Programs And Research Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Witness Fund
Long Island Cancer Center's Cut For The Cure
Long Island Cancer Research Donation Account
Long Island Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Long Island Groundwater Institute
Long Island High Technology Entrepreneurs Program
Long Island Museum of Natural Sciences
Long Island State Veterans Home
Long Island State Veterans Home Capital Fund
Long Island State Veterans Home-Special Projects
Long Island Tech Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship
Lori R. Brickman Student Support Fund
Louise Guarneri College of Arts & Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Louise Guarneri Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS - Development and Outreach
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS Research Fund
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS-Camp
Lourie Research Endowed Fellowships in Physics
Lung Cancer Evaluation Center
Lung Cancer Screening Fund
Lupus Account For Gary Zieve
Lyme Disease-Southampton Fund
M L Stone Education Center
M.S.R.C. Endowment
Madagascar Ankizy Fund
Madagascar Dental Outreach Fund
Madeline Fusco Fellowship Award
Manlong Rao Endowed Fund for Excellence
Marburger Scholarship
Marcell and Maria Roth Scholarship (Endowment)
Marcy McGinnis Endowed Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism
Margot Ammann Durrer Library Endowment
Maria Tzamarioudaki Memorial Fellowship In Chemistry
Marian I. Eskow Physician Assistant Scholarship
Marie Colvin Center for International Report - The Reporting Project
Marie Colvin Memorial Endowment Fund
Marie Colvin Memorial Fund
Marie Frey Memorial Award
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Reseach Fund
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Research Fund
Marilyn Colletta Research Fund
Marilyn Goodman Commuter Assistant Program
Marilyn Goodman Endowed Excellence Award
Marinetics Endowed Professorship in Marine Science
Mark Herzinger Scholarship in Political Science
Mark Ian Funt MD Resident Research Award
Marlene Ina Goldis Endowment
MART Art and Children's Hospital Enhancement Fund
MART Building Project
Martin Buskin Endowment
Martin Stone Endowment
Marty Weinbaum Fund for Excellence
Marvin Kuschner Professorship of Pathology Endowment
Marvin Kuschner Scholarship Fund
Mary Ellen Trodden Melanoma Fund
Mary F. Porter Scholarship
Marylou Stewart Pride Scholarship Fund
Material Sciences Endowment For Excellence
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Materials Sciences Research Center
Math for Simons Endowment for Math & Physics
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Matthew Blend Fund
Matthew T. Crosson Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Max Dresden Theory Physics Thesis Prize
Maynard M. Dewey Endowment
Maze-Landeau Fellowship
Maze-Landeau Graduate Student Fund for Excellence
MEC Senior Design Projects
Med Intensive Care Research
Medical Informatics
Medical Physics Education Research Fund
Medicine Academic Support Fund
Medicine Faculty Association
Medtronic Education Fund
Mellon Fellowship in Latin American History
Melvin V. Simpson Lecture Fund in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Memorial Account for Marta O. Sabates
Mendik-lyme Disease Fund
Merck Award
Merit Stony Brook Scholarship Program
Meyer Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in English
MFA Southampton Review
Michael A. Bane Music Scholarship
Michael A. Maffetone Community Service Award
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Math
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in SOMAS
Michael Corey Scholarship Fund
Michael Flynn Memorial Endowment
Michael Marx Memorial Fund
Michael P. Colbert Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Ohr Memorial Award Endowment
Michael S. Rosenbaum Scholarship for Journalism
Michi Nakao Japanese Studies
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor Systems
Middleton Family Student Athletic Alumni Award
Midwinter's Night Dream Research Lab
Milton Lodge Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Mind Body Clinical Research Center
Mineral Physics Institute General Fund
Mineral Physics Student Fund in Geosciences
Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund
Minorities In Medicine Fund
Minorities in Psychology Program
Mitchell Stern Scholarship
Mobile Systems & Web Performance Lab
Modern Monetary Theory
Molecular Control of Cellular Growth Development and Signalling Leading to Inflammation, Immune Resp
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Award
Morton E. Kahn Prize in English
Mother Cabrini Oral Health Grant for 2023
MSE Special Events Fund
Multicultural Affairs Initiatives Fund
Multicultural Executive Mentoring Program
Multiple Sclerosis Care Center
Music Department
Music Student Award
Myra Haggerty '86 & Michael Harrold '85 Endowment for the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
N. I. C. U. -Nursing Education Fund
N. I. C. U. -Physician Research
N.I.C.U. Development Fund
NAIS David Sheehan Memorial Fund
Nancy Mendell Endowed Scholarship in Statistics
Nancy Wender Natl D
Naomi Stampfer Scholarship Endowment
Natale & Josephine Maresca Music Award
Nathaniel Bohrer Finance Endowment Fund
National Black AIDS Awareness Symposium
National Cancer Survivor Day
Native American Peoples Support Fund
Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Fund
Navy Seal LT Michael Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Neil and Arlene Butterklee Endowment Fund at the College of Business
NetApp Research Fund
Neurobiology - Mc Kinnon
Neurobiology of Retina
Neurology Department
Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Fund
Neurology Rehabilitation Research Fund
Neurology Stroke Research
New Computer Science Building
New Conjugated Materials Research
New Molecular & Macromolecular Materials
New Theatre Guild Chair's Fund
New York Community Bank Foundation Endowment for Real Estate Studies at College of Business
New York Dragons' Athletic Band Scholarship
New York Islanders' Brookhaven Scholarship Fund
New York Sea Grant
News Corp Commencement Award
Next Generation Endowment Fund
Nextel Scholarship Endowment
NextStep at Stony Brook University
Nina and Vinod Rathore Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad
Nirmal and Augustina Mattoo Endowed Chair in Indic Humanities
Nobel Biocare Fund for Implant Dentistry
Norman "Norm" Goodman Endowed Excellence Award in Sociology Endowment Fund
Norman "Norm" Goodman University Senate Endowment Fund
Norman Creel Prize Endowment
Norman H. Edelman MD Alumni Achievement Award for the Program in Public Health's 10th Anniversary
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award - INT
Nursing Vision Awards
NY Islanders Children's-Burn
NY Speaks SLP Bilingual Scholarship
O. S. A. Outreach & Education Program
Oberleder Professorship in Geriatric Medicine
OBGYN Access Fund
Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund
Obstetrics Dept
Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Support Fund
Okubo Endowment Fund
Okubo Fund
OLLI Commemorative Fund
Omnicon Group Inc. Scholarship Fund
Oncology Nursing Education Fund
Online Programming-Alda Center
Opera Guild of Long Island at Stony Brook
Optical Sciences
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Education Fund
Oral Biology and Pathology Department Fund
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organization for Tropical Studies Support Fund
Osteoporosis Center Fund
Othmar Ammann Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Othmar Ammann Endowment
Outstanding Korean-American Award Endowment
PACE Program Fund (Pre-Medical Access to the Clinical Experience)
Palliative Care Department Fund for Excellence
Palliative Care Program Fund
Pancreatic Cancer & Surgical Oncology Fund
Parameter-Free Stochastic Minimization of Non-Convex Functions
Parasites Project in Remote Madagascar
Parent Day Event Fund
Parent Relations Fund
Parker Aerospace Scholarship
Patricia A. Gramer Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Herman Memorial Fund
Patricia Lewis Pediatric Dentistry Residency Fund
Patrick Brooks Memorial Award Endowment Fund
Patrick Herley Memorial Fund
Patrick W. Warner Award
Paul A. Schreiber Scholarship
Paul Licht Teaching Award in Chemistry
Paul M.Bingham - Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Award
Paul N. Baer Department of Periodontics Educational Fund
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Endowment Fund
Pediatric Aids Fund
Pediatric Development Fund
Pediatric Fellowship Program Fund
Pediatric I. C. U. Development Fund
Pediatric Neurology Account
Pediatric Neurosurgery Support Fund
Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatric Trauma Account
Pediatric TV Fund
Pericles Gasparis Memorial Fund
Periodontal Molecular Immunolgy Lab (PMIL)
Peter B. Kahn Fund
Peter B. Kahn Physics Department Endowment
Peter F. Cohn Professorship in Cardiology Endowment
Peter H. Freedman Endowed Lecture Series in HIV Research
Peter J. Rajkowski Award
Peter Paul Memorial Endowment Fund
Peter S. Kim MD Endowed Scholarship
Peter V. Tsantes Family Endowed Scholarship to Study Abroad in Greece
Peter V. Tsantes Professorship in Greek Literature & Language
Petra M. Udelhofen Scholarship Endowment
Petrology Fund
Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C. Scholarship Fund
Pharmacology Undergraduate Program
PhD Graduate Fellowships in Chemistry
Philosophers of the Future Excellence Fund
Philosophy Department Visiting Lecturers
Philosophy Graduate Fund for Excellence
Physician Outreach Specl Proj
Physics & Astronomy Education Account
Physics and Astronomy Faculty Mortgage Assistance
Physics- Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Physiology & Biophysics Department
Piano Initiative
Piano Maintenance Endowment in Music
Pierce Gardiner Scholarship for International Medicine
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award
Pink Aid UBER to Stony Brook Mobile Mammography Sites
Pink Rock Fund
Poetry Center Donor Fund
Pollock-Krasner Conference Account
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Support
Pollock-Krasner House
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center Endowment
Pollock-Krasner Study Center
Pollock-Krasner Study Ctr.
Polymer Materials Field Fund
Polymer Nanocomposite Research
Pool Renovation Project
Post Endodontic Educational Fund
Post Graduate Orthodontic Fund
Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship Fund
President's Fund
Presidental Support
Presidential Innovation and Excellence
Presidential University Initiatives
Preventive Medicine Research
Preventive Medicine Residency
Preventive Medicine: Division of Epidemiology
Pritchard Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Pritchard Charitable Trust Gymnasium Renovation Account
Professional Services Fund, Laufer Center
Professor Akoglu Research in Advanced Graph Data Structure Processing, Analysis and Visualization
Professor Belenky Lab Fund
Professor John Neale Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in Psychology
Professor Richard S. L. Lee and Grace F. Lee Scholarship Fund
Project W.I.S.E. (Women in Science and Engineering)
Protopopescu Fundraising Benefit Fund
Psychiatry Department
Pulmonary Education Fund
Pulmonary Hypertension Fund
Pulmonary Mechanics Research
Pulmonary/Critical Care General Account
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund
R Leakey End Intent FD for TBI
R. R. Sokal Research in Statistical Biology
Radar Sensor Management
Radiation Oncology Fund
Rahsaan T. Jackson Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Watkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ramsey Water Well
Raphael Santore DDS '78 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Re-imagining Stony Brook Challenge Fund
Remote Area Medical Outreach Fund
Renaissance Fellowships in Computer Science
Renaissance School of Medicine - Peru Mission
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Event Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Contingency Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Endowment
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund for Excellence
Renaissance School of Medicine International Medicine Award Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Stethoscope Drive
Renaissance School of Medicine/University Hospital Fundraising Account
Renal Division Fund
Renner Dental Student Award
Reproductive Endocrinology Fund
Research & Education Activities-Headache
Research and Support in Oral Biology and Pathology
Research Gift Program
Research Gifts Program for ALS
Research Gifts Program for Breast Cancer Fund
Research Gifts Program for Diabetes
Research Gifts Program for Environmental Studies
Research Gifts Program for Obstetrics/Gynecology
Research Gifts Program for Oncology
Research Gifts Program for Pediatrics
Research Gifts Program for Prostate Cancer
Research Gifts Program for Pulmonary Disease
Research Gifts Program for Surgery
Research in Computational Neuroscience
Research into Microgravity Processed Materials
Research Support Account
Research Support for Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology of Organic Chemicals
Respiratory Care Program Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Disease Memorial Gift Account
Returning Military Personnel Scholarship
RF Sensing and Multimodal Fusion Research Fund
Rheological Studies Program
Rheumatology Education Fund
Rheumatology Faculty Recruitment and Retention Fund
Rich and Mary Morrison Basketball Fund
Richard A. Bishop Memorial Endowment Fund
Richard B. Martin Endowed Scholarship in History
Richard B. Martin Scholarship in History
Richard Friedman, Ph. D. Memorial Fund
Richard Gelfond Scholarship Fund
Richard Hartzell Endowment
Richard J. Oringer Implant Surgical Suite
Richard J. Puz Scholarship in Journalism
Richard Leakey Family Fund
Richard Nasti Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship
Richard W. Reeder Endowment Student Excellence Fund
Richmond County Savings Foundation Scholarship
Ride for Life ALS Clinical Office Gift Account
Robert "Dean" Schamberger Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Robert A. Rango '80 Endowed Fund for Computer Science
Robert A. Schwartz Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Robert and Rhoda Amon Scholarship
Robert Clark Scholarship Fund
Robert Clasen Schol in PoliSci
Robert David Lion Gardiner Chair in American History Fund
Robert Kahen Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Robert Liebermann Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Robert Renner Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert Renner Minority Student Recruitment Award
Robert S. Roth Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Robert W. Greene Summer Institute
Robotics Research Laboratory
Rod Engelmann Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
Roger Rosenblatt Prize in English
Roger Wunderlich Endowed Student Excellence Fund
Rohlf Medal
Rory Hackett Scholarship Fund
Rosalind Dressler Susman Memorial Endowment
Rosenthal Research Fund in History Endowment
Roslyn Foundation News Literacy Scholarship
Rozalia and Emil Berla Scholarship in Judaic Studies
RSOM Class of 1999 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
RSOM LQBTQ* Fund for Excellence
RSOM Scholarship Underrepresented Students
Ruby Peck Memorial Scholarship
Rudin Foundation Sch
Rudolph and James DiPietro Football Fund
Rudolph DiPietro Football Fund
Rugby Scholarship
Ruskin, Moscou, Evans and Faltischek, P.C. High Technology Scholarship Endowment
Russo Geriatric Education Scholarship Fund for Graduate SSW Students
Ruth Pasternack Leadership Award
S.B.F./ Dental Student Fund
S.H.T.M. Alumni Association
S.P.I.R. Scholarship For College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
S.T.E.M. Smart
Sachem Dental Group Endowment Fund
Safe Kids Account
Sag Harbor Village Fund
Sagaponack Pond Research Fund
Saints Program
Sajid and Ninoska Malik CAR-T Therapy Cancer Research Fund
Salomon Smith Barney Lecture Series
Sam and Rose Berezin Endowment
Sam Kornhauser Scholarship
Sampson Research Award
Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Foundation Scholarship
Samuel Baron Music Commission
Samuel Baron Prize In Music
Save The Lemurs Gala
Sayville Project
SB Home Gala
SB Southampton - Avram Gallery
SB Southampton Special Events
SB Undergraduate Student Book Award
SB Water Purification Grant
SBU Athletic Band Alumni Award
SBU Cancer Center End Research
SBU Climate Solutions Fund for Excellence
SBU Hacks
SBU Kappa Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Scholarship
SBU Letters Fund
SBUMC Lobby Enhancement Fund
Schermerhorn Cancer Foundation
Scholarship Support
Scholarships, Grant and Other Aid - Undergraduate Research
School of Dental Medicine Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
School of Dental Medicine Community Outreach Fund
School of Dental Medicine Enrichment Fund
School of Dental Medicine Post Graduate Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics Fund
School of Health Professions Aids Education and Resource Center
School of Health Professions Development
School of Health Professions High Tech Facility Construction
School of Health Professions PA Support Program
School of Health Professions Student Support Fund
School of Journalism Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine Alumni Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2005 Gift Matching Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2006 Gift Matching Fund
School of Nursing - 50th Anniversary Gala
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
School of Social Welfare Alumni Fund
School of Social Welfare Faculty Scholars Fund for Excellence
School of Thought - Union Walkway Project
School Re-entry Program
Science of Sexual Function
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Scott D. Middleton Scholarship in Political Science
SDM Continuing Education
Seawolves Mental Health Fund
Seawolves Success Scholarship
Seawolves United
Seawolves United Events
Sediment Imaging and Enviromental Sensor Research Fund
Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarship
Sei Sujishi Prize Endowment Fund
Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Senator Akporokena Pius Ewherido Memorial Scholarship
Sensor Cat Scholarship Program
Shalini Devi Gujavarty Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Shaun Abrilz Pediatric Research Fund
Shaun T Abrilz Pediatrics Fund
Shi Ming Hu Memorial Endowment for Leadership, Freshman, & Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Awards
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Clam Fund
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project
Shirley Murray Award for Distinguished Service
Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Fund Endowment
SHPE Scholarship
Si Young Bae Fellowship Endowment
Sidney Gelber Endowment
Sillcox Scholars Current Use Scholarship Fund
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Current Use Fund
Simons Chair of Medicine Endowment
Simons Institute of Mathematical Sciences Operating Fund
Simulation Seminar Master Awards
Single Parent Award Endowment Fund
Sir James Black Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research
Sir Run Run Shaw Endowment
Sleep Research in Psychology
SLUNGE Alumni Scholarship for the College of Arts & Sciences
Social Media Data Mining
Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Society of Flight Test Engineers-Long Island Chapter
Sociology Endowment Fund
Sokal Reading Room
Solan James Family & Lyshaan Hall Family Football Scholarship Fund
SOM Class of 1988 Endowed Award for Excellence in memory of our classmates
SOMAS Student Support
SoMAS Undergraduate Environmental Essay Writing Award
Soroff Family Israel Fellowship Endowment
Southampton Campus Windmill Renovation
Southampton Graduate Arts
Southampton Studio Theatre
Spanish Fund
Spatz Foundation Academic Scholarships for Renaissance School of Medicine Students
Special Collections Fund
Spect Research
Speech Language Pathology
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation Power Electronics Lab
Spellman Sustainable Future Research Fund
Spiegel Family Endowed Scholarship
Spinal Neurosurgery Research & Education
Sports Medicine Fund for Excellence
Sprint PCS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Squires/Steinberg Endowment Fund
SRI Research Fund - T. Koga
Srivastav, Tucker and Weitzman Scholarship
SSK Student Arts Festival Prgm
Staller Center Benefit Fund
Staller Center Dance Initiative
Staller Center for the Arts Endowment
Staller Center Initiatives
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2017
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2018
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2019
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2020
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2021
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2022
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2024
Stelling Family Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Stem Cell Research
Stewart Harris Memorial Lectureship Fund
Stewart Harris Scholarships
Stone Disease Program
Stony Brook Alumni Association Life Members Endowed Award Fund
Stony Brook Alumni Law Day
Stony Brook Athletics Golf Classic
Stony Brook Camerata Singer Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Annual Golf Outing
Stony Brook Cancer Center CancerWise Cafe Events
Stony Brook Cancer Center Events and Cause Marketing Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Innovation Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Research
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Excellence Fund
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Children's Early Childhood Clinic Fund
Stony Brook Children's Wellness Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Awards Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Center Equipment Account
Stony Brook Distinguished Lecture in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Endowment
Stony Brook Endowed Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry
Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Quasi Endowment Fund
Stony Brook Foundation/Advancement Scholarship Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Golf Classic
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Walk of Heroes Fund
Stony Brook Gala Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Heights
Stony Brook Home Program Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Kappas Endowed Achievement Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Madagascar Fund
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Men's Soccer Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Ophthalmology Fund
Stony Brook Rugby
Stony Brook Southampton - Avram Theater
Stony Brook Southampton Graduate Arts Food Lab and Initiatives
Stony Brook Southampton M.F.A. and Writers Conference
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook University 'Seawolves Pantry'
Stony Brook University Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
Stony Brook University Biopsychology Founders Endowed Fellowship
Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Social Work Indigent Patient Fund
Stony Brook University Pre-College Program in Music
Stony Brook University Software Incubator
Stony Brook Women's Basketball Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Women's Lacrosse Golf Outing Event
Storm Surge Research Group
Structural Biology Fund
Structure Development in Processing of Elastomers
Stuart and Sherry Greene Research and Education Grant
Stuart Sharoff Family Athletic Fund
Student Enrichment; Theatre in New York
Student Life
Student Research Initiatives
Student Welfare Fund
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Study of Aging Fund
Sudesh and Sudha Mukhi Vedic Music and Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Burn Center
Suffolk Firefighters Burn Center Fund
Sukon Kim Fund
Summer Math Scholarship
Summer Math Scholarship Endowed Fund
Summer Math Scholarship Second Summer
Sun Microsystems Fund
Sunrise Fund at Stony Brook
Sunrise Fund Play Fit Stay Fit
Sunrise Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Quasi-Endow Research Fund
SUNY LI Pitchfest Prize
Suny-Stony Brook Geriatric Program
Support for Stony Brook Cancer Center Clinical Research
Surface Science
Susan K. Kershnar Endowed Nursing Emergency Relief Fund
Susanna and Frederick Schoenewolf Endowed Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship Endowment Fund
Sustainability Studies Program Fund
Sustainable Off-Grid Solutions for Africa Economic Development
Svam International Scholarship
Swoboda-Ward Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
Sydney & Edith Golub Endowed Memorial Fund for Faculty Development
Sylvia Fund Endowment
Symbol Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Symbol/Motorola Fellowship
Sythesis of Natural Products
Szema Yuan-Pian Award
T-Mobile Endowment
T-Mobile Scholarship
T. Alexander Pond Endowment
Tamarath Yolles Endowment
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Technology & Society Excellence Fund
Ted Moorman Memorial Book Collection Fund
Ted Weiss Award Endowment
Teen Education & Resource Fund
Telnet Revenue Account
Teresa Haire Memorial Award Fund
Terry Alexander Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Thaw Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
The Ackerman Fund for Cardiology Fellow Support
The Adolescent Medicine Fund for Excellence
The Alex and Zach Traum Research Prize and Award In American History Endowment
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging - Current Use
The Ana Marie Torres Scholarship for Hispanic/Latino Students Fund
The Annette and Sol Goldstein Scholarship in Music History
The Anthropoid Origins Fund
The Benedict '76 Scholarship Endowment
The Bergman Family Foundation Prize in Memory of Roberta Richin for Student Initiatives for Soc Gd
The Bernard Osher Foundation Endowment
The Cancer Center Director's Fund
The Center for Understanding and Treating Cognitive Decline
The Center of Entrepreneurial Finance
The Christina Seix Fund for Presidential Initiatives
The Concerned Women of the Grove Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Conti Family Scholarship
The Corey Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dan's Paper Literary Scholarship
The Debbie Whittemore Endowed Scholarship Fund
The deBrauwere Family Endowed Intent Medical Scholarship Current Use Fund
The Della Pietra Family Endowed Chair in Biomedical Imaging
The Dr. Dorothy L. Hurley Fellowship
The Dr. Joseph W. Woo Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine Fund
The Ellen J. Bell Scholarship
The Emilio Belari Scholarship in Voice
The Emma Mumper Memorial Fund
The Empowerment English Endowm
The Endowment Fund for the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Eppenstein Family Scholarship Fund
The Esther Kaminoff Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Music
The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
The Flame Challenge
The Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship Progran at Stony Brook University
The Francesco P. And Dina D'Alto Malgeri Endowment in Italian Culture
The Frey Family Foundation Endowment
The Frey Professorship in Quantitative Finance
The Frey Scholarship for Students in the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
The Halpern Research Fellowship
The Hilda R Maier Scholarship Endowment for the School of Nursing
The Institute for Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Post-Doc Fellowship
The Irwin Oster Prize
The Israel Wilenitz Endowment
The Jack Foley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jack Heller Award
The Japan Center at Stony Brook
The Jerry R. Schubel Graduate Fellowship Endowment
The John C. Dunphy Private Foundation Cancer Innovation Fund
The John F. Lauro, P.A. Fund
The John J. Ricotta, MD Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series in Surgery Endowment Fund
The Joseph and Angela Comberiate Memorial Scholarship
The Judy Sue Sussman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
The Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Fund
The Kim Mehmood Scholarship fund in Nursing
The Laufer Family Fund for Tibetan Scholars
The Lee Lutz Commencement Award
The Lillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professorship in Trauma Surgery
The Lisa and Robert Lourie Imaging Suite
The Manuel London, PhD and Marilyn London, EdD Endowed Award Fund at the College of Business
The Marc and Caren Tishfield Endowed Scholarship in Economics
The Mary G. Bourguignon Memorial Scholarship Fund
The McGuire Family Fund
The Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Physics
The Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical & Educational Scholars
The Miriam & David Donoho Distinguished Teaching Professor
The Miriam and David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars
The Nancy K. Squires Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Network Lab Fund for Student Excellence
The NPD Group, Inc. Scholarship
The Ojima Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Award
The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award Current-Use Fund
The Oliver Schaeffer Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Omnicon Group, Inc. WISE Scholarship
The Overseas Partnership Program in News Literacy
The Paglia Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering
The Pamela J. Combs and John Primavera Award for Community Service in Dentisty
The Parent Fund for Stony Brook Southampton
The Paul A. Schreiber Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Endowed Lectureship in Anesthesiology
The Peter Glass, MD Endowed Excellence Fund
The Peter K. Weyl Memorial Award in Climate Changes Science Endowment Intent Current Use Fund
The Peter W. "Pete" Bretsky, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Geosciences
The Philip Johnson Endowment for Physical Chemistry
The Pre-College Summer Institute
The Pretty and Powerful Program
The Rajesh and Sonali Kakani Lecture in India Studies
The Real Estate Institute Scholarship for Real Estate Studies
The Renaissance School of Medicine Class of 1999 Endowed Scholarship
The Richard E. Aiello Lung Cancer Research Fund
The Rita and Kurt Eppenstein Hall of Fame
The Robert Von Tauber & Olga Von Tauber Fund
The Roberto and Palmina Mignone Fellowship in Italian and Italian American Studies
The Role of Erythropoietin in Ex Vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Cells from Umbilical Cord/Blood
The Ronald and Rosanne Roge Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Rosaline & Milton Sterman Travel Awards in the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ryan Scholarship for Future Academicians at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
The Sanacora Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Endowment Fund
The Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard Fellowship in Music History-Theory
The Scholarly Concentration Program Research Track Student Award
The Seawolves for Life Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Sherry and Howard Sussman Endowed Scholarship
The Stanley Scholarship Fund
The Stem Cell Transplantation & Hematologic Malignancy Program
The Steven Allard Returning Military Personnel Endowed Scholarship
The Stony Brook Cancer Center Garden Fund
The Stony Brook Children's Hospital Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Care Center
The Stony Brook Taiko Ensemble
The Tarrson Family Professorship in Periodontology
The Telescope Fund
The Terian Fund for Nursing Education
The Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Endowed Scholarship in Dental Medicine
The University Fund
The Vincent & Robert Gallucci Endowment in Memory of Sam Gallucci
The Violet and Les Payne Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
The Virginia Fuller Senior Award Sponsored by Sharon Cowles on behalf of Gallery North
The Wai Seak Hom Memorial Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Weinig Foundation Scholarship
The William Wertheim Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education
The Women's Integrative Cancer Center Fund
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Immunology
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Theatre Arts Department Fund for Excellence
Theatre Renovation Fund
Theodore W. Allen Scholar Program
Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize
Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Fund
Thomas F. Irvine Scholarship Endowment
Thomas Flanagan Prize
Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research in Neurobiology & Behavior
Thomas Neumiller Scholarship Fund in Music
Thomas R. and Margherita T. Sexton Award for Academic Excellence While Facing Uncommon Obstacles
Thomas Rogers Prize
Tick Borne Disease Fund
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
Tina Staller Memorial Account
Tom Neumiller Guest Artist Series
Tom Neumiller Scholarship Fund
Tony and Aspacia Poulis Scholarship Fund
Touch Modeling Research
Touchdown Club / Football Fund for Excellence
Transatlantic Collegium
Transatlantic Collegium of Philosophy
Transplant Division Gifts
Transplantation Division of Surgery Fund
Trauma Center
Travelers Insurance/Citigroup Scholarship in Insurance
Travelers Scholarship Fund
Travis Political Science Award
Tribology Laboratory
Turan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Umbilic Torus Project
UME/NV Kurup Memorial Altruism Award
Undergraduate and Graduate Fund in Mathematics
Undergraduate Pharmacology Scholarship Award Account
Undergraduate Programs Support Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund in Anthropology
University Advancement - Special Events
University Affairs Graduate Fellowship
University Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
University Diversity Initiatives
University Hospital Patient Benefit Fund
University Housing Fund
University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award
University Library
University Medical Center Special Events Account
University Preschool
Ur Excavations
Urology Department Fund
Urology Education and Research Fund
USG Presents: The 30th Annual Roth Regatta / USG Events
Vallone Family Endowed Scholarship
Vascular Surgery Journal Club 2022-2023
Vascular Surgery Research & Education
Verizon Wireless Endowed Scholarship
Verizon Wireless Scholarship
Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Fund
Violet's Voice Fund
VIP Hockey Fund
Virginia Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Roller Trust Properties
Visiting Artists Series in Music
Visiting Professorship in Pediatrics
Visiting Scholar Fund
Vito Dechiaro Otolaryngolgy Education Fund
Vivian Ling Scholarship Fund
Vivien Hartog Endowment
Voll Professorship Fund
VP Brookhaven National Laboratory Affairs Iniviatives
VP for Economic Development Fund for Excellence
W. Averell Harriman Endowment
W. Turner Founding Dean Scholarship
W.I.S.E.-Diamond Award Programming Funds
Wachter Family Athletics Scholarship
Wainscott Pond Project
Wall Street Group Fundraising Initiative
Wang Asian Programming Fund
Waterbor Burn & Cancer Foundation
Welfare and Family Preventive Medicine Research Fund
William and Jane Knapp Alumni Center
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Energy and the Environment
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Pharmacological Sciences
William and Maude Pritchard Scholarship Endowment
William and Teresa Meyer Award Endowment Fund
William Dawes Endowed Fund for Excellence in Economics
William J. and Florence M. Catacosinos Fund for Cancer Research Endowment
William J. Burke Scholarship Endowment
William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William Ryan Pancreatic Cancer Fund
William Van Der Kloot Awards in M&C Pharmacolgy
William W. and James W. Catacosinos Fund for Computer Sciences
Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Wings Lab Professor Samir's Research Fund
Wise Banquet Event
Witness Project Anniversary Celebration
Wolfie Mascot Bench Fund
Wolfie Tank Award
Women For Women Project
Women's Health
Women's Health Endowment Fund
Women's Studies Conferences
Womens Studies-G.T.E. Foundation
Wonhyo Translation Project
Woo Jong Kim Dissertation Prize
World Language Teacher Education Award
World Trade Center Program
Yacov and Linda Shamash Scholarship Fund
Yetta Brandwine Parker Memorial Scholarship
YITP-Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Young Artists and Writers Project
Young Investigators Review: Undergraduate Science Journal
Yusuf A. Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Yusuf A.Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Zhang Award: Beaupre - Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Helminth Parasite
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Microbes in Parasite Fitness
Zhang Award: Dvarskas - Economic Modeling of Fishing
Zhang Award: Reed - Impact of Climate Change
Zhang Award: Wehrmann - Arctic Fjords
Zickler Scholar Award in Translational Biomedical Research
Legacy Way Fund
Alumni Awards
Alumni Association St. Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament
Africana Studies Fund for Excellence
Alda Center for Communicating Science
Alda Center Innovation Fund
Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Alumni Dissertation Fellowship in Philosophy
Anatomical Sciences Department Support Fund
Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
Anthropology Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Fund for Excellence
Art Department Fund for Excellence
Asian and Asian American Studies Fund for Excellence
Athletic Training Program School of Health Professions
Athletics - Seawolves United
Autism Initiative Excellence Fund
Bachelor of Science in Health Science Support Fund
Baseball Fund for Excellence
Baseball/Softball Complex Fund
Bay Scallop Bowl
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Endowed Fund for Excellence
Biomedical Engineering Department Fund for Excellence
Black and Latino Alumni Network Endowed Scholarship
Cancer Center
Cardiothoracic Surgery Fund
Career Center Student Professional Development Fund
Carlos Vidal Memorial Fund
Center for Changing Systems of Power Excellence Fund
Center for Clean Water Technology Excellence Fund
Center for Hellenic Studies
Center for India Studies
Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communications Fund for Excellence
Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease
Chemistry Dept Fund for Excellence
Civil Engineering Fund for Excellence
Clinical Laboratory Science Fund for Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Development Fund
Cross Country / Track & Field Fund for Excellence
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship Current Use Fund
Dental Medicine Scholarship Endowment Fund
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fund for Excellence
Dept of Medicine Education Research Fund
Dept Orthopedics Resident Education FFE
Dept. of Neurology: Resident Training Funds
DoIT Innovation
DoIT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Dr. Aldustus E. Jordan Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Ecology & Evolution Award for Student Excellence
Ecology and Evolution Department Fund for Excellence
Economics Department Fund for Excellence
Education For The Local Malagasy People
Electrical and Computer Engineering Fund for Excellence
Endocrinology Division
EOP/AIM Fund For Excellence
Family Medicine Division Fund for Excellence
First Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Football Fund for Excellence
Frances L. Brisbane Endowment Fund for Leadership and Social Justice
Fund for Excellence in Undergraduate Biology
General Scholarship Fund
Geosciences Department Fund for Excellence
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Medical Education Fund for Excellence
Graduate Program in Public Health Development Account
Graduate School
Graduate Student Organization Student Emergency Support Fund
Health Crisis Fund
Heart Institute
Hispanic Languages and Literature Fund for Excellence
Hispanic Languages and Literature Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Fund
History Chair's Fund
History Dept Alumni Fund
Honors College Scholarship Fund
Humanities Institute Fund
IDEA Fund of Excellence
IGS Excellence Fund
Internet of Things Laboratory Fund
Italian Studies Fund
James Nobles Memorial Award
John J. Ricotta Professorship in Surgery
Kidney Transplantation Program Fund
Lab Modernization Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Languages & Cultural Studies Fund for Excellence
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Fund for Excellence
Lauterbur Frontier Research Endowment Fund in Chemistry
LGBTQ* Center Fund for Excellence
LI Shore Real-Time Environmental Data Systems
Linguistics Fund for Excellence
Long Island State Veterans Home
Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration Student Fund
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Mathematics Department Fund for Excellence
Mechanical Engineering Fund
Medical Scientist Training Program Fund for Excellence
Men's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Men's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Men's Soccer Fund for Excellence
Microbiology Department
Milton Lodge Fund for Political Psychology
Mobile Stroke Unit
Music Department Fund for Excellence
Neurobiology and Behavior Fund for Excellence
Neurosciences Institute
Occupational Therapy Fund for Excellence
OLLI Member Giving Account
Paul Siegel Endowed Scholarship
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Pediatric Emergency Department Expansion Fund
Pediatric Research Innovation Fund for Excellence
Pharmacology Department
Philosophy Department Fund for Excellence
Physical Therapy Department Fund for Excellence
Physician Assistant Education Fund for Excellence
Physics and Astronomy Department Fund for Excellence
Political Science Fund for Excellence
Program in Writing and Rhetoric Fund for Excellence
Psychology Department Fund for Excellence
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund (HOLDING ACCOUNT)
Radiation Oncology Department Fund for Excellence
Radiology Department
Red Watch Band Support Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Care Program Fund for Excellence
Richard B. Moore Endowment
Richard L. Gelfond Fund on the Health Effects of Mercury Exposure
SB Home
School of Communication and Journalism Excellence Fund
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine Dean's Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
School of Dental Medicine Student Assistance Fund
School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions Fund for Excellence
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Alumni Fund
School of Nursing Award
School of Professional Development
School of Social Welfare
School of Social Welfare L Fund
School of Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Senior Design Fund for TBI
Sociology Department Fund for Excellence
Softball Fund for Excellence
SoMAS General Scholarship Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Endowed Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Fund
Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Child Care
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
Stony Brook Film Festival Current Use
Stony Brook Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Marching Band
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SBVAC) Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Student Affairs Fund
Student Emergency Support Fund
Student Life Fund
Surgery Chairman's Research and Education Fund
Swimming & Diving Fund for Excellence
Tennis Fund for Excellence
The English Department Fund for Excellence
The Parent Fund
Turkana Basin Institute Project
Turner Support Fund
Undergraduate Biology Fund
Undergraduate Philosophy Club
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
University Counseling Center
University Library
Veterans Assistance Fund
Volleyball Fund for Excellence
W. Burghardt & Joyce Turner Endowed Fellowship Fund
Wise Scholarship Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Fund for Excellence
Women's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Women's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Women's Leadership Council Fund
Women's Soccer Fund for Excellence
WUSB-FM Radio Fund
- Choose a Program -
1998 Black Expo Fund
2008 Class Gifts
2010 Class Gifts
2011 Class Gifts
2012 Class Gifts
33rd Northeast Bioengineering Conference
40 Under Forty
A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Endowed Scholarship
A.M.S. Memorial Scholarship
Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship in Classical Literature and Latin
Academic Excellence
Accounting Advisory Board
Accurate, Scalable, Low Cost Floor Plan Construction Using Commodity Smartphones Research
Ackerman Music Endowment
Adult Literacy Program
Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)
Advanced Power Sources Laboratory
Aeroflex Laboratories Scholarship
Aerosol and Mucous Hypersecretion Account
Africana Studies-Black Womens Forum
AI and Music Initiative
AIDC 100 Library Collection
AIDC 100 Library Collection Endowment
AIDS Center Patient Care Fund
AIDS Center Research Fund
AIDS Center/ AIDS Education
Al & Harriet Zlatin Fund at Staller Center
Alan Babich Memorial Prize in English Endowment
Alfonse D'Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American Studies
Alfred Wolf Award Fund
Algorithms Guarding and Acquiring Geometric Models
Alison Stopeck Research Fund
All Teens Considered
All the Way Scholarship Fund
Alumni Center
Alumni Deans Choice Award
Alumni Initiative Endowment
Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
Alumni Programs Fund
Alumni Reunions
Alzheimer Research Foundation
Ama Medical Student Activity Account
Ambulatory Patient Complimentary Medical Supplies
Amenities Fund in Honor of A. Peter Gary
Amenities Fund In Honor of Charles Davis
Amenities Fund In Honor of E. Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Evelyn (Billie) Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Morris G. Cohen
Amenities Fund in Honor of W K Ferguson
AMETEK Thermal Scholarship Fund
Amie Hanes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
AMS Dept. Quantitative Finance Program
Analog Design Automation
Analysis Fund in Mathematics
Ananya Fund Center for India Studies
Anatomical Sciences Department
Andrea Roher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Merrill Silver Endowed Scholarship
Andrew and Merrill Silver Flexcelsior
Andrew and Merrill Silver Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Yue Min Lee Scholarship
Anemia-Chronic Renal Failure Account
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Ania Kowalik and Laurence Higgins Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medi
Ann Neuberger Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Bohme Endowed Scholarship
Anne Sayre Prize Endowment
Anthony and Antoinette Di Donato Scholarship
Anthony Fronzoni III Endowed Scholarship
Anthony M. Bongiorno Endowed Scholarship for Women in Science
Antonawich Lab Education Account
Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund
APD Sean Finnegan and Paul Richards Memorial Fund
Applied Health Informatics Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Teaching Chair
Applied Math Scholarship
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund (Current Use)
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arms Control Disarmament Peace Fund
Arms Control/Peace
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Award
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Fund
Arnold M. Feingold Prize in Astronomy
Aronson and Virag Scholarship Current Use Fund for Narrative Journalism
Arrhythmia Project/Study Fund
Art Therapy Fund
Artem Ayzen Memorial Fund
Arthur Berken Memorial Fellowship Fund
Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship
Artificial Intelligence Fund for Excellence
Artificial Intelligence Research Fund
Arunkumar and Umaben Parikh Scholarship
Ashley Schiff Preserve Endowed Scholarship
Asian American Center
Asian American Fundraising Account
Aspiring Science and Mathematics Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Asthma Research
Astronomy Group
Athletic Department Fund for Excellence
Athletic General Scholarship Fund
Athletics Academic Support Center
Athletics Endowment
Autism Applied Behavioral Research Fund in Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Fund
Autoinflammatory Disease Research Fund
Aviv Scholarship for First Generation Students Endowment Fund
Ayanis Outer Town Archaelogical Project
Babak Movahedi Student Leadership Endowment
Babies' and Children's Memorial Garden
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Baldwin Breast Imaging
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara M. Swartz Endowed Student Excellence Fund in History
Barbara Mills Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara N. Pond Memorial Student Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts & Education Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts and Education Endowment
Bariatric Walk for Weight Loss
BASH Event Operations
Behavioral Sciences Education in Dental Medicine
Benjamin W. Lee and Joo Sang Kang Endowed Memorial Award
Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund
Berlin Family Foundation/Arkwin Industries, Inc.
Bernard Semmel Endowed Fund in History
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Betumonga Research Station Project
Bill Arens Endowed Scholarship Fund for International Study
Bill Drayton Social Enterprise Fund at the College of Business
Bill Godfrey Endowed Teaching Excellence Awards
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence
Biochemistry Department
Biochemistry General Support
Biological Basis of Personality
Biomedical Engineering Building
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Bioscience-Lyme Research-Coyle
Bipolar Awareness Account
Bishembarnath & Sheela Mattoo Center for India Studies Endowment
Black Faculty School Fund
Black History Month Fund
Bliss Verdon Scholarship Fund Endowment
Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Bloomberg Climate
BMI Donations
Board of Trustees' Special Fund for Presidential Initiatives
Bob Meyers Award in Music
Bonazzi Voice Scholarship Endowment
Bone Marrow Transplant
Brady William Russell Memorial Fund
Braile MacArthur Prize History
Brain Tumor Research Project
BRAtender Challenge
Breast Cancer Education Grant
Breast Cancer Equipment Lease Account
Breast Cancer Patient Service Fund
Breast Cancer Programs and Services
Breast Cancer Research
Breast Cancer Research-Ute Moll
Breast Cancer Service Acoount
Brenda Daniels Memorial Fund
Brevet Capital Management Fund for the Investment Club
Brian A. Wright Memorial Autism Research Fund
Brinkhuis Scholarship Award
Bromo Criptine In Aphasia
Brooke Ellison Legacy Scholarship
Bryan Griesbeck Memorial Scholarship
Building a Pipeline for Social Work Careers
Burn Center and Skin Bank Fund
Burn Center Compression Garment Fund
Burt and Jean Stangarone Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
Buskin Committee Activities
C. Chernow Endow Schol Journal
C. E. W. I. T. Conference and Expo
C. N. Yang - DENG Wei Endowed Chair in Physics and Astronomy
CA Technologies
Campus Beautification Committee Fund
Campus Residence Fund
Campus Services Enhancements
Cancer Boutique
Cancer Center SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Center/SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Research at SBUMC
Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Research-Basil Rigas
Capital Campaign
Capstone Corporate Corporate Partners Fund
Car-T Cancer Therapy Program
Cardiology Department
Cardiology Research and Education Fund (CaRE Fund)
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing Staff
Cardiovascular Center
Career Center Support Fund
Career Placement Center Revitalization
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Carol and Lyle Gomes Endowed Scholarship
Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
Carol Chernow Memorial Scholarship at Stony Brook University
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center
Carole L. Weidman (Nussbaum) Athletics Endowment
CAS Fund for Education
CAS Pure Endowment Fund
Catacosinos Family Fund
Catherine Wang Fund in History
Catholic Campus Ministries
Catholic Studies Endowment
CEAS Co-Curricular Education Fund
CEAS Fellowships
CEAS Tech & Society Excellence Fund
Cecil L. Hall Endowment
Cedric J. Priebe Endowed Pediatric Surgery Lectureship
Cellular Tel - Southampton Campus
Cellular Tel. (AT&T) Scholarship Endowment Fund
CELT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Center for Advanced Technology Sensor Systems
Center For Biotechnology Fund for Excellence
Center for Biotechnology Translational Research
Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning Fund for Excellence
Center For Emerging Infections
Center for Game Theory
Center for Health Policy and Management
Center for Healthy Aging
Center for India Studies - Research and Publication Projects
Center For Industrial Cooperation
Center For Infectious Diseases
Center for Integration of Business Education & Humanities Fund
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
Center for News Literacy
Center for Science and Mathematics Education
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Center for the Advancement of Earth & Space Science Education
Center for the Study of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Relations
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Endowed Excellence Fund
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Excellence Fund
Center of Excellence in Wireless Internet and Information Technology (CEWIT)
Centre Valbio Building Fund
Cerebrovascular Center Equipment Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease Research Fund
CESAME Scholarships
CESAME Student Support Fund
CEWIT - General Fund
Chair's Award in Art
Chair's Scholar Quasi Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Golf Outing
Chemistry Alumni Fund
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Corporate Seminar Series
Chemistry Endowment Fund for Excellence
Chemistry Instructional Equipment Account
Chemistry Research Fund for Professor Ojima
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Symposia Fund
Cherith Foundation Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics
Chhabra Endowment for Undergraduate Student Research in Math & Science
Child Life Services Fund
Child Psychiatry Sunshine Fund
Children with Crohn's Colitis and Intestinal Disease
Children's Hospital Comedy Show
Children's Hospital Garden Fund
Children's Resource Center Fundraising Account
Childrens Cancer Research Account
Chinese Culture and Society
Chinese Studies General Purpose Fund
Choi Moo Nam Scholarship for Korean Studies Endowment
Chris Algieri Chamption Lifestyle Scholarship Fund
Christine Rothman Endowment Fund
Christopher Samaria Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy Metcalf Library and Therapy Endowed Intent Fund
Cindy Metcalf Memorial Library
Cingular Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cingular Scholarship Fund
Citigroup Scholarship for Minority Students in Technology and Society
Civic Performance Project
Civil Engineering Diversity Scholarship
Claire D. Hall Endowment
Class of '72 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Aldustus Jordan and Dr. Jack Stern
Cleft Palate/Craniofacial School of Dental Medicine Fund
Clifford E. Swartz Student Excellence Fund in Physics & Astronomy
Clinic Renovation Fund
Clinical Education Fund
Clinical Support Services
CLS Equipment Fund
Coast Institute
Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Cognitive Disability: A Challenge to Moral Philosophy Conference
Colin Carr Scholarship for Cellists
Collaborative for the Earth
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) Hardship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Building Fund
College of Engineering Golf Outing
Colon & Rectal Educational Fund
Community Health Education
Community Medicine / MCS Fund
Community Music Programs General Operating Fund
Community Music Programs Scholarship Fund
Community Service and Service Learning Fund
Commuter Student Services and Off Campus Living
COMPAS Lab - Killer Microsecond Project
Computational Geometry Student Travel Fund
Computational Materials Research Fund
Computer architecture Stony Brook lab
Computer Architecture Stony Brook Lab - Oracle
Computer Associates Education Account
Computer Graphics Vision Fund
Computer Science Honors Program Scholarships
Computer Science Industrial Associates Fund
Computer Science Library
Computer Science Women Retention Program
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Group
Computer-based Problem Solving Lab.
Condensed Matter Physics Fund
Condor Array Telescope Fund
Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms
Confucius Institute
Consortium of Digital Arts, Culture and Technology Fund for Excellence
Conti Family Scholarship Fund
Continuous Individual Crisis Aid Alert System (CICaidA) Fund
Coordinated Fetal Care Program Fund
Copy of David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Costigan,George Endw
Council of International Programs
Covid Rapid Response Biodesign Fund
Creative Writing Award Fund
Crystallography Research Fund
CS Lab Discretionary Fund
Cultural Programming Fund
Curtiss-Wright Centennial Flight Scholarship
Cutaneous Gene Therapy Fund
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
CVB Community Health Team
Cyclone Ava
Cynthia G. Mitchell Endowed Fund for Excellence in History
Cynthia Mitchell Scholarships in History
D-TALE Fund for Excellence
Dal Jae Huh Endowment-Korean Studies
Damianos Endowment Fund
Dan Brooks Memorial Educational Award for Students with Cancer
Dan Rattiner Special Collections Fund
Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Award in Hematolgy
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty Cancer Research Fund
Daniel Lazaroff Family Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Danni Kemp Memorial Fund for Excellence
Das Family Men's Soccer Scholarship Fund
Data Base For Materials
David E. King Field Work Award in Geosciences
David Erdman Fellowship Fund
David Fox Prize
David L. Brown MD Research & Education Fund
David L. Williams Memorial Fund
David L. Williams Scholarship Endowment
David Mayer Energy Research and Technology Fund
Davidson Family Scholarship
DCI - Martin R. Liebowitz Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Dean's Award for Global Health Research
Dean's Cancer Fund
Dean's Merit Fund for Engineering
Dean's Off. SB Southampton
Deana Carpio Memorial Scholarship
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction
Della Pietra Fund for Gifted High School Students in Math and Science
Della Pietra Lecture Series
Della Pietra Visiting Professor in Music
Delphin Endowment for Finance
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Grant 2022
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences - CU
Dental Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Dental Biomaterials Research
Dental Graduation Alumni Activities Fund
Dental Graduation/award Fund
Dental Mission to Madagascar
Dental School Conference and Special Events
Dental Student Yearbook Fund
Dentsply Student Initiative Fund
Department of Children's Dentistry Research Fund
Department of Dermatology Chair
Department of Economics Interdisciplinary Research Fund
Department of French
Department of History's Scholarships
Department of Music Endowed Artist in Residence Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedics CME
Department of Orthopaedics Resident Educational Research
Department of Orthopedics Fellowship Fund for Excellence
Department of Physic and Astronomy Book Prize Fund
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology Fund
Department of Sociology
Department of Surgery Fund for Excellence
Department of Urology Lecture Series
Department of Urology Operating Fund
Department Resident Education and Equipment Fund
Dept of Neurosurgery- Advancement of Neurosciences
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Pathology - Dr Yupo Ma
Dept of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Fund
Dept. of Children's Dentistry
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Golf Outing
Deputy Chief Raymond M. Downey Scholarship
Dermatology Fund
Dermatology Growth and Discovery
Design and Analysis Research Lab
Development and Delivery of Anti Inflammatory and Anti Invasive Bioactives
Development of Components of RSFQ Devices
Di Tian Graduate Award
Diabetes Educational Exchange
Diane D. Brink Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Diane Ducy Hitchings-Tiernan '72 RN Baccalaureate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Digestive Diseases Research Tissue Procurement Facility
Disability and Policy Analysis Research Fund
Disabled Fund Raising Account
Discovery Fund for Research
Distinguished Lecture Series
Distributed Computing Program
Diversity Student Educational Fund
Division of Animal Laboratory Resources Fund
Division of Biological Sciences
Division of Gastroenterology
Doelger Graduate Scholarship Fund
DoIT Women's Leadership Initiatives
Don Ihde Endowed Fund for Excellence in Philosophy
Don Jose Marti Excellence Scholarship
Donald M. Mulvey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Donation Fund for SBU West Campus Essential Employees
Dorothy Awards
Dorothy G. Pieper Graduate Endowment
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Endowment Fund
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund
Douglas Futuyma Endowed Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology
Dr Mindy G. Brodsky Fund for Generative Health Education
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences -INT
Dr. Amy S. Chu-Wong, M.D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bernard Malberg Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Beverly Birns Women's Studies Conference Room
Dr. Blasco C. Gomes Endowment Fund
Dr. Bo Ha Endowed Endodontic Award Fund
Dr. Brisbane Leadership & Social Justice Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou General Dentistry Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Endowed Award
Dr. Ellinor Peerschke Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Eric B. Holst and Virginia Holst Memorial Endowment
Dr. Fred S. Ferguson Scholarship
Dr. Gonzalo Pardo Memorial Award
Dr. Gujavarty Family Seminar Fund in India Studies
Dr. Gustav Durrer Travel Award Endowment
Dr. Gwinnett Dental Student Memorial
Dr. James F. Dana Sr. Scholarship
Dr. Jason Kim '03 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
Dr. John McCann Memorial Award
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic End Fund for Excellence-INT
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic Fund for Excellence
Dr. Luis Gruberg Research in Cardiology
Dr. Martin Hauptman Award
Dr. Martin R. Liebowitz Scholarship
Dr. Max Fink Collection Fund
Dr. Michael DeLuca Endowed Student Excellence Fund for Italian Studies
Dr. Michael Schwartz Award for Excellence in Sociology
Dr. Myung Oh Gateway to Engineering Building Fund
Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Lewis Memorial Fund
Dr. Paul Neuberger Endowment
Dr. Richard J. Oringer Award Endowment
Dr. Roger S. Keresztes Educational and Research Fund
Dr. Seymour Friedman Endowed Scholarship in Endodontics
Dr. Stephen Gold Award
Dr. Vito De Simone and Mrs. Carolyn De Simone Endowment for a Visiting Lectureship in Italian
Drs. Connie and Lee Koppelman Endowed Fund for Scholarships
Drs. Douglas and Barbara Brand Diversity in Medicine Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Drs. Ellen Li and Samuel L. Stanley Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Medicine
Drs. Richard P. and Philip V. Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives
Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center Fund
E. & P. F. Palmedo School In the Music
E. S. Q. Summer Music Festival
Early Breast Cancer Detection Research of Biomarker TSP50
Early Music Operations Account
Eating Disorders Conference
Eckard Wimmer Endowed Graduate Scholarship for Student Excellence
Economics Scholarship Fund
Ed Hahne Marching Band Memorial Award
Edith Salvo Endowment
Edmund D. Pelligrino Professorship of Medicine Endowment
Edmund McTernan Endowment
Education Fund for Lipid Cancer Lab
Educational Exchange China Fellowship
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Edward & Patty Knapp Endowed Scholarship
Edward Countey Memorial Endowment
Edward H. Bergofsky Memorial Fund
Edward J. Mardovich Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Edward J. O'Connell Excellence Award in Health Science
Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award
Edward R. Fabian '08 Alumni Engagement Endowment Fund for the College of Business
Eldercare Initiative
Electrically Controlled Optical Device
Electrophysiology Fund
Eli Seifman Memorial Scholarship
Elia Swartz Memorial Fund
Elisabeth & Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship In the Arts
Elisabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Award in Graduate Art History
Elizabeth Ball Kurz Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth M. Desch Athletic Scholarship
Elof Carlson Fund
Elsie Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Cancer Research Fund
Emergency Mangmnt and Planning
Emergency Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Golf Classic
Emerson String Quartet Special Projects Fund
Empire National Bank Endowment for Banking Education at the College of Business
Employee Compensation Program
Endowed Award Fund for Cognitive Science in Psychology
Endowed Award Fund for Social and Health Psychology
Endowed Chair Account for College of Engineering
Endowed Chair for the Institute for Advanced Computational Science Director
Endowed Chair in Nursing Research
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
Endowed Graduate Fund in Political Science
Endowed Scholarship for Southampton Campus
Engineering and Smart Systems Research
Engineering Ethics Symposium
Engineering Teaching Lab
English Graduate Students Travel Fund
Entrepreneur Fund for the College of Business Current Use Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
EOP-Elite Chemistry Program
Epilespy Educational Research
Ericcson Messaging Systems, Inc. Graduate Fellowship
Ernesto Chinchilla-Aguilar Fellowship
Erwin & Freddie Staller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Estate of Thomas Donahue-Schroeffel
Esther and Jack Spivak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Esther Rentas Research Award
Etherereum 2022
Eugene R. Katz Endowed Excellence Fund in Biological Sciences
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art
Eugenia Brown Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Eugenie Van Drooge Kissinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Evan Frankel Fellowship
Evan Frankel Marine Sciences Scholarship Program
Evan R. Liblit Fund-raising Account
Evan R. Liblit Memorial Fund
Evan R. Liblit Recycling Symposium
Evangelos & Foteini Tsirka Award
Evelyn Bonner Endowment Fellowship
Evelyn Grollman Glick Endowment
Evening of the Arts Fund
Executive Director's Office Account
Experimental Learning for the College of Arts & Sciences
F. Weinstein Dissertation Research Award
FACT Foundation Breast Cancer Research Fund
Faculty Student Association Scholarship
Family Medicine Wellness and Chronic Illness Center
Family Population and Preventive Medicine
Fatty Acid Desaturase
File Systems Lab
Finish in Four General Support
Finish in Four Scholarship Fund
First Advantage Dental Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fit and Fabulous after Breast
Fit Kids Program
Fixed Price Balance Account for CEWIT
Floris Barnett Cash Endowed Scholarship
Foodlab Education Fund
Fossil Africa ConservationTrust
Foundational Research for Input Performance Modelling
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship Endowment
Frances Bisignano Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Frances Brisbane Endowed Scholarship Fund in Social Welfare
Francis Johnson Lecture Series in Chemical Biology
Frank Conti Memorial Football Fund
Frank Myers Fund for Excellence
Fred Sheinbaum Endowment
Freedom School at Stony Brook University
French Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Frey Family Endowed Fellowship Fund
Frey Family Endowed Research Fund
Frey Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Quantitative Finance Fund
Friends of Judaic Studies
Friends of Latin Current Use Fund
Friends of Latin Endowment
Friends of Neurosurgery Fund
Friends of Southampton Marine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve
Friends of the School of Professional Development Alumni
Fritzi Weinstein Reporting Scholarship
FSA Scholarship Endowment
Fumi and Hikaru Kato Endowed Intend Fund for Excellence in Physics
Fumi Kato Student Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Fund for Biomedical Informatics and Faculty Support
Fund for Excellence for Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Fund for Excellence in Psychiatry
Fund for Motion Correction in PET and MRI
Fund for Strategic Initiatives
Fund to Support The Coastal Ecology and Conservation Research Program
Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Garcia Center For Polymers
Gardiner Fund - Long Island Historical Journal
Gardiner Graduate Fellowship
Gardiner Related Activities
Gardiner Scholarship-History
Gardner Foundation Endowed Student Research Award
Gene E. Mundie Scholarship Fund for Doctoral Study
General Clinical Research Center
General Dentistry Faculty and Development Program Initiatives Account
General Dentistry Fund For Mark Wolff
General Engineering Award
General Practice Residency Program
General Reserach Support for the Department of Biochemistry
General Scholarship Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
General Support for Department of Pathology
General Ting Feng Cheng Endowed Chair
Genetics Accounts
Geometry and Graphics Development
George and Olga Tsunis Fellowship for Cancer Prevention
George C. Warner Endowed Schol
George E. Xippolitos Endowed Memorial Fund for Doctoral Education in Nursing Research
George Goldberg Fund
George Goodman Memorial Fund
George J. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
George L. DeWan Endowed Memorial Scholarship
George Williams Endowment Fund for Student Research
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Current Use
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Endowment Intent
Georgica Pond Fund
Geosciences Undergraduate Students
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Geriatric Medicine Instructional Account
GGM Support For Graduate Students
GHI Director's Current Use Fund
Gift Program to Help Cancer Patients
Gilbert Kalish Endowed Scholarship in Musical Performance
Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship
Global Affairs Fund For Excellence
Global and Local History Support
Global Health Institute Endowed Fund
Gloria and Mark Snyder Endowed Award of Excellence
Gloria and Mark Snyder Symposium for Cancer Medicine
Gloria Kahn Prize in Hispanic Languages
Goddard Family Scholarship Fund
Gold Coast Bank Current Use Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Gold Coast Bank Endowed Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Goldberger Fine Arts Endowment
Goldstein Family Fund for Athletic and Academic Excellence
Goldstein Family Student Athlete Development Center Endowment
Graduate Chemistry Endowment Fund
Graduate Fellowship in Hispanic Languages & Literature
Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Graduate Program in Public Health
Graduate School Conferences & Spec Event
Graduate Student Fellowship Fund
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Summer Fellowship in Psychology
Green Conference Africana Studies
Greene Lectureship in Medical Oncology Endowment
Greenhouse Fund
Griffith Lung Cancer Fund
Grumman Ceas Scholarships
Grumman Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Grumman Fellowship Endowment
GSB Music Fest Fund at Stony Brook University Cancer Center
Gudjon Hermannsson Fund
Guru Madhavan Endowed Intent Leadership Speaker in Engineering
Guy A. Cassara Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Research Fund
H Kurnol '61 Ended Scholarship
H. B. Silsbee Award for Excellence
Hanson - Curriculum Development Fund
Hardship Fund
Harpsichord Fund
Harry Kalish Scholarship Fund in Psychology
Harsh Bhasin Political Science Endowed Scholarship Endowment
Harvard Lyman Award
Harvey Aronson and Irene Virag Endowed Scholarship for Narrative Journalism
Hawrys Student Recreation Center
Health Care Policy and Management Fund for Excellence
Health Science Library Research Fund
Health Sciences Center-Clinical Skill Labs-Derinda Pell Steine
Health Sciences Center-Dean of the School of Dentistry
Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center
Heart Institute Cardiology Fund for Excellence
Hematology Department
Hennessy Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for Staller Center for the Arts
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for the School of Health Professions
Herbert Weisinger Endowment
Herman Klurfeld Memorial Scholarship
Herman Nertz Track Endowment
Herrnstein Hall Fund
Hidden Symmetries Art Show
HISB Civic Performance Registration
Hispanic & Latino Scholarship
Hispanic Language Conference Fund
Historical Documents and Programs Fund
History Graduate Fund
Homer Goldberg Scholarship Fund
Hong Zhang '91 and Liya Liang '94 Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Materials Science
Honors College
Honors College Scholarship Program
Hope for Scleroderma
HOPE Program
Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
Howard and Marie Mettler Research Endowment
Howard R. Zern Track and Field Endowed Scholarship
Hsiao - Polymer Chemistry Research Support
Hsin-Yao Teng Memorial Scholarship in Music
Hugh J. Silverman Student Travel Award in Continental Philosophy
Human Evolution Conferences and Special Events
Human Resources Administration
Hydrogeology Fund
I-con Scholarship In Science
I. C. F. A. Conference Funds
I.T.P.A. Director's Development and Operating Account
IACS Corporate Donations
ICB&DD Fund for Student Excellence
IDPAS Fund for Student Success
igniteCS Program
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowship
Ilana Shanks Memorial Scholarship
Immunology Research of Dr. Ghebrehiwet
IMS- Simons Endow Math/Physics
In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing Fund
Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation Endowed Chair in Insurance and Risk Management Fund
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County Fund at the College of Business
India Studies Gala
Indoor Training Center Fund
Industrial Partners Program
Infection Control Education Fund
Infectious Disease Research Gifts Program
Infectious Diseases Division Fund
Information Assurance Lab Fund
Inke Anatomical Research Fund
Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Institute for Global Studies
Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science (IOCS) General Fund
Institute for STEM Education Fund
Institute for Sustainable Development
Institute for Theoretical Physics Fund
Institute of Cell & Devel. Biology Fund
Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Research Assistance
Institute Of Energy: Sustainability, Environment, And Equity Excellence Fund
Intelligent Dashboards Research Fund
Intensive English Center
Interfaith Center Furnishings Fund
Interfaith Renovation
Internal Medicine Resident Research Award Fund
International Academic Programs Development
International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop
International Dental Outreach Fund
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Development
Inventor Recognition
Investors Foundation AYA Grant 2022
IPS Scholarship Fund
Iraq Site Looting Project
Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship Fund Endowment
Irving Abrahams Endowment
Island Federal Credit Union Database Fund
Island Federal Credit Union Dean's Fund for Excellence in Finance
Island Federal Credit Union Endowment for Banking Education and Research
Italian American Archive R&T
Italian Language Instruction in Community
Italian Studies Endowment
Ivan & Alice Chao Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
J Hennessy End Prof in Com Sci
J. Howard Oaks Student Scholarship
Jacob Bigeleisen Lectureship Endowment
Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection
James Davis Memorial Fund
James Droesch Minimally Invasive Gynecology Endowed Award
Janice Rohlf Endowed Scholarship
Japanese Studies Program
Jarelyn Lopez Endow Scholar
Jay D. Waxenberg Family Scholarship
Jazz Fund for Excellence
JC Cancer Laboratory Support Fund
Jean M. Devlin Achievement Award
Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Jeff Pobiner Memorial Fund Endowment
Jeffrey Irwin Memorial Fund
Jennifer Ferraro Fund
Jerome Roth Fund for Music
Jesse Tepper Chair's Scholarship Fund in the Department of Sociology Endowment
Jewish Culture Fund at Stony Brook University
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health - Current Use
Jim Fiore, Sr. Fund for Academic & Athletic Excellence
Jo Fusco Fellowship Endowment
Joan Kenny Endowed Scholarship
Joan Korins, DDS '80 Memorial Award in Pediatric Dentistry
Joan Moos Scholarship Fund
Jocelyn Rose Pascucci Fund
Joe Nathan Baseball Fund
Joel Mitofsky Memorial Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Cancer Research Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Professorship in Cancer Research
Joel Strum Kenny School in Madagascar
John Dunn Excellence Fund in Life Sciences
John F. and Joan Risickella Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Gassner Endowment Fund
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship for Science, Engineering & Mathematics
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship in Music Performance
John H. Marburger III Pollock-Krasner Annual Lecture Endowed Fund
John J. and Margaret D. Leddy Sr. Marching Band Endowed Scholarship
John Leddy Marching Band Award
John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence
John Sampson Toll Endowment - Prize in Physics
John W. Milnor Endowed Graduate Fund in Math
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology INT
Joint Replacement Center
Jonathan D. Kaufman Endowed Student Excellence Fund in Physics
Jonathan S. Ryan Scholarship
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library Fund
Joseph A. Tursi Scholarship in Italian Studies
Joseph and Virginia Roller Endowment
Joseph Andriola Memorial Fund to Benefit SBUMC Epilepsy Program
Joseph Lauher And Frank Fowler Endowed Chair In Materials Chemistry Fund
Joseph N. Campolo Award for Legal Studies
Joseph P. Durso Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Joseph Tromba Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of College Science Teaching Fund
Journalism Internship Stipends
Journalism without Wall Scholarship
Joyce Trondle Memorial Library
Judith Boudreau Endowed Scholarship Award
Judith Tanur Dissertation Research Endowment Fund
Karen Burke Endowed Memorial Fund
Karen Burke Memorial Fund
Karen Sabol Memorial Scholarship
Katherine & Bob Bayer Endowed Intent Scholarship in Music Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Kavita & Lalit Bahl Molecular Imaging Laboratory
Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Innovation Award Fund
Kavli PES Comms Training
Keane T. Kyle Nursing Award
Kehoe Family Fund for Stony Brook Athletics
Kenneth Short Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenneth Staudte Scholarship
Kerry Rose Foundation Fund for Commuter Student Services and Off-Campua Housing Fire Safety
Kevin C. King and John A. Miller Endowment
Kidney Dialysis Related Research Fund
KidOYO: Arie E. Kaufman Mentor Service Award
Kilimitzoglou Endowed Scholarship Fund
Klio Claire Kordas Memorial Fund For Excellence
Knapp Fund
Knapp Swezey Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Koch Family Basketball Scholarship Fund
Koppelman Endowed Fellowship in Political Science
Korean Buddhist Research Fund Endowment
Korean Studies Center
Korean Studies Endowment
Korean Studies Publication Project
Kristin Harris Award
Kuga-Sah Memorial Fund
L I Technology Hall of Fame
L. I. Kleinman, Md Pediatric Library
L.I.C.C. Cancer Database Fund
L.I.L.A.C. Fund 2016
Lab. For Wireless & Intelligent Systems
Lab. Research Neuron Growth
Labor/management Studies
Laboratories for Brain and Spinal Cord Research
Laboratory For Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Information Technology
Laboratory for the Analysis and Dating of Sediment
Lama Telescope Project
Language Learning Research Center Development Fund
Lap Chan Endowment
Larry Roher Entrepeneurial Award
Larry Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laser Teaching Center
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Center Student Award
Latin and/or CLS Studies Scholarship
Laufer Center
Laufer Center 2017 Professorship
Laufer Center Art Fund
Laufer Center for Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs
Laufer Center Fund for Excellence
Laufer Center-Ukrainian Research Initiative
Laufer Chair Laboratory Fund
Laufer Chemistry Faculty Fund
Laufer Endowed Associate Professorships
Laufer Endowed Chair
Laufer Fellow Carlos Simmerling
Laufer Professor Laboratory Fund
Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
Lauren Ackerman Memorial
Laurence Baxter Memorial Lecture Fund
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for C. Gobler & B. Peterson
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for Ellen Pikitch
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Fund for Graduate Research
Lawrence E. Noonan Scholarship
Leakey Fellowships
Lee Myers Endowment
Leeds Tuition Scholarship
Leo and Mickey Sreebny Symposium Quasi Endowment Fund
Leo Guthart Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leon Bolotin Memorial Scholarship in Arts
Leon Marienberg Family Practice Award Endowment
Leonard Krasner Psychological Center
Lev Ginzburg Lectureship in Ecology
Lewis M. Peterson Technical Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Library Books Shipping Fund
Library Collection Development Fund
Library Director's Account
Lichtenstein Fund for Centre ValBio
Lichtenstein Fund for Southampton Arts at Stony Brook University
Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Kahn Endowment
Lina Obeid Memorial Cancer Research Fund
Linda Bily Patient Advocacy Fund
Linda Delligatti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
LISTnet LISA Scholarships
Lloyd Cutler Endowment
Lois and Robert Stafford Award
Long Island Cancer Center (LICC)
Long Island Cancer Center Advancement Events Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Programs And Research Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Witness Fund
Long Island Cancer Center's Cut For The Cure
Long Island Cancer Research Donation Account
Long Island Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Long Island Groundwater Institute
Long Island High Technology Entrepreneurs Program
Long Island Museum of Natural Sciences
Long Island State Veterans Home
Long Island State Veterans Home Capital Fund
Long Island State Veterans Home-Special Projects
Long Island Tech Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship
Lori R. Brickman Student Support Fund
Louise Guarneri College of Arts & Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Louise Guarneri Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS - Development and Outreach
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS Research Fund
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS-Camp
Lourie Research Endowed Fellowships in Physics
Lung Cancer Evaluation Center
Lung Cancer Screening Fund
Lupus Account For Gary Zieve
Lyme Disease-Southampton Fund
M L Stone Education Center
M.S.R.C. Endowment
Madagascar Ankizy Fund
Madagascar Dental Outreach Fund
Madeline Fusco Fellowship Award
Manlong Rao Endowed Fund for Excellence
Marburger Scholarship
Marcell and Maria Roth Scholarship (Endowment)
Marcy McGinnis Endowed Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism
Margot Ammann Durrer Library Endowment
Maria Tzamarioudaki Memorial Fellowship In Chemistry
Marian I. Eskow Physician Assistant Scholarship
Marie Colvin Center for International Report - The Reporting Project
Marie Colvin Memorial Endowment Fund
Marie Colvin Memorial Fund
Marie Frey Memorial Award
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Reseach Fund
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Research Fund
Marilyn Colletta Research Fund
Marilyn Goodman Commuter Assistant Program
Marilyn Goodman Endowed Excellence Award
Marinetics Endowed Professorship in Marine Science
Mark Herzinger Scholarship in Political Science
Mark Ian Funt MD Resident Research Award
Marlene Ina Goldis Endowment
MART Art and Children's Hospital Enhancement Fund
MART Building Project
Martin Buskin Endowment
Martin Stone Endowment
Marty Weinbaum Fund for Excellence
Marvin Kuschner Professorship of Pathology Endowment
Marvin Kuschner Scholarship Fund
Mary Ellen Trodden Melanoma Fund
Mary F. Porter Scholarship
Marylou Stewart Pride Scholarship Fund
Material Sciences Endowment For Excellence
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Materials Sciences Research Center
Math for Simons Endowment for Math & Physics
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Matthew Blend Fund
Matthew T. Crosson Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Max Dresden Theory Physics Thesis Prize
Maynard M. Dewey Endowment
Maze-Landeau Fellowship
Maze-Landeau Graduate Student Fund for Excellence
MEC Senior Design Projects
Med Intensive Care Research
Medical Informatics
Medical Physics Education Research Fund
Medicine Academic Support Fund
Medicine Faculty Association
Medtronic Education Fund
Mellon Fellowship in Latin American History
Melvin V. Simpson Lecture Fund in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Memorial Account for Marta O. Sabates
Mendik-lyme Disease Fund
Merck Award
Merit Stony Brook Scholarship Program
Meyer Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in English
MFA Southampton Review
Michael A. Bane Music Scholarship
Michael A. Maffetone Community Service Award
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Math
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in SOMAS
Michael Corey Scholarship Fund
Michael Flynn Memorial Endowment
Michael Marx Memorial Fund
Michael P. Colbert Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Ohr Memorial Award Endowment
Michael S. Rosenbaum Scholarship for Journalism
Michi Nakao Japanese Studies
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor Systems
Middleton Family Student Athletic Alumni Award
Midwinter's Night Dream Research Lab
Milton Lodge Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Mind Body Clinical Research Center
Mineral Physics Institute General Fund
Mineral Physics Student Fund in Geosciences
Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund
Minorities In Medicine Fund
Minorities in Psychology Program
Mitchell Stern Scholarship
Mobile Systems & Web Performance Lab
Modern Monetary Theory
Molecular Control of Cellular Growth Development and Signalling Leading to Inflammation, Immune Resp
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Award
Morton E. Kahn Prize in English
Mother Cabrini Oral Health Grant for 2023
MSE Special Events Fund
Multicultural Affairs Initiatives Fund
Multicultural Executive Mentoring Program
Multiple Sclerosis Care Center
Music Department
Music Student Award
Myra Haggerty '86 & Michael Harrold '85 Endowment for the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
N. I. C. U. -Nursing Education Fund
N. I. C. U. -Physician Research
N.I.C.U. Development Fund
NAIS David Sheehan Memorial Fund
Nancy Mendell Endowed Scholarship in Statistics
Nancy Wender Natl D
Naomi Stampfer Scholarship Endowment
Natale & Josephine Maresca Music Award
Nathaniel Bohrer Finance Endowment Fund
National Black AIDS Awareness Symposium
National Cancer Survivor Day
Native American Peoples Support Fund
Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Fund
Navy Seal LT Michael Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Neil and Arlene Butterklee Endowment Fund at the College of Business
NetApp Research Fund
Neurobiology - Mc Kinnon
Neurobiology of Retina
Neurology Department
Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Fund
Neurology Rehabilitation Research Fund
Neurology Stroke Research
New Computer Science Building
New Conjugated Materials Research
New Molecular & Macromolecular Materials
New Theatre Guild Chair's Fund
New York Community Bank Foundation Endowment for Real Estate Studies at College of Business
New York Dragons' Athletic Band Scholarship
New York Islanders' Brookhaven Scholarship Fund
New York Sea Grant
News Corp Commencement Award
Next Generation Endowment Fund
Nextel Scholarship Endowment
NextStep at Stony Brook University
Nina and Vinod Rathore Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad
Nirmal and Augustina Mattoo Endowed Chair in Indic Humanities
Nobel Biocare Fund for Implant Dentistry
Norman "Norm" Goodman Endowed Excellence Award in Sociology Endowment Fund
Norman "Norm" Goodman University Senate Endowment Fund
Norman Creel Prize Endowment
Norman H. Edelman MD Alumni Achievement Award for the Program in Public Health's 10th Anniversary
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award - INT
Nursing Vision Awards
NY Islanders Children's-Burn
NY Speaks SLP Bilingual Scholarship
O. S. A. Outreach & Education Program
Oberleder Professorship in Geriatric Medicine
OBGYN Access Fund
Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund
Obstetrics Dept
Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Support Fund
Okubo Endowment Fund
Okubo Fund
OLLI Commemorative Fund
Omnicon Group Inc. Scholarship Fund
Oncology Nursing Education Fund
Online Programming-Alda Center
Opera Guild of Long Island at Stony Brook
Optical Sciences
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Education Fund
Oral Biology and Pathology Department Fund
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organization for Tropical Studies Support Fund
Osteoporosis Center Fund
Othmar Ammann Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Othmar Ammann Endowment
Outstanding Korean-American Award Endowment
PACE Program Fund (Pre-Medical Access to the Clinical Experience)
Palliative Care Department Fund for Excellence
Palliative Care Program Fund
Pancreatic Cancer & Surgical Oncology Fund
Parameter-Free Stochastic Minimization of Non-Convex Functions
Parasites Project in Remote Madagascar
Parent Day Event Fund
Parent Relations Fund
Parker Aerospace Scholarship
Patricia A. Gramer Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Herman Memorial Fund
Patricia Lewis Pediatric Dentistry Residency Fund
Patrick Brooks Memorial Award Endowment Fund
Patrick Herley Memorial Fund
Patrick W. Warner Award
Paul A. Schreiber Scholarship
Paul Licht Teaching Award in Chemistry
Paul M.Bingham - Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Award
Paul N. Baer Department of Periodontics Educational Fund
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Endowment Fund
Pediatric Aids Fund
Pediatric Development Fund
Pediatric Fellowship Program Fund
Pediatric I. C. U. Development Fund
Pediatric Neurology Account
Pediatric Neurosurgery Support Fund
Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatric Trauma Account
Pediatric TV Fund
Pericles Gasparis Memorial Fund
Periodontal Molecular Immunolgy Lab (PMIL)
Peter B. Kahn Fund
Peter B. Kahn Physics Department Endowment
Peter F. Cohn Professorship in Cardiology Endowment
Peter H. Freedman Endowed Lecture Series in HIV Research
Peter J. Rajkowski Award
Peter Paul Memorial Endowment Fund
Peter S. Kim MD Endowed Scholarship
Peter V. Tsantes Family Endowed Scholarship to Study Abroad in Greece
Peter V. Tsantes Professorship in Greek Literature & Language
Petra M. Udelhofen Scholarship Endowment
Petrology Fund
Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C. Scholarship Fund
Pharmacology Undergraduate Program
PhD Graduate Fellowships in Chemistry
Philosophers of the Future Excellence Fund
Philosophy Department Visiting Lecturers
Philosophy Graduate Fund for Excellence
Physician Outreach Specl Proj
Physics & Astronomy Education Account
Physics and Astronomy Faculty Mortgage Assistance
Physics- Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Physiology & Biophysics Department
Piano Initiative
Piano Maintenance Endowment in Music
Pierce Gardiner Scholarship for International Medicine
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award
Pink Aid UBER to Stony Brook Mobile Mammography Sites
Pink Rock Fund
Poetry Center Donor Fund
Pollock-Krasner Conference Account
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Support
Pollock-Krasner House
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center Endowment
Pollock-Krasner Study Center
Pollock-Krasner Study Ctr.
Polymer Materials Field Fund
Polymer Nanocomposite Research
Pool Renovation Project
Post Endodontic Educational Fund
Post Graduate Orthodontic Fund
Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship Fund
President's Fund
Presidental Support
Presidential Innovation and Excellence
Presidential University Initiatives
Preventive Medicine Research
Preventive Medicine Residency
Preventive Medicine: Division of Epidemiology
Pritchard Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Pritchard Charitable Trust Gymnasium Renovation Account
Professional Services Fund, Laufer Center
Professor Akoglu Research in Advanced Graph Data Structure Processing, Analysis and Visualization
Professor Belenky Lab Fund
Professor John Neale Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in Psychology
Professor Richard S. L. Lee and Grace F. Lee Scholarship Fund
Project W.I.S.E. (Women in Science and Engineering)
Protopopescu Fundraising Benefit Fund
Psychiatry Department
Pulmonary Education Fund
Pulmonary Hypertension Fund
Pulmonary Mechanics Research
Pulmonary/Critical Care General Account
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund
R Leakey End Intent FD for TBI
R. R. Sokal Research in Statistical Biology
Radar Sensor Management
Radiation Oncology Fund
Rahsaan T. Jackson Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Watkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ramsey Water Well
Raphael Santore DDS '78 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Re-imagining Stony Brook Challenge Fund
Remote Area Medical Outreach Fund
Renaissance Fellowships in Computer Science
Renaissance School of Medicine - Peru Mission
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Event Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Contingency Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Endowment
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund for Excellence
Renaissance School of Medicine International Medicine Award Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Stethoscope Drive
Renaissance School of Medicine/University Hospital Fundraising Account
Renal Division Fund
Renner Dental Student Award
Reproductive Endocrinology Fund
Research & Education Activities-Headache
Research and Support in Oral Biology and Pathology
Research Gift Program
Research Gifts Program for ALS
Research Gifts Program for Breast Cancer Fund
Research Gifts Program for Diabetes
Research Gifts Program for Environmental Studies
Research Gifts Program for Obstetrics/Gynecology
Research Gifts Program for Oncology
Research Gifts Program for Pediatrics
Research Gifts Program for Prostate Cancer
Research Gifts Program for Pulmonary Disease
Research Gifts Program for Surgery
Research in Computational Neuroscience
Research into Microgravity Processed Materials
Research Support Account
Research Support for Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology of Organic Chemicals
Respiratory Care Program Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Disease Memorial Gift Account
Returning Military Personnel Scholarship
RF Sensing and Multimodal Fusion Research Fund
Rheological Studies Program
Rheumatology Education Fund
Rheumatology Faculty Recruitment and Retention Fund
Rich and Mary Morrison Basketball Fund
Richard A. Bishop Memorial Endowment Fund
Richard B. Martin Endowed Scholarship in History
Richard B. Martin Scholarship in History
Richard Friedman, Ph. D. Memorial Fund
Richard Gelfond Scholarship Fund
Richard Hartzell Endowment
Richard J. Oringer Implant Surgical Suite
Richard J. Puz Scholarship in Journalism
Richard Leakey Family Fund
Richard Nasti Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship
Richard W. Reeder Endowment Student Excellence Fund
Richmond County Savings Foundation Scholarship
Ride for Life ALS Clinical Office Gift Account
Robert "Dean" Schamberger Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Robert A. Rango '80 Endowed Fund for Computer Science
Robert A. Schwartz Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Robert and Rhoda Amon Scholarship
Robert Clark Scholarship Fund
Robert Clasen Schol in PoliSci
Robert David Lion Gardiner Chair in American History Fund
Robert Kahen Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Robert Liebermann Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Robert Renner Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert Renner Minority Student Recruitment Award
Robert S. Roth Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Robert W. Greene Summer Institute
Robotics Research Laboratory
Rod Engelmann Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
Roger Rosenblatt Prize in English
Roger Wunderlich Endowed Student Excellence Fund
Rohlf Medal
Rory Hackett Scholarship Fund
Rosalind Dressler Susman Memorial Endowment
Rosenthal Research Fund in History Endowment
Roslyn Foundation News Literacy Scholarship
Rozalia and Emil Berla Scholarship in Judaic Studies
RSOM Class of 1999 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
RSOM LQBTQ* Fund for Excellence
RSOM Scholarship Underrepresented Students
Ruby Peck Memorial Scholarship
Rudin Foundation Sch
Rudolph and James DiPietro Football Fund
Rudolph DiPietro Football Fund
Rugby Scholarship
Ruskin, Moscou, Evans and Faltischek, P.C. High Technology Scholarship Endowment
Russo Geriatric Education Scholarship Fund for Graduate SSW Students
Ruth Pasternack Leadership Award
S.B.F./ Dental Student Fund
S.H.T.M. Alumni Association
S.P.I.R. Scholarship For College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
S.T.E.M. Smart
Sachem Dental Group Endowment Fund
Safe Kids Account
Sag Harbor Village Fund
Sagaponack Pond Research Fund
Saints Program
Sajid and Ninoska Malik CAR-T Therapy Cancer Research Fund
Salomon Smith Barney Lecture Series
Sam and Rose Berezin Endowment
Sam Kornhauser Scholarship
Sampson Research Award
Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Foundation Scholarship
Samuel Baron Music Commission
Samuel Baron Prize In Music
Save The Lemurs Gala
Sayville Project
SB Home Gala
SB Southampton - Avram Gallery
SB Southampton Special Events
SB Undergraduate Student Book Award
SB Water Purification Grant
SBU Athletic Band Alumni Award
SBU Cancer Center End Research
SBU Climate Solutions Fund for Excellence
SBU Hacks
SBU Kappa Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Scholarship
SBU Letters Fund
SBUMC Lobby Enhancement Fund
Schermerhorn Cancer Foundation
Scholarship Support
Scholarships, Grant and Other Aid - Undergraduate Research
School of Dental Medicine Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
School of Dental Medicine Community Outreach Fund
School of Dental Medicine Enrichment Fund
School of Dental Medicine Post Graduate Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics Fund
School of Health Professions Aids Education and Resource Center
School of Health Professions Development
School of Health Professions High Tech Facility Construction
School of Health Professions PA Support Program
School of Health Professions Student Support Fund
School of Journalism Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine Alumni Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2005 Gift Matching Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2006 Gift Matching Fund
School of Nursing - 50th Anniversary Gala
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
School of Social Welfare Alumni Fund
School of Social Welfare Faculty Scholars Fund for Excellence
School of Thought - Union Walkway Project
School Re-entry Program
Science of Sexual Function
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Scott D. Middleton Scholarship in Political Science
SDM Continuing Education
Seawolves Mental Health Fund
Seawolves Success Scholarship
Seawolves United
Seawolves United Events
Sediment Imaging and Enviromental Sensor Research Fund
Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarship
Sei Sujishi Prize Endowment Fund
Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Senator Akporokena Pius Ewherido Memorial Scholarship
Sensor Cat Scholarship Program
Shalini Devi Gujavarty Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Shaun Abrilz Pediatric Research Fund
Shaun T Abrilz Pediatrics Fund
Shi Ming Hu Memorial Endowment for Leadership, Freshman, & Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Awards
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Clam Fund
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project
Shirley Murray Award for Distinguished Service
Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Fund Endowment
SHPE Scholarship
Si Young Bae Fellowship Endowment
Sidney Gelber Endowment
Sillcox Scholars Current Use Scholarship Fund
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Current Use Fund
Simons Chair of Medicine Endowment
Simons Institute of Mathematical Sciences Operating Fund
Simulation Seminar Master Awards
Single Parent Award Endowment Fund
Sir James Black Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research
Sir Run Run Shaw Endowment
Sleep Research in Psychology
SLUNGE Alumni Scholarship for the College of Arts & Sciences
Social Media Data Mining
Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Society of Flight Test Engineers-Long Island Chapter
Sociology Endowment Fund
Sokal Reading Room
Solan James Family & Lyshaan Hall Family Football Scholarship Fund
SOM Class of 1988 Endowed Award for Excellence in memory of our classmates
SOMAS Student Support
SoMAS Undergraduate Environmental Essay Writing Award
Soroff Family Israel Fellowship Endowment
Southampton Campus Windmill Renovation
Southampton Graduate Arts
Southampton Studio Theatre
Spanish Fund
Spatz Foundation Academic Scholarships for Renaissance School of Medicine Students
Special Collections Fund
Spect Research
Speech Language Pathology
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation Power Electronics Lab
Spellman Sustainable Future Research Fund
Spiegel Family Endowed Scholarship
Spinal Neurosurgery Research & Education
Sports Medicine Fund for Excellence
Sprint PCS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Squires/Steinberg Endowment Fund
SRI Research Fund - T. Koga
Srivastav, Tucker and Weitzman Scholarship
SSK Student Arts Festival Prgm
Staller Center Benefit Fund
Staller Center Dance Initiative
Staller Center for the Arts Endowment
Staller Center Initiatives
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2017
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2018
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2019
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2020
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2021
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2022
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2024
Stelling Family Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Stem Cell Research
Stewart Harris Memorial Lectureship Fund
Stewart Harris Scholarships
Stone Disease Program
Stony Brook Alumni Association Life Members Endowed Award Fund
Stony Brook Alumni Law Day
Stony Brook Athletics Golf Classic
Stony Brook Camerata Singer Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Annual Golf Outing
Stony Brook Cancer Center CancerWise Cafe Events
Stony Brook Cancer Center Events and Cause Marketing Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Innovation Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Research
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Excellence Fund
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Children's Early Childhood Clinic Fund
Stony Brook Children's Wellness Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Awards Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Center Equipment Account
Stony Brook Distinguished Lecture in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Endowment
Stony Brook Endowed Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry
Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Quasi Endowment Fund
Stony Brook Foundation/Advancement Scholarship Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Golf Classic
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Walk of Heroes Fund
Stony Brook Gala Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Heights
Stony Brook Home Program Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Kappas Endowed Achievement Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Madagascar Fund
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Men's Soccer Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Ophthalmology Fund
Stony Brook Rugby
Stony Brook Southampton - Avram Theater
Stony Brook Southampton Graduate Arts Food Lab and Initiatives
Stony Brook Southampton M.F.A. and Writers Conference
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook University 'Seawolves Pantry'
Stony Brook University Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
Stony Brook University Biopsychology Founders Endowed Fellowship
Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Social Work Indigent Patient Fund
Stony Brook University Pre-College Program in Music
Stony Brook University Software Incubator
Stony Brook Women's Basketball Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Women's Lacrosse Golf Outing Event
Storm Surge Research Group
Structural Biology Fund
Structure Development in Processing of Elastomers
Stuart and Sherry Greene Research and Education Grant
Stuart Sharoff Family Athletic Fund
Student Enrichment; Theatre in New York
Student Life
Student Research Initiatives
Student Welfare Fund
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Study of Aging Fund
Sudesh and Sudha Mukhi Vedic Music and Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Burn Center
Suffolk Firefighters Burn Center Fund
Sukon Kim Fund
Summer Math Scholarship
Summer Math Scholarship Endowed Fund
Summer Math Scholarship Second Summer
Sun Microsystems Fund
Sunrise Fund at Stony Brook
Sunrise Fund Play Fit Stay Fit
Sunrise Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Quasi-Endow Research Fund
SUNY LI Pitchfest Prize
Suny-Stony Brook Geriatric Program
Support for Stony Brook Cancer Center Clinical Research
Surface Science
Susan K. Kershnar Endowed Nursing Emergency Relief Fund
Susanna and Frederick Schoenewolf Endowed Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship Endowment Fund
Sustainability Studies Program Fund
Sustainable Off-Grid Solutions for Africa Economic Development
Svam International Scholarship
Swoboda-Ward Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
Sydney & Edith Golub Endowed Memorial Fund for Faculty Development
Sylvia Fund Endowment
Symbol Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Symbol/Motorola Fellowship
Sythesis of Natural Products
Szema Yuan-Pian Award
T-Mobile Endowment
T-Mobile Scholarship
T. Alexander Pond Endowment
Tamarath Yolles Endowment
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Technology & Society Excellence Fund
Ted Moorman Memorial Book Collection Fund
Ted Weiss Award Endowment
Teen Education & Resource Fund
Telnet Revenue Account
Teresa Haire Memorial Award Fund
Terry Alexander Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Thaw Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
The Ackerman Fund for Cardiology Fellow Support
The Adolescent Medicine Fund for Excellence
The Alex and Zach Traum Research Prize and Award In American History Endowment
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging - Current Use
The Ana Marie Torres Scholarship for Hispanic/Latino Students Fund
The Annette and Sol Goldstein Scholarship in Music History
The Anthropoid Origins Fund
The Benedict '76 Scholarship Endowment
The Bergman Family Foundation Prize in Memory of Roberta Richin for Student Initiatives for Soc Gd
The Bernard Osher Foundation Endowment
The Cancer Center Director's Fund
The Center for Understanding and Treating Cognitive Decline
The Center of Entrepreneurial Finance
The Christina Seix Fund for Presidential Initiatives
The Concerned Women of the Grove Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Conti Family Scholarship
The Corey Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dan's Paper Literary Scholarship
The Debbie Whittemore Endowed Scholarship Fund
The deBrauwere Family Endowed Intent Medical Scholarship Current Use Fund
The Della Pietra Family Endowed Chair in Biomedical Imaging
The Dr. Dorothy L. Hurley Fellowship
The Dr. Joseph W. Woo Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine Fund
The Ellen J. Bell Scholarship
The Emilio Belari Scholarship in Voice
The Emma Mumper Memorial Fund
The Empowerment English Endowm
The Endowment Fund for the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Eppenstein Family Scholarship Fund
The Esther Kaminoff Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Music
The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
The Flame Challenge
The Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship Progran at Stony Brook University
The Francesco P. And Dina D'Alto Malgeri Endowment in Italian Culture
The Frey Family Foundation Endowment
The Frey Professorship in Quantitative Finance
The Frey Scholarship for Students in the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
The Halpern Research Fellowship
The Hilda R Maier Scholarship Endowment for the School of Nursing
The Institute for Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Post-Doc Fellowship
The Irwin Oster Prize
The Israel Wilenitz Endowment
The Jack Foley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jack Heller Award
The Japan Center at Stony Brook
The Jerry R. Schubel Graduate Fellowship Endowment
The John C. Dunphy Private Foundation Cancer Innovation Fund
The John F. Lauro, P.A. Fund
The John J. Ricotta, MD Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series in Surgery Endowment Fund
The Joseph and Angela Comberiate Memorial Scholarship
The Judy Sue Sussman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
The Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Fund
The Kim Mehmood Scholarship fund in Nursing
The Laufer Family Fund for Tibetan Scholars
The Lee Lutz Commencement Award
The Lillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professorship in Trauma Surgery
The Lisa and Robert Lourie Imaging Suite
The Manuel London, PhD and Marilyn London, EdD Endowed Award Fund at the College of Business
The Marc and Caren Tishfield Endowed Scholarship in Economics
The Mary G. Bourguignon Memorial Scholarship Fund
The McGuire Family Fund
The Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Physics
The Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical & Educational Scholars
The Miriam & David Donoho Distinguished Teaching Professor
The Miriam and David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars
The Nancy K. Squires Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Network Lab Fund for Student Excellence
The NPD Group, Inc. Scholarship
The Ojima Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Award
The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award Current-Use Fund
The Oliver Schaeffer Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Omnicon Group, Inc. WISE Scholarship
The Overseas Partnership Program in News Literacy
The Paglia Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering
The Pamela J. Combs and John Primavera Award for Community Service in Dentisty
The Parent Fund for Stony Brook Southampton
The Paul A. Schreiber Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Endowed Lectureship in Anesthesiology
The Peter Glass, MD Endowed Excellence Fund
The Peter K. Weyl Memorial Award in Climate Changes Science Endowment Intent Current Use Fund
The Peter W. "Pete" Bretsky, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Geosciences
The Philip Johnson Endowment for Physical Chemistry
The Pre-College Summer Institute
The Pretty and Powerful Program
The Rajesh and Sonali Kakani Lecture in India Studies
The Real Estate Institute Scholarship for Real Estate Studies
The Renaissance School of Medicine Class of 1999 Endowed Scholarship
The Richard E. Aiello Lung Cancer Research Fund
The Rita and Kurt Eppenstein Hall of Fame
The Robert Von Tauber & Olga Von Tauber Fund
The Roberto and Palmina Mignone Fellowship in Italian and Italian American Studies
The Role of Erythropoietin in Ex Vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Cells from Umbilical Cord/Blood
The Ronald and Rosanne Roge Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Rosaline & Milton Sterman Travel Awards in the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ryan Scholarship for Future Academicians at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
The Sanacora Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Endowment Fund
The Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard Fellowship in Music History-Theory
The Scholarly Concentration Program Research Track Student Award
The Seawolves for Life Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Sherry and Howard Sussman Endowed Scholarship
The Stanley Scholarship Fund
The Stem Cell Transplantation & Hematologic Malignancy Program
The Steven Allard Returning Military Personnel Endowed Scholarship
The Stony Brook Cancer Center Garden Fund
The Stony Brook Children's Hospital Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Care Center
The Stony Brook Taiko Ensemble
The Tarrson Family Professorship in Periodontology
The Telescope Fund
The Terian Fund for Nursing Education
The Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Endowed Scholarship in Dental Medicine
The University Fund
The Vincent & Robert Gallucci Endowment in Memory of Sam Gallucci
The Violet and Les Payne Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
The Virginia Fuller Senior Award Sponsored by Sharon Cowles on behalf of Gallery North
The Wai Seak Hom Memorial Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Weinig Foundation Scholarship
The William Wertheim Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education
The Women's Integrative Cancer Center Fund
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Immunology
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Theatre Arts Department Fund for Excellence
Theatre Renovation Fund
Theodore W. Allen Scholar Program
Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize
Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Fund
Thomas F. Irvine Scholarship Endowment
Thomas Flanagan Prize
Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research in Neurobiology & Behavior
Thomas Neumiller Scholarship Fund in Music
Thomas R. and Margherita T. Sexton Award for Academic Excellence While Facing Uncommon Obstacles
Thomas Rogers Prize
Tick Borne Disease Fund
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
Tina Staller Memorial Account
Tom Neumiller Guest Artist Series
Tom Neumiller Scholarship Fund
Tony and Aspacia Poulis Scholarship Fund
Touch Modeling Research
Touchdown Club / Football Fund for Excellence
Transatlantic Collegium
Transatlantic Collegium of Philosophy
Transplant Division Gifts
Transplantation Division of Surgery Fund
Trauma Center
Travelers Insurance/Citigroup Scholarship in Insurance
Travelers Scholarship Fund
Travis Political Science Award
Tribology Laboratory
Turan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Umbilic Torus Project
UME/NV Kurup Memorial Altruism Award
Undergraduate and Graduate Fund in Mathematics
Undergraduate Pharmacology Scholarship Award Account
Undergraduate Programs Support Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund in Anthropology
University Advancement - Special Events
University Affairs Graduate Fellowship
University Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
University Diversity Initiatives
University Hospital Patient Benefit Fund
University Housing Fund
University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award
University Library
University Medical Center Special Events Account
University Preschool
Ur Excavations
Urology Department Fund
Urology Education and Research Fund
USG Presents: The 30th Annual Roth Regatta / USG Events
Vallone Family Endowed Scholarship
Vascular Surgery Journal Club 2022-2023
Vascular Surgery Research & Education
Verizon Wireless Endowed Scholarship
Verizon Wireless Scholarship
Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Fund
Violet's Voice Fund
VIP Hockey Fund
Virginia Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Roller Trust Properties
Visiting Artists Series in Music
Visiting Professorship in Pediatrics
Visiting Scholar Fund
Vito Dechiaro Otolaryngolgy Education Fund
Vivian Ling Scholarship Fund
Vivien Hartog Endowment
Voll Professorship Fund
VP Brookhaven National Laboratory Affairs Iniviatives
VP for Economic Development Fund for Excellence
W. Averell Harriman Endowment
W. Turner Founding Dean Scholarship
W.I.S.E.-Diamond Award Programming Funds
Wachter Family Athletics Scholarship
Wainscott Pond Project
Wall Street Group Fundraising Initiative
Wang Asian Programming Fund
Waterbor Burn & Cancer Foundation
Welfare and Family Preventive Medicine Research Fund
William and Jane Knapp Alumni Center
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Energy and the Environment
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Pharmacological Sciences
William and Maude Pritchard Scholarship Endowment
William and Teresa Meyer Award Endowment Fund
William Dawes Endowed Fund for Excellence in Economics
William J. and Florence M. Catacosinos Fund for Cancer Research Endowment
William J. Burke Scholarship Endowment
William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William Ryan Pancreatic Cancer Fund
William Van Der Kloot Awards in M&C Pharmacolgy
William W. and James W. Catacosinos Fund for Computer Sciences
Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Wings Lab Professor Samir's Research Fund
Wise Banquet Event
Witness Project Anniversary Celebration
Wolfie Mascot Bench Fund
Wolfie Tank Award
Women For Women Project
Women's Health
Women's Health Endowment Fund
Women's Studies Conferences
Womens Studies-G.T.E. Foundation
Wonhyo Translation Project
Woo Jong Kim Dissertation Prize
World Language Teacher Education Award
World Trade Center Program
Yacov and Linda Shamash Scholarship Fund
Yetta Brandwine Parker Memorial Scholarship
YITP-Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Young Artists and Writers Project
Young Investigators Review: Undergraduate Science Journal
Yusuf A. Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Yusuf A.Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Zhang Award: Beaupre - Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Helminth Parasite
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Microbes in Parasite Fitness
Zhang Award: Dvarskas - Economic Modeling of Fishing
Zhang Award: Reed - Impact of Climate Change
Zhang Award: Wehrmann - Arctic Fjords
Zickler Scholar Award in Translational Biomedical Research
Legacy Way Fund
Alumni Awards
Alumni Association St. Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament
Africana Studies Fund for Excellence
Alda Center for Communicating Science
Alda Center Innovation Fund
Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Alumni Dissertation Fellowship in Philosophy
Anatomical Sciences Department Support Fund
Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
Anthropology Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Fund for Excellence
Art Department Fund for Excellence
Asian and Asian American Studies Fund for Excellence
Athletic Training Program School of Health Professions
Athletics - Seawolves United
Autism Initiative Excellence Fund
Bachelor of Science in Health Science Support Fund
Baseball Fund for Excellence
Baseball/Softball Complex Fund
Bay Scallop Bowl
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Endowed Fund for Excellence
Biomedical Engineering Department Fund for Excellence
Black and Latino Alumni Network Endowed Scholarship
Cancer Center
Cardiothoracic Surgery Fund
Career Center Student Professional Development Fund
Carlos Vidal Memorial Fund
Center for Changing Systems of Power Excellence Fund
Center for Clean Water Technology Excellence Fund
Center for Hellenic Studies
Center for India Studies
Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communications Fund for Excellence
Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease
Chemistry Dept Fund for Excellence
Civil Engineering Fund for Excellence
Clinical Laboratory Science Fund for Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Development Fund
Cross Country / Track & Field Fund for Excellence
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship Current Use Fund
Dental Medicine Scholarship Endowment Fund
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fund for Excellence
Dept of Medicine Education Research Fund
Dept Orthopedics Resident Education FFE
Dept. of Neurology: Resident Training Funds
DoIT Innovation
DoIT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Dr. Aldustus E. Jordan Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Ecology & Evolution Award for Student Excellence
Ecology and Evolution Department Fund for Excellence
Economics Department Fund for Excellence
Education For The Local Malagasy People
Electrical and Computer Engineering Fund for Excellence
Endocrinology Division
EOP/AIM Fund For Excellence
Family Medicine Division Fund for Excellence
First Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Football Fund for Excellence
Frances L. Brisbane Endowment Fund for Leadership and Social Justice
Fund for Excellence in Undergraduate Biology
General Scholarship Fund
Geosciences Department Fund for Excellence
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Medical Education Fund for Excellence
Graduate Program in Public Health Development Account
Graduate School
Graduate Student Organization Student Emergency Support Fund
Health Crisis Fund
Heart Institute
Hispanic Languages and Literature Fund for Excellence
Hispanic Languages and Literature Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Fund
History Chair's Fund
History Dept Alumni Fund
Honors College Scholarship Fund
Humanities Institute Fund
IDEA Fund of Excellence
IGS Excellence Fund
Internet of Things Laboratory Fund
Italian Studies Fund
James Nobles Memorial Award
John J. Ricotta Professorship in Surgery
Kidney Transplantation Program Fund
Lab Modernization Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Languages & Cultural Studies Fund for Excellence
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Fund for Excellence
Lauterbur Frontier Research Endowment Fund in Chemistry
LGBTQ* Center Fund for Excellence
LI Shore Real-Time Environmental Data Systems
Linguistics Fund for Excellence
Long Island State Veterans Home
Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration Student Fund
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Mathematics Department Fund for Excellence
Mechanical Engineering Fund
Medical Scientist Training Program Fund for Excellence
Men's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Men's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Men's Soccer Fund for Excellence
Microbiology Department
Milton Lodge Fund for Political Psychology
Mobile Stroke Unit
Music Department Fund for Excellence
Neurobiology and Behavior Fund for Excellence
Neurosciences Institute
Occupational Therapy Fund for Excellence
OLLI Member Giving Account
Paul Siegel Endowed Scholarship
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Pediatric Emergency Department Expansion Fund
Pediatric Research Innovation Fund for Excellence
Pharmacology Department
Philosophy Department Fund for Excellence
Physical Therapy Department Fund for Excellence
Physician Assistant Education Fund for Excellence
Physics and Astronomy Department Fund for Excellence
Political Science Fund for Excellence
Program in Writing and Rhetoric Fund for Excellence
Psychology Department Fund for Excellence
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund (HOLDING ACCOUNT)
Radiation Oncology Department Fund for Excellence
Radiology Department
Red Watch Band Support Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Care Program Fund for Excellence
Richard B. Moore Endowment
Richard L. Gelfond Fund on the Health Effects of Mercury Exposure
SB Home
School of Communication and Journalism Excellence Fund
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine Dean's Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
School of Dental Medicine Student Assistance Fund
School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions Fund for Excellence
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Alumni Fund
School of Nursing Award
School of Professional Development
School of Social Welfare
School of Social Welfare L Fund
School of Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Senior Design Fund for TBI
Sociology Department Fund for Excellence
Softball Fund for Excellence
SoMAS General Scholarship Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Endowed Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Fund
Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Child Care
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
Stony Brook Film Festival Current Use
Stony Brook Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Marching Band
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SBVAC) Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Student Affairs Fund
Student Emergency Support Fund
Student Life Fund
Surgery Chairman's Research and Education Fund
Swimming & Diving Fund for Excellence
Tennis Fund for Excellence
The English Department Fund for Excellence
The Parent Fund
Turkana Basin Institute Project
Turner Support Fund
Undergraduate Biology Fund
Undergraduate Philosophy Club
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
University Counseling Center
University Library
Veterans Assistance Fund
Volleyball Fund for Excellence
W. Burghardt & Joyce Turner Endowed Fellowship Fund
Wise Scholarship Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Fund for Excellence
Women's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Women's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Women's Leadership Council Fund
Women's Soccer Fund for Excellence
WUSB-FM Radio Fund
- Choose a Program -
1998 Black Expo Fund
2008 Class Gifts
2010 Class Gifts
2011 Class Gifts
2012 Class Gifts
33rd Northeast Bioengineering Conference
40 Under Forty
A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Endowed Scholarship
A.M.S. Memorial Scholarship
Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship in Classical Literature and Latin
Academic Excellence
Accounting Advisory Board
Accurate, Scalable, Low Cost Floor Plan Construction Using Commodity Smartphones Research
Ackerman Music Endowment
Adult Literacy Program
Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)
Advanced Power Sources Laboratory
Aeroflex Laboratories Scholarship
Aerosol and Mucous Hypersecretion Account
Africana Studies-Black Womens Forum
AI and Music Initiative
AIDC 100 Library Collection
AIDC 100 Library Collection Endowment
AIDS Center Patient Care Fund
AIDS Center Research Fund
AIDS Center/ AIDS Education
Al & Harriet Zlatin Fund at Staller Center
Alan Babich Memorial Prize in English Endowment
Alfonse D'Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American Studies
Alfred Wolf Award Fund
Algorithms Guarding and Acquiring Geometric Models
Alison Stopeck Research Fund
All Teens Considered
All the Way Scholarship Fund
Alumni Center
Alumni Deans Choice Award
Alumni Initiative Endowment
Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
Alumni Programs Fund
Alumni Reunions
Alzheimer Research Foundation
Ama Medical Student Activity Account
Ambulatory Patient Complimentary Medical Supplies
Amenities Fund in Honor of A. Peter Gary
Amenities Fund In Honor of Charles Davis
Amenities Fund In Honor of E. Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Evelyn (Billie) Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Morris G. Cohen
Amenities Fund in Honor of W K Ferguson
AMETEK Thermal Scholarship Fund
Amie Hanes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
AMS Dept. Quantitative Finance Program
Analog Design Automation
Analysis Fund in Mathematics
Ananya Fund Center for India Studies
Anatomical Sciences Department
Andrea Roher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Merrill Silver Endowed Scholarship
Andrew and Merrill Silver Flexcelsior
Andrew and Merrill Silver Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Yue Min Lee Scholarship
Anemia-Chronic Renal Failure Account
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Ania Kowalik and Laurence Higgins Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medi
Ann Neuberger Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Bohme Endowed Scholarship
Anne Sayre Prize Endowment
Anthony and Antoinette Di Donato Scholarship
Anthony Fronzoni III Endowed Scholarship
Anthony M. Bongiorno Endowed Scholarship for Women in Science
Antonawich Lab Education Account
Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund
APD Sean Finnegan and Paul Richards Memorial Fund
Applied Health Informatics Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Teaching Chair
Applied Math Scholarship
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund (Current Use)
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arms Control Disarmament Peace Fund
Arms Control/Peace
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Award
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Fund
Arnold M. Feingold Prize in Astronomy
Aronson and Virag Scholarship Current Use Fund for Narrative Journalism
Arrhythmia Project/Study Fund
Art Therapy Fund
Artem Ayzen Memorial Fund
Arthur Berken Memorial Fellowship Fund
Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship
Artificial Intelligence Fund for Excellence
Artificial Intelligence Research Fund
Arunkumar and Umaben Parikh Scholarship
Ashley Schiff Preserve Endowed Scholarship
Asian American Center
Asian American Fundraising Account
Aspiring Science and Mathematics Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Asthma Research
Astronomy Group
Athletic Department Fund for Excellence
Athletic General Scholarship Fund
Athletics Academic Support Center
Athletics Endowment
Autism Applied Behavioral Research Fund in Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Fund
Autoinflammatory Disease Research Fund
Aviv Scholarship for First Generation Students Endowment Fund
Ayanis Outer Town Archaelogical Project
Babak Movahedi Student Leadership Endowment
Babies' and Children's Memorial Garden
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Baldwin Breast Imaging
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara M. Swartz Endowed Student Excellence Fund in History
Barbara Mills Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara N. Pond Memorial Student Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts & Education Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts and Education Endowment
Bariatric Walk for Weight Loss
BASH Event Operations
Behavioral Sciences Education in Dental Medicine
Benjamin W. Lee and Joo Sang Kang Endowed Memorial Award
Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund
Berlin Family Foundation/Arkwin Industries, Inc.
Bernard Semmel Endowed Fund in History
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Betumonga Research Station Project
Bill Arens Endowed Scholarship Fund for International Study
Bill Drayton Social Enterprise Fund at the College of Business
Bill Godfrey Endowed Teaching Excellence Awards
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence
Biochemistry Department
Biochemistry General Support
Biological Basis of Personality
Biomedical Engineering Building
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Bioscience-Lyme Research-Coyle
Bipolar Awareness Account
Bishembarnath & Sheela Mattoo Center for India Studies Endowment
Black Faculty School Fund
Black History Month Fund
Bliss Verdon Scholarship Fund Endowment
Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Bloomberg Climate
BMI Donations
Board of Trustees' Special Fund for Presidential Initiatives
Bob Meyers Award in Music
Bonazzi Voice Scholarship Endowment
Bone Marrow Transplant
Brady William Russell Memorial Fund
Braile MacArthur Prize History
Brain Tumor Research Project
BRAtender Challenge
Breast Cancer Education Grant
Breast Cancer Equipment Lease Account
Breast Cancer Patient Service Fund
Breast Cancer Programs and Services
Breast Cancer Research
Breast Cancer Research-Ute Moll
Breast Cancer Service Acoount
Brenda Daniels Memorial Fund
Brevet Capital Management Fund for the Investment Club
Brian A. Wright Memorial Autism Research Fund
Brinkhuis Scholarship Award
Bromo Criptine In Aphasia
Brooke Ellison Legacy Scholarship
Bryan Griesbeck Memorial Scholarship
Building a Pipeline for Social Work Careers
Burn Center and Skin Bank Fund
Burn Center Compression Garment Fund
Burt and Jean Stangarone Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
Buskin Committee Activities
C. Chernow Endow Schol Journal
C. E. W. I. T. Conference and Expo
C. N. Yang - DENG Wei Endowed Chair in Physics and Astronomy
CA Technologies
Campus Beautification Committee Fund
Campus Residence Fund
Campus Services Enhancements
Cancer Boutique
Cancer Center SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Center/SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Research at SBUMC
Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Research-Basil Rigas
Capital Campaign
Capstone Corporate Corporate Partners Fund
Car-T Cancer Therapy Program
Cardiology Department
Cardiology Research and Education Fund (CaRE Fund)
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing Staff
Cardiovascular Center
Career Center Support Fund
Career Placement Center Revitalization
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Carol and Lyle Gomes Endowed Scholarship
Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
Carol Chernow Memorial Scholarship at Stony Brook University
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center
Carole L. Weidman (Nussbaum) Athletics Endowment
CAS Fund for Education
CAS Pure Endowment Fund
Catacosinos Family Fund
Catherine Wang Fund in History
Catholic Campus Ministries
Catholic Studies Endowment
CEAS Co-Curricular Education Fund
CEAS Fellowships
CEAS Tech & Society Excellence Fund
Cecil L. Hall Endowment
Cedric J. Priebe Endowed Pediatric Surgery Lectureship
Cellular Tel - Southampton Campus
Cellular Tel. (AT&T) Scholarship Endowment Fund
CELT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Center for Advanced Technology Sensor Systems
Center For Biotechnology Fund for Excellence
Center for Biotechnology Translational Research
Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning Fund for Excellence
Center For Emerging Infections
Center for Game Theory
Center for Health Policy and Management
Center for Healthy Aging
Center for India Studies - Research and Publication Projects
Center For Industrial Cooperation
Center For Infectious Diseases
Center for Integration of Business Education & Humanities Fund
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
Center for News Literacy
Center for Science and Mathematics Education
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Center for the Advancement of Earth & Space Science Education
Center for the Study of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Relations
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Endowed Excellence Fund
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Excellence Fund
Center of Excellence in Wireless Internet and Information Technology (CEWIT)
Centre Valbio Building Fund
Cerebrovascular Center Equipment Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease Research Fund
CESAME Scholarships
CESAME Student Support Fund
CEWIT - General Fund
Chair's Award in Art
Chair's Scholar Quasi Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Golf Outing
Chemistry Alumni Fund
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Corporate Seminar Series
Chemistry Endowment Fund for Excellence
Chemistry Instructional Equipment Account
Chemistry Research Fund for Professor Ojima
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Symposia Fund
Cherith Foundation Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics
Chhabra Endowment for Undergraduate Student Research in Math & Science
Child Life Services Fund
Child Psychiatry Sunshine Fund
Children with Crohn's Colitis and Intestinal Disease
Children's Hospital Comedy Show
Children's Hospital Garden Fund
Children's Resource Center Fundraising Account
Childrens Cancer Research Account
Chinese Culture and Society
Chinese Studies General Purpose Fund
Choi Moo Nam Scholarship for Korean Studies Endowment
Chris Algieri Chamption Lifestyle Scholarship Fund
Christine Rothman Endowment Fund
Christopher Samaria Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy Metcalf Library and Therapy Endowed Intent Fund
Cindy Metcalf Memorial Library
Cingular Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cingular Scholarship Fund
Citigroup Scholarship for Minority Students in Technology and Society
Civic Performance Project
Civil Engineering Diversity Scholarship
Claire D. Hall Endowment
Class of '72 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Aldustus Jordan and Dr. Jack Stern
Cleft Palate/Craniofacial School of Dental Medicine Fund
Clifford E. Swartz Student Excellence Fund in Physics & Astronomy
Clinic Renovation Fund
Clinical Education Fund
Clinical Support Services
CLS Equipment Fund
Coast Institute
Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Cognitive Disability: A Challenge to Moral Philosophy Conference
Colin Carr Scholarship for Cellists
Collaborative for the Earth
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) Hardship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Building Fund
College of Engineering Golf Outing
Colon & Rectal Educational Fund
Community Health Education
Community Medicine / MCS Fund
Community Music Programs General Operating Fund
Community Music Programs Scholarship Fund
Community Service and Service Learning Fund
Commuter Student Services and Off Campus Living
COMPAS Lab - Killer Microsecond Project
Computational Geometry Student Travel Fund
Computational Materials Research Fund
Computer architecture Stony Brook lab
Computer Architecture Stony Brook Lab - Oracle
Computer Associates Education Account
Computer Graphics Vision Fund
Computer Science Honors Program Scholarships
Computer Science Industrial Associates Fund
Computer Science Library
Computer Science Women Retention Program
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Group
Computer-based Problem Solving Lab.
Condensed Matter Physics Fund
Condor Array Telescope Fund
Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms
Confucius Institute
Consortium of Digital Arts, Culture and Technology Fund for Excellence
Conti Family Scholarship Fund
Continuous Individual Crisis Aid Alert System (CICaidA) Fund
Coordinated Fetal Care Program Fund
Copy of David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Costigan,George Endw
Council of International Programs
Covid Rapid Response Biodesign Fund
Creative Writing Award Fund
Crystallography Research Fund
CS Lab Discretionary Fund
Cultural Programming Fund
Curtiss-Wright Centennial Flight Scholarship
Cutaneous Gene Therapy Fund
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
CVB Community Health Team
Cyclone Ava
Cynthia G. Mitchell Endowed Fund for Excellence in History
Cynthia Mitchell Scholarships in History
D-TALE Fund for Excellence
Dal Jae Huh Endowment-Korean Studies
Damianos Endowment Fund
Dan Brooks Memorial Educational Award for Students with Cancer
Dan Rattiner Special Collections Fund
Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Award in Hematolgy
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty Cancer Research Fund
Daniel Lazaroff Family Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Danni Kemp Memorial Fund for Excellence
Das Family Men's Soccer Scholarship Fund
Data Base For Materials
David E. King Field Work Award in Geosciences
David Erdman Fellowship Fund
David Fox Prize
David L. Brown MD Research & Education Fund
David L. Williams Memorial Fund
David L. Williams Scholarship Endowment
David Mayer Energy Research and Technology Fund
Davidson Family Scholarship
DCI - Martin R. Liebowitz Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Dean's Award for Global Health Research
Dean's Cancer Fund
Dean's Merit Fund for Engineering
Dean's Off. SB Southampton
Deana Carpio Memorial Scholarship
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction
Della Pietra Fund for Gifted High School Students in Math and Science
Della Pietra Lecture Series
Della Pietra Visiting Professor in Music
Delphin Endowment for Finance
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Grant 2022
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences - CU
Dental Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Dental Biomaterials Research
Dental Graduation Alumni Activities Fund
Dental Graduation/award Fund
Dental Mission to Madagascar
Dental School Conference and Special Events
Dental Student Yearbook Fund
Dentsply Student Initiative Fund
Department of Children's Dentistry Research Fund
Department of Dermatology Chair
Department of Economics Interdisciplinary Research Fund
Department of French
Department of History's Scholarships
Department of Music Endowed Artist in Residence Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedics CME
Department of Orthopaedics Resident Educational Research
Department of Orthopedics Fellowship Fund for Excellence
Department of Physic and Astronomy Book Prize Fund
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology Fund
Department of Sociology
Department of Surgery Fund for Excellence
Department of Urology Lecture Series
Department of Urology Operating Fund
Department Resident Education and Equipment Fund
Dept of Neurosurgery- Advancement of Neurosciences
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Pathology - Dr Yupo Ma
Dept of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Fund
Dept. of Children's Dentistry
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Golf Outing
Deputy Chief Raymond M. Downey Scholarship
Dermatology Fund
Dermatology Growth and Discovery
Design and Analysis Research Lab
Development and Delivery of Anti Inflammatory and Anti Invasive Bioactives
Development of Components of RSFQ Devices
Di Tian Graduate Award
Diabetes Educational Exchange
Diane D. Brink Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Diane Ducy Hitchings-Tiernan '72 RN Baccalaureate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Digestive Diseases Research Tissue Procurement Facility
Disability and Policy Analysis Research Fund
Disabled Fund Raising Account
Discovery Fund for Research
Distinguished Lecture Series
Distributed Computing Program
Diversity Student Educational Fund
Division of Animal Laboratory Resources Fund
Division of Biological Sciences
Division of Gastroenterology
Doelger Graduate Scholarship Fund
DoIT Women's Leadership Initiatives
Don Ihde Endowed Fund for Excellence in Philosophy
Don Jose Marti Excellence Scholarship
Donald M. Mulvey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Donation Fund for SBU West Campus Essential Employees
Dorothy Awards
Dorothy G. Pieper Graduate Endowment
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Endowment Fund
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund
Douglas Futuyma Endowed Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology
Dr Mindy G. Brodsky Fund for Generative Health Education
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences -INT
Dr. Amy S. Chu-Wong, M.D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bernard Malberg Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Beverly Birns Women's Studies Conference Room
Dr. Blasco C. Gomes Endowment Fund
Dr. Bo Ha Endowed Endodontic Award Fund
Dr. Brisbane Leadership & Social Justice Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou General Dentistry Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Endowed Award
Dr. Ellinor Peerschke Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Eric B. Holst and Virginia Holst Memorial Endowment
Dr. Fred S. Ferguson Scholarship
Dr. Gonzalo Pardo Memorial Award
Dr. Gujavarty Family Seminar Fund in India Studies
Dr. Gustav Durrer Travel Award Endowment
Dr. Gwinnett Dental Student Memorial
Dr. James F. Dana Sr. Scholarship
Dr. Jason Kim '03 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
Dr. John McCann Memorial Award
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic End Fund for Excellence-INT
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic Fund for Excellence
Dr. Luis Gruberg Research in Cardiology
Dr. Martin Hauptman Award
Dr. Martin R. Liebowitz Scholarship
Dr. Max Fink Collection Fund
Dr. Michael DeLuca Endowed Student Excellence Fund for Italian Studies
Dr. Michael Schwartz Award for Excellence in Sociology
Dr. Myung Oh Gateway to Engineering Building Fund
Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Lewis Memorial Fund
Dr. Paul Neuberger Endowment
Dr. Richard J. Oringer Award Endowment
Dr. Roger S. Keresztes Educational and Research Fund
Dr. Seymour Friedman Endowed Scholarship in Endodontics
Dr. Stephen Gold Award
Dr. Vito De Simone and Mrs. Carolyn De Simone Endowment for a Visiting Lectureship in Italian
Drs. Connie and Lee Koppelman Endowed Fund for Scholarships
Drs. Douglas and Barbara Brand Diversity in Medicine Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Drs. Ellen Li and Samuel L. Stanley Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Medicine
Drs. Richard P. and Philip V. Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives
Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center Fund
E. & P. F. Palmedo School In the Music
E. S. Q. Summer Music Festival
Early Breast Cancer Detection Research of Biomarker TSP50
Early Music Operations Account
Eating Disorders Conference
Eckard Wimmer Endowed Graduate Scholarship for Student Excellence
Economics Scholarship Fund
Ed Hahne Marching Band Memorial Award
Edith Salvo Endowment
Edmund D. Pelligrino Professorship of Medicine Endowment
Edmund McTernan Endowment
Education Fund for Lipid Cancer Lab
Educational Exchange China Fellowship
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Edward & Patty Knapp Endowed Scholarship
Edward Countey Memorial Endowment
Edward H. Bergofsky Memorial Fund
Edward J. Mardovich Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Edward J. O'Connell Excellence Award in Health Science
Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award
Edward R. Fabian '08 Alumni Engagement Endowment Fund for the College of Business
Eldercare Initiative
Electrically Controlled Optical Device
Electrophysiology Fund
Eli Seifman Memorial Scholarship
Elia Swartz Memorial Fund
Elisabeth & Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship In the Arts
Elisabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Award in Graduate Art History
Elizabeth Ball Kurz Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth M. Desch Athletic Scholarship
Elof Carlson Fund
Elsie Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Cancer Research Fund
Emergency Mangmnt and Planning
Emergency Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Golf Classic
Emerson String Quartet Special Projects Fund
Empire National Bank Endowment for Banking Education at the College of Business
Employee Compensation Program
Endowed Award Fund for Cognitive Science in Psychology
Endowed Award Fund for Social and Health Psychology
Endowed Chair Account for College of Engineering
Endowed Chair for the Institute for Advanced Computational Science Director
Endowed Chair in Nursing Research
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
Endowed Graduate Fund in Political Science
Endowed Scholarship for Southampton Campus
Engineering and Smart Systems Research
Engineering Ethics Symposium
Engineering Teaching Lab
English Graduate Students Travel Fund
Entrepreneur Fund for the College of Business Current Use Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
EOP-Elite Chemistry Program
Epilespy Educational Research
Ericcson Messaging Systems, Inc. Graduate Fellowship
Ernesto Chinchilla-Aguilar Fellowship
Erwin & Freddie Staller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Estate of Thomas Donahue-Schroeffel
Esther and Jack Spivak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Esther Rentas Research Award
Etherereum 2022
Eugene R. Katz Endowed Excellence Fund in Biological Sciences
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art
Eugenia Brown Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Eugenie Van Drooge Kissinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Evan Frankel Fellowship
Evan Frankel Marine Sciences Scholarship Program
Evan R. Liblit Fund-raising Account
Evan R. Liblit Memorial Fund
Evan R. Liblit Recycling Symposium
Evangelos & Foteini Tsirka Award
Evelyn Bonner Endowment Fellowship
Evelyn Grollman Glick Endowment
Evening of the Arts Fund
Executive Director's Office Account
Experimental Learning for the College of Arts & Sciences
F. Weinstein Dissertation Research Award
FACT Foundation Breast Cancer Research Fund
Faculty Student Association Scholarship
Family Medicine Wellness and Chronic Illness Center
Family Population and Preventive Medicine
Fatty Acid Desaturase
File Systems Lab
Finish in Four General Support
Finish in Four Scholarship Fund
First Advantage Dental Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fit and Fabulous after Breast
Fit Kids Program
Fixed Price Balance Account for CEWIT
Floris Barnett Cash Endowed Scholarship
Foodlab Education Fund
Fossil Africa ConservationTrust
Foundational Research for Input Performance Modelling
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship Endowment
Frances Bisignano Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Frances Brisbane Endowed Scholarship Fund in Social Welfare
Francis Johnson Lecture Series in Chemical Biology
Frank Conti Memorial Football Fund
Frank Myers Fund for Excellence
Fred Sheinbaum Endowment
Freedom School at Stony Brook University
French Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Frey Family Endowed Fellowship Fund
Frey Family Endowed Research Fund
Frey Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Quantitative Finance Fund
Friends of Judaic Studies
Friends of Latin Current Use Fund
Friends of Latin Endowment
Friends of Neurosurgery Fund
Friends of Southampton Marine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve
Friends of the School of Professional Development Alumni
Fritzi Weinstein Reporting Scholarship
FSA Scholarship Endowment
Fumi and Hikaru Kato Endowed Intend Fund for Excellence in Physics
Fumi Kato Student Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Fund for Biomedical Informatics and Faculty Support
Fund for Excellence for Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Fund for Excellence in Psychiatry
Fund for Motion Correction in PET and MRI
Fund for Strategic Initiatives
Fund to Support The Coastal Ecology and Conservation Research Program
Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Garcia Center For Polymers
Gardiner Fund - Long Island Historical Journal
Gardiner Graduate Fellowship
Gardiner Related Activities
Gardiner Scholarship-History
Gardner Foundation Endowed Student Research Award
Gene E. Mundie Scholarship Fund for Doctoral Study
General Clinical Research Center
General Dentistry Faculty and Development Program Initiatives Account
General Dentistry Fund For Mark Wolff
General Engineering Award
General Practice Residency Program
General Reserach Support for the Department of Biochemistry
General Scholarship Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
General Support for Department of Pathology
General Ting Feng Cheng Endowed Chair
Genetics Accounts
Geometry and Graphics Development
George and Olga Tsunis Fellowship for Cancer Prevention
George C. Warner Endowed Schol
George E. Xippolitos Endowed Memorial Fund for Doctoral Education in Nursing Research
George Goldberg Fund
George Goodman Memorial Fund
George J. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
George L. DeWan Endowed Memorial Scholarship
George Williams Endowment Fund for Student Research
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Current Use
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Endowment Intent
Georgica Pond Fund
Geosciences Undergraduate Students
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Geriatric Medicine Instructional Account
GGM Support For Graduate Students
GHI Director's Current Use Fund
Gift Program to Help Cancer Patients
Gilbert Kalish Endowed Scholarship in Musical Performance
Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship
Global Affairs Fund For Excellence
Global and Local History Support
Global Health Institute Endowed Fund
Gloria and Mark Snyder Endowed Award of Excellence
Gloria and Mark Snyder Symposium for Cancer Medicine
Gloria Kahn Prize in Hispanic Languages
Goddard Family Scholarship Fund
Gold Coast Bank Current Use Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Gold Coast Bank Endowed Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Goldberger Fine Arts Endowment
Goldstein Family Fund for Athletic and Academic Excellence
Goldstein Family Student Athlete Development Center Endowment
Graduate Chemistry Endowment Fund
Graduate Fellowship in Hispanic Languages & Literature
Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Graduate Program in Public Health
Graduate School Conferences & Spec Event
Graduate Student Fellowship Fund
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Summer Fellowship in Psychology
Green Conference Africana Studies
Greene Lectureship in Medical Oncology Endowment
Greenhouse Fund
Griffith Lung Cancer Fund
Grumman Ceas Scholarships
Grumman Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Grumman Fellowship Endowment
GSB Music Fest Fund at Stony Brook University Cancer Center
Gudjon Hermannsson Fund
Guru Madhavan Endowed Intent Leadership Speaker in Engineering
Guy A. Cassara Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Research Fund
H Kurnol '61 Ended Scholarship
H. B. Silsbee Award for Excellence
Hanson - Curriculum Development Fund
Hardship Fund
Harpsichord Fund
Harry Kalish Scholarship Fund in Psychology
Harsh Bhasin Political Science Endowed Scholarship Endowment
Harvard Lyman Award
Harvey Aronson and Irene Virag Endowed Scholarship for Narrative Journalism
Hawrys Student Recreation Center
Health Care Policy and Management Fund for Excellence
Health Science Library Research Fund
Health Sciences Center-Clinical Skill Labs-Derinda Pell Steine
Health Sciences Center-Dean of the School of Dentistry
Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center
Heart Institute Cardiology Fund for Excellence
Hematology Department
Hennessy Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for Staller Center for the Arts
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for the School of Health Professions
Herbert Weisinger Endowment
Herman Klurfeld Memorial Scholarship
Herman Nertz Track Endowment
Herrnstein Hall Fund
Hidden Symmetries Art Show
HISB Civic Performance Registration
Hispanic & Latino Scholarship
Hispanic Language Conference Fund
Historical Documents and Programs Fund
History Graduate Fund
Homer Goldberg Scholarship Fund
Hong Zhang '91 and Liya Liang '94 Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Materials Science
Honors College
Honors College Scholarship Program
Hope for Scleroderma
HOPE Program
Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
Howard and Marie Mettler Research Endowment
Howard R. Zern Track and Field Endowed Scholarship
Hsiao - Polymer Chemistry Research Support
Hsin-Yao Teng Memorial Scholarship in Music
Hugh J. Silverman Student Travel Award in Continental Philosophy
Human Evolution Conferences and Special Events
Human Resources Administration
Hydrogeology Fund
I-con Scholarship In Science
I. C. F. A. Conference Funds
I.T.P.A. Director's Development and Operating Account
IACS Corporate Donations
ICB&DD Fund for Student Excellence
IDPAS Fund for Student Success
igniteCS Program
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowship
Ilana Shanks Memorial Scholarship
Immunology Research of Dr. Ghebrehiwet
IMS- Simons Endow Math/Physics
In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing Fund
Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation Endowed Chair in Insurance and Risk Management Fund
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County Fund at the College of Business
India Studies Gala
Indoor Training Center Fund
Industrial Partners Program
Infection Control Education Fund
Infectious Disease Research Gifts Program
Infectious Diseases Division Fund
Information Assurance Lab Fund
Inke Anatomical Research Fund
Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Institute for Global Studies
Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science (IOCS) General Fund
Institute for STEM Education Fund
Institute for Sustainable Development
Institute for Theoretical Physics Fund
Institute of Cell & Devel. Biology Fund
Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Research Assistance
Institute Of Energy: Sustainability, Environment, And Equity Excellence Fund
Intelligent Dashboards Research Fund
Intensive English Center
Interfaith Center Furnishings Fund
Interfaith Renovation
Internal Medicine Resident Research Award Fund
International Academic Programs Development
International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop
International Dental Outreach Fund
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Development
Inventor Recognition
Investors Foundation AYA Grant 2022
IPS Scholarship Fund
Iraq Site Looting Project
Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship Fund Endowment
Irving Abrahams Endowment
Island Federal Credit Union Database Fund
Island Federal Credit Union Dean's Fund for Excellence in Finance
Island Federal Credit Union Endowment for Banking Education and Research
Italian American Archive R&T
Italian Language Instruction in Community
Italian Studies Endowment
Ivan & Alice Chao Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
J Hennessy End Prof in Com Sci
J. Howard Oaks Student Scholarship
Jacob Bigeleisen Lectureship Endowment
Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection
James Davis Memorial Fund
James Droesch Minimally Invasive Gynecology Endowed Award
Janice Rohlf Endowed Scholarship
Japanese Studies Program
Jarelyn Lopez Endow Scholar
Jay D. Waxenberg Family Scholarship
Jazz Fund for Excellence
JC Cancer Laboratory Support Fund
Jean M. Devlin Achievement Award
Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Jeff Pobiner Memorial Fund Endowment
Jeffrey Irwin Memorial Fund
Jennifer Ferraro Fund
Jerome Roth Fund for Music
Jesse Tepper Chair's Scholarship Fund in the Department of Sociology Endowment
Jewish Culture Fund at Stony Brook University
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health - Current Use
Jim Fiore, Sr. Fund for Academic & Athletic Excellence
Jo Fusco Fellowship Endowment
Joan Kenny Endowed Scholarship
Joan Korins, DDS '80 Memorial Award in Pediatric Dentistry
Joan Moos Scholarship Fund
Jocelyn Rose Pascucci Fund
Joe Nathan Baseball Fund
Joel Mitofsky Memorial Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Cancer Research Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Professorship in Cancer Research
Joel Strum Kenny School in Madagascar
John Dunn Excellence Fund in Life Sciences
John F. and Joan Risickella Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Gassner Endowment Fund
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship for Science, Engineering & Mathematics
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship in Music Performance
John H. Marburger III Pollock-Krasner Annual Lecture Endowed Fund
John J. and Margaret D. Leddy Sr. Marching Band Endowed Scholarship
John Leddy Marching Band Award
John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence
John Sampson Toll Endowment - Prize in Physics
John W. Milnor Endowed Graduate Fund in Math
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology INT
Joint Replacement Center
Jonathan D. Kaufman Endowed Student Excellence Fund in Physics
Jonathan S. Ryan Scholarship
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library Fund
Joseph A. Tursi Scholarship in Italian Studies
Joseph and Virginia Roller Endowment
Joseph Andriola Memorial Fund to Benefit SBUMC Epilepsy Program
Joseph Lauher And Frank Fowler Endowed Chair In Materials Chemistry Fund
Joseph N. Campolo Award for Legal Studies
Joseph P. Durso Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Joseph Tromba Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of College Science Teaching Fund
Journalism Internship Stipends
Journalism without Wall Scholarship
Joyce Trondle Memorial Library
Judith Boudreau Endowed Scholarship Award
Judith Tanur Dissertation Research Endowment Fund
Karen Burke Endowed Memorial Fund
Karen Burke Memorial Fund
Karen Sabol Memorial Scholarship
Katherine & Bob Bayer Endowed Intent Scholarship in Music Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Kavita & Lalit Bahl Molecular Imaging Laboratory
Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Innovation Award Fund
Kavli PES Comms Training
Keane T. Kyle Nursing Award
Kehoe Family Fund for Stony Brook Athletics
Kenneth Short Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenneth Staudte Scholarship
Kerry Rose Foundation Fund for Commuter Student Services and Off-Campua Housing Fire Safety
Kevin C. King and John A. Miller Endowment
Kidney Dialysis Related Research Fund
KidOYO: Arie E. Kaufman Mentor Service Award
Kilimitzoglou Endowed Scholarship Fund
Klio Claire Kordas Memorial Fund For Excellence
Knapp Fund
Knapp Swezey Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Koch Family Basketball Scholarship Fund
Koppelman Endowed Fellowship in Political Science
Korean Buddhist Research Fund Endowment
Korean Studies Center
Korean Studies Endowment
Korean Studies Publication Project
Kristin Harris Award
Kuga-Sah Memorial Fund
L I Technology Hall of Fame
L. I. Kleinman, Md Pediatric Library
L.I.C.C. Cancer Database Fund
L.I.L.A.C. Fund 2016
Lab. For Wireless & Intelligent Systems
Lab. Research Neuron Growth
Labor/management Studies
Laboratories for Brain and Spinal Cord Research
Laboratory For Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Information Technology
Laboratory for the Analysis and Dating of Sediment
Lama Telescope Project
Language Learning Research Center Development Fund
Lap Chan Endowment
Larry Roher Entrepeneurial Award
Larry Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laser Teaching Center
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Center Student Award
Latin and/or CLS Studies Scholarship
Laufer Center
Laufer Center 2017 Professorship
Laufer Center Art Fund
Laufer Center for Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs
Laufer Center Fund for Excellence
Laufer Center-Ukrainian Research Initiative
Laufer Chair Laboratory Fund
Laufer Chemistry Faculty Fund
Laufer Endowed Associate Professorships
Laufer Endowed Chair
Laufer Fellow Carlos Simmerling
Laufer Professor Laboratory Fund
Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
Lauren Ackerman Memorial
Laurence Baxter Memorial Lecture Fund
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for C. Gobler & B. Peterson
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for Ellen Pikitch
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Fund for Graduate Research
Lawrence E. Noonan Scholarship
Leakey Fellowships
Lee Myers Endowment
Leeds Tuition Scholarship
Leo and Mickey Sreebny Symposium Quasi Endowment Fund
Leo Guthart Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leon Bolotin Memorial Scholarship in Arts
Leon Marienberg Family Practice Award Endowment
Leonard Krasner Psychological Center
Lev Ginzburg Lectureship in Ecology
Lewis M. Peterson Technical Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Library Books Shipping Fund
Library Collection Development Fund
Library Director's Account
Lichtenstein Fund for Centre ValBio
Lichtenstein Fund for Southampton Arts at Stony Brook University
Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Kahn Endowment
Lina Obeid Memorial Cancer Research Fund
Linda Bily Patient Advocacy Fund
Linda Delligatti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
LISTnet LISA Scholarships
Lloyd Cutler Endowment
Lois and Robert Stafford Award
Long Island Cancer Center (LICC)
Long Island Cancer Center Advancement Events Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Programs And Research Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Witness Fund
Long Island Cancer Center's Cut For The Cure
Long Island Cancer Research Donation Account
Long Island Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Long Island Groundwater Institute
Long Island High Technology Entrepreneurs Program
Long Island Museum of Natural Sciences
Long Island State Veterans Home
Long Island State Veterans Home Capital Fund
Long Island State Veterans Home-Special Projects
Long Island Tech Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship
Lori R. Brickman Student Support Fund
Louise Guarneri College of Arts & Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Louise Guarneri Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS - Development and Outreach
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS Research Fund
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS-Camp
Lourie Research Endowed Fellowships in Physics
Lung Cancer Evaluation Center
Lung Cancer Screening Fund
Lupus Account For Gary Zieve
Lyme Disease-Southampton Fund
M L Stone Education Center
M.S.R.C. Endowment
Madagascar Ankizy Fund
Madagascar Dental Outreach Fund
Madeline Fusco Fellowship Award
Manlong Rao Endowed Fund for Excellence
Marburger Scholarship
Marcell and Maria Roth Scholarship (Endowment)
Marcy McGinnis Endowed Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism
Margot Ammann Durrer Library Endowment
Maria Tzamarioudaki Memorial Fellowship In Chemistry
Marian I. Eskow Physician Assistant Scholarship
Marie Colvin Center for International Report - The Reporting Project
Marie Colvin Memorial Endowment Fund
Marie Colvin Memorial Fund
Marie Frey Memorial Award
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Reseach Fund
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Research Fund
Marilyn Colletta Research Fund
Marilyn Goodman Commuter Assistant Program
Marilyn Goodman Endowed Excellence Award
Marinetics Endowed Professorship in Marine Science
Mark Herzinger Scholarship in Political Science
Mark Ian Funt MD Resident Research Award
Marlene Ina Goldis Endowment
MART Art and Children's Hospital Enhancement Fund
MART Building Project
Martin Buskin Endowment
Martin Stone Endowment
Marty Weinbaum Fund for Excellence
Marvin Kuschner Professorship of Pathology Endowment
Marvin Kuschner Scholarship Fund
Mary Ellen Trodden Melanoma Fund
Mary F. Porter Scholarship
Marylou Stewart Pride Scholarship Fund
Material Sciences Endowment For Excellence
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Materials Sciences Research Center
Math for Simons Endowment for Math & Physics
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Matthew Blend Fund
Matthew T. Crosson Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Max Dresden Theory Physics Thesis Prize
Maynard M. Dewey Endowment
Maze-Landeau Fellowship
Maze-Landeau Graduate Student Fund for Excellence
MEC Senior Design Projects
Med Intensive Care Research
Medical Informatics
Medical Physics Education Research Fund
Medicine Academic Support Fund
Medicine Faculty Association
Medtronic Education Fund
Mellon Fellowship in Latin American History
Melvin V. Simpson Lecture Fund in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Memorial Account for Marta O. Sabates
Mendik-lyme Disease Fund
Merck Award
Merit Stony Brook Scholarship Program
Meyer Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in English
MFA Southampton Review
Michael A. Bane Music Scholarship
Michael A. Maffetone Community Service Award
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Math
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in SOMAS
Michael Corey Scholarship Fund
Michael Flynn Memorial Endowment
Michael Marx Memorial Fund
Michael P. Colbert Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Ohr Memorial Award Endowment
Michael S. Rosenbaum Scholarship for Journalism
Michi Nakao Japanese Studies
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor Systems
Middleton Family Student Athletic Alumni Award
Midwinter's Night Dream Research Lab
Milton Lodge Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Mind Body Clinical Research Center
Mineral Physics Institute General Fund
Mineral Physics Student Fund in Geosciences
Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund
Minorities In Medicine Fund
Minorities in Psychology Program
Mitchell Stern Scholarship
Mobile Systems & Web Performance Lab
Modern Monetary Theory
Molecular Control of Cellular Growth Development and Signalling Leading to Inflammation, Immune Resp
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Award
Morton E. Kahn Prize in English
Mother Cabrini Oral Health Grant for 2023
MSE Special Events Fund
Multicultural Affairs Initiatives Fund
Multicultural Executive Mentoring Program
Multiple Sclerosis Care Center
Music Department
Music Student Award
Myra Haggerty '86 & Michael Harrold '85 Endowment for the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
N. I. C. U. -Nursing Education Fund
N. I. C. U. -Physician Research
N.I.C.U. Development Fund
NAIS David Sheehan Memorial Fund
Nancy Mendell Endowed Scholarship in Statistics
Nancy Wender Natl D
Naomi Stampfer Scholarship Endowment
Natale & Josephine Maresca Music Award
Nathaniel Bohrer Finance Endowment Fund
National Black AIDS Awareness Symposium
National Cancer Survivor Day
Native American Peoples Support Fund
Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Fund
Navy Seal LT Michael Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Neil and Arlene Butterklee Endowment Fund at the College of Business
NetApp Research Fund
Neurobiology - Mc Kinnon
Neurobiology of Retina
Neurology Department
Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Fund
Neurology Rehabilitation Research Fund
Neurology Stroke Research
New Computer Science Building
New Conjugated Materials Research
New Molecular & Macromolecular Materials
New Theatre Guild Chair's Fund
New York Community Bank Foundation Endowment for Real Estate Studies at College of Business
New York Dragons' Athletic Band Scholarship
New York Islanders' Brookhaven Scholarship Fund
New York Sea Grant
News Corp Commencement Award
Next Generation Endowment Fund
Nextel Scholarship Endowment
NextStep at Stony Brook University
Nina and Vinod Rathore Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad
Nirmal and Augustina Mattoo Endowed Chair in Indic Humanities
Nobel Biocare Fund for Implant Dentistry
Norman "Norm" Goodman Endowed Excellence Award in Sociology Endowment Fund
Norman "Norm" Goodman University Senate Endowment Fund
Norman Creel Prize Endowment
Norman H. Edelman MD Alumni Achievement Award for the Program in Public Health's 10th Anniversary
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award - INT
Nursing Vision Awards
NY Islanders Children's-Burn
NY Speaks SLP Bilingual Scholarship
O. S. A. Outreach & Education Program
Oberleder Professorship in Geriatric Medicine
OBGYN Access Fund
Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund
Obstetrics Dept
Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Support Fund
Okubo Endowment Fund
Okubo Fund
OLLI Commemorative Fund
Omnicon Group Inc. Scholarship Fund
Oncology Nursing Education Fund
Online Programming-Alda Center
Opera Guild of Long Island at Stony Brook
Optical Sciences
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Education Fund
Oral Biology and Pathology Department Fund
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organization for Tropical Studies Support Fund
Osteoporosis Center Fund
Othmar Ammann Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Othmar Ammann Endowment
Outstanding Korean-American Award Endowment
PACE Program Fund (Pre-Medical Access to the Clinical Experience)
Palliative Care Department Fund for Excellence
Palliative Care Program Fund
Pancreatic Cancer & Surgical Oncology Fund
Parameter-Free Stochastic Minimization of Non-Convex Functions
Parasites Project in Remote Madagascar
Parent Day Event Fund
Parent Relations Fund
Parker Aerospace Scholarship
Patricia A. Gramer Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Herman Memorial Fund
Patricia Lewis Pediatric Dentistry Residency Fund
Patrick Brooks Memorial Award Endowment Fund
Patrick Herley Memorial Fund
Patrick W. Warner Award
Paul A. Schreiber Scholarship
Paul Licht Teaching Award in Chemistry
Paul M.Bingham - Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Award
Paul N. Baer Department of Periodontics Educational Fund
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Endowment Fund
Pediatric Aids Fund
Pediatric Development Fund
Pediatric Fellowship Program Fund
Pediatric I. C. U. Development Fund
Pediatric Neurology Account
Pediatric Neurosurgery Support Fund
Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatric Trauma Account
Pediatric TV Fund
Pericles Gasparis Memorial Fund
Periodontal Molecular Immunolgy Lab (PMIL)
Peter B. Kahn Fund
Peter B. Kahn Physics Department Endowment
Peter F. Cohn Professorship in Cardiology Endowment
Peter H. Freedman Endowed Lecture Series in HIV Research
Peter J. Rajkowski Award
Peter Paul Memorial Endowment Fund
Peter S. Kim MD Endowed Scholarship
Peter V. Tsantes Family Endowed Scholarship to Study Abroad in Greece
Peter V. Tsantes Professorship in Greek Literature & Language
Petra M. Udelhofen Scholarship Endowment
Petrology Fund
Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C. Scholarship Fund
Pharmacology Undergraduate Program
PhD Graduate Fellowships in Chemistry
Philosophers of the Future Excellence Fund
Philosophy Department Visiting Lecturers
Philosophy Graduate Fund for Excellence
Physician Outreach Specl Proj
Physics & Astronomy Education Account
Physics and Astronomy Faculty Mortgage Assistance
Physics- Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Physiology & Biophysics Department
Piano Initiative
Piano Maintenance Endowment in Music
Pierce Gardiner Scholarship for International Medicine
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award
Pink Aid UBER to Stony Brook Mobile Mammography Sites
Pink Rock Fund
Poetry Center Donor Fund
Pollock-Krasner Conference Account
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Support
Pollock-Krasner House
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center Endowment
Pollock-Krasner Study Center
Pollock-Krasner Study Ctr.
Polymer Materials Field Fund
Polymer Nanocomposite Research
Pool Renovation Project
Post Endodontic Educational Fund
Post Graduate Orthodontic Fund
Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship Fund
President's Fund
Presidental Support
Presidential Innovation and Excellence
Presidential University Initiatives
Preventive Medicine Research
Preventive Medicine Residency
Preventive Medicine: Division of Epidemiology
Pritchard Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Pritchard Charitable Trust Gymnasium Renovation Account
Professional Services Fund, Laufer Center
Professor Akoglu Research in Advanced Graph Data Structure Processing, Analysis and Visualization
Professor Belenky Lab Fund
Professor John Neale Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in Psychology
Professor Richard S. L. Lee and Grace F. Lee Scholarship Fund
Project W.I.S.E. (Women in Science and Engineering)
Protopopescu Fundraising Benefit Fund
Psychiatry Department
Pulmonary Education Fund
Pulmonary Hypertension Fund
Pulmonary Mechanics Research
Pulmonary/Critical Care General Account
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund
R Leakey End Intent FD for TBI
R. R. Sokal Research in Statistical Biology
Radar Sensor Management
Radiation Oncology Fund
Rahsaan T. Jackson Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Watkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ramsey Water Well
Raphael Santore DDS '78 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Re-imagining Stony Brook Challenge Fund
Remote Area Medical Outreach Fund
Renaissance Fellowships in Computer Science
Renaissance School of Medicine - Peru Mission
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Event Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Contingency Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Endowment
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund for Excellence
Renaissance School of Medicine International Medicine Award Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Stethoscope Drive
Renaissance School of Medicine/University Hospital Fundraising Account
Renal Division Fund
Renner Dental Student Award
Reproductive Endocrinology Fund
Research & Education Activities-Headache
Research and Support in Oral Biology and Pathology
Research Gift Program
Research Gifts Program for ALS
Research Gifts Program for Breast Cancer Fund
Research Gifts Program for Diabetes
Research Gifts Program for Environmental Studies
Research Gifts Program for Obstetrics/Gynecology
Research Gifts Program for Oncology
Research Gifts Program for Pediatrics
Research Gifts Program for Prostate Cancer
Research Gifts Program for Pulmonary Disease
Research Gifts Program for Surgery
Research in Computational Neuroscience
Research into Microgravity Processed Materials
Research Support Account
Research Support for Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology of Organic Chemicals
Respiratory Care Program Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Disease Memorial Gift Account
Returning Military Personnel Scholarship
RF Sensing and Multimodal Fusion Research Fund
Rheological Studies Program
Rheumatology Education Fund
Rheumatology Faculty Recruitment and Retention Fund
Rich and Mary Morrison Basketball Fund
Richard A. Bishop Memorial Endowment Fund
Richard B. Martin Endowed Scholarship in History
Richard B. Martin Scholarship in History
Richard Friedman, Ph. D. Memorial Fund
Richard Gelfond Scholarship Fund
Richard Hartzell Endowment
Richard J. Oringer Implant Surgical Suite
Richard J. Puz Scholarship in Journalism
Richard Leakey Family Fund
Richard Nasti Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship
Richard W. Reeder Endowment Student Excellence Fund
Richmond County Savings Foundation Scholarship
Ride for Life ALS Clinical Office Gift Account
Robert "Dean" Schamberger Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Robert A. Rango '80 Endowed Fund for Computer Science
Robert A. Schwartz Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Robert and Rhoda Amon Scholarship
Robert Clark Scholarship Fund
Robert Clasen Schol in PoliSci
Robert David Lion Gardiner Chair in American History Fund
Robert Kahen Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Robert Liebermann Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Robert Renner Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert Renner Minority Student Recruitment Award
Robert S. Roth Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Robert W. Greene Summer Institute
Robotics Research Laboratory
Rod Engelmann Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
Roger Rosenblatt Prize in English
Roger Wunderlich Endowed Student Excellence Fund
Rohlf Medal
Rory Hackett Scholarship Fund
Rosalind Dressler Susman Memorial Endowment
Rosenthal Research Fund in History Endowment
Roslyn Foundation News Literacy Scholarship
Rozalia and Emil Berla Scholarship in Judaic Studies
RSOM Class of 1999 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
RSOM LQBTQ* Fund for Excellence
RSOM Scholarship Underrepresented Students
Ruby Peck Memorial Scholarship
Rudin Foundation Sch
Rudolph and James DiPietro Football Fund
Rudolph DiPietro Football Fund
Rugby Scholarship
Ruskin, Moscou, Evans and Faltischek, P.C. High Technology Scholarship Endowment
Russo Geriatric Education Scholarship Fund for Graduate SSW Students
Ruth Pasternack Leadership Award
S.B.F./ Dental Student Fund
S.H.T.M. Alumni Association
S.P.I.R. Scholarship For College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
S.T.E.M. Smart
Sachem Dental Group Endowment Fund
Safe Kids Account
Sag Harbor Village Fund
Sagaponack Pond Research Fund
Saints Program
Sajid and Ninoska Malik CAR-T Therapy Cancer Research Fund
Salomon Smith Barney Lecture Series
Sam and Rose Berezin Endowment
Sam Kornhauser Scholarship
Sampson Research Award
Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Foundation Scholarship
Samuel Baron Music Commission
Samuel Baron Prize In Music
Save The Lemurs Gala
Sayville Project
SB Home Gala
SB Southampton - Avram Gallery
SB Southampton Special Events
SB Undergraduate Student Book Award
SB Water Purification Grant
SBU Athletic Band Alumni Award
SBU Cancer Center End Research
SBU Climate Solutions Fund for Excellence
SBU Hacks
SBU Kappa Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Scholarship
SBU Letters Fund
SBUMC Lobby Enhancement Fund
Schermerhorn Cancer Foundation
Scholarship Support
Scholarships, Grant and Other Aid - Undergraduate Research
School of Dental Medicine Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
School of Dental Medicine Community Outreach Fund
School of Dental Medicine Enrichment Fund
School of Dental Medicine Post Graduate Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics Fund
School of Health Professions Aids Education and Resource Center
School of Health Professions Development
School of Health Professions High Tech Facility Construction
School of Health Professions PA Support Program
School of Health Professions Student Support Fund
School of Journalism Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine Alumni Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2005 Gift Matching Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2006 Gift Matching Fund
School of Nursing - 50th Anniversary Gala
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
School of Social Welfare Alumni Fund
School of Social Welfare Faculty Scholars Fund for Excellence
School of Thought - Union Walkway Project
School Re-entry Program
Science of Sexual Function
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Scott D. Middleton Scholarship in Political Science
SDM Continuing Education
Seawolves Mental Health Fund
Seawolves Success Scholarship
Seawolves United
Seawolves United Events
Sediment Imaging and Enviromental Sensor Research Fund
Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarship
Sei Sujishi Prize Endowment Fund
Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Senator Akporokena Pius Ewherido Memorial Scholarship
Sensor Cat Scholarship Program
Shalini Devi Gujavarty Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Shaun Abrilz Pediatric Research Fund
Shaun T Abrilz Pediatrics Fund
Shi Ming Hu Memorial Endowment for Leadership, Freshman, & Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Awards
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Clam Fund
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project
Shirley Murray Award for Distinguished Service
Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Fund Endowment
SHPE Scholarship
Si Young Bae Fellowship Endowment
Sidney Gelber Endowment
Sillcox Scholars Current Use Scholarship Fund
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Current Use Fund
Simons Chair of Medicine Endowment
Simons Institute of Mathematical Sciences Operating Fund
Simulation Seminar Master Awards
Single Parent Award Endowment Fund
Sir James Black Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research
Sir Run Run Shaw Endowment
Sleep Research in Psychology
SLUNGE Alumni Scholarship for the College of Arts & Sciences
Social Media Data Mining
Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Society of Flight Test Engineers-Long Island Chapter
Sociology Endowment Fund
Sokal Reading Room
Solan James Family & Lyshaan Hall Family Football Scholarship Fund
SOM Class of 1988 Endowed Award for Excellence in memory of our classmates
SOMAS Student Support
SoMAS Undergraduate Environmental Essay Writing Award
Soroff Family Israel Fellowship Endowment
Southampton Campus Windmill Renovation
Southampton Graduate Arts
Southampton Studio Theatre
Spanish Fund
Spatz Foundation Academic Scholarships for Renaissance School of Medicine Students
Special Collections Fund
Spect Research
Speech Language Pathology
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation Power Electronics Lab
Spellman Sustainable Future Research Fund
Spiegel Family Endowed Scholarship
Spinal Neurosurgery Research & Education
Sports Medicine Fund for Excellence
Sprint PCS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Squires/Steinberg Endowment Fund
SRI Research Fund - T. Koga
Srivastav, Tucker and Weitzman Scholarship
SSK Student Arts Festival Prgm
Staller Center Benefit Fund
Staller Center Dance Initiative
Staller Center for the Arts Endowment
Staller Center Initiatives
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2017
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2018
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2019
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2020
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2021
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2022
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2024
Stelling Family Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Stem Cell Research
Stewart Harris Memorial Lectureship Fund
Stewart Harris Scholarships
Stone Disease Program
Stony Brook Alumni Association Life Members Endowed Award Fund
Stony Brook Alumni Law Day
Stony Brook Athletics Golf Classic
Stony Brook Camerata Singer Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Annual Golf Outing
Stony Brook Cancer Center CancerWise Cafe Events
Stony Brook Cancer Center Events and Cause Marketing Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Innovation Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Research
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Excellence Fund
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Children's Early Childhood Clinic Fund
Stony Brook Children's Wellness Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Awards Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Center Equipment Account
Stony Brook Distinguished Lecture in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Endowment
Stony Brook Endowed Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry
Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Quasi Endowment Fund
Stony Brook Foundation/Advancement Scholarship Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Golf Classic
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Walk of Heroes Fund
Stony Brook Gala Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Heights
Stony Brook Home Program Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Kappas Endowed Achievement Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Madagascar Fund
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Men's Soccer Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Ophthalmology Fund
Stony Brook Rugby
Stony Brook Southampton - Avram Theater
Stony Brook Southampton Graduate Arts Food Lab and Initiatives
Stony Brook Southampton M.F.A. and Writers Conference
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook University 'Seawolves Pantry'
Stony Brook University Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
Stony Brook University Biopsychology Founders Endowed Fellowship
Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Social Work Indigent Patient Fund
Stony Brook University Pre-College Program in Music
Stony Brook University Software Incubator
Stony Brook Women's Basketball Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Women's Lacrosse Golf Outing Event
Storm Surge Research Group
Structural Biology Fund
Structure Development in Processing of Elastomers
Stuart and Sherry Greene Research and Education Grant
Stuart Sharoff Family Athletic Fund
Student Enrichment; Theatre in New York
Student Life
Student Research Initiatives
Student Welfare Fund
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Study of Aging Fund
Sudesh and Sudha Mukhi Vedic Music and Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Burn Center
Suffolk Firefighters Burn Center Fund
Sukon Kim Fund
Summer Math Scholarship
Summer Math Scholarship Endowed Fund
Summer Math Scholarship Second Summer
Sun Microsystems Fund
Sunrise Fund at Stony Brook
Sunrise Fund Play Fit Stay Fit
Sunrise Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Quasi-Endow Research Fund
SUNY LI Pitchfest Prize
Suny-Stony Brook Geriatric Program
Support for Stony Brook Cancer Center Clinical Research
Surface Science
Susan K. Kershnar Endowed Nursing Emergency Relief Fund
Susanna and Frederick Schoenewolf Endowed Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship Endowment Fund
Sustainability Studies Program Fund
Sustainable Off-Grid Solutions for Africa Economic Development
Svam International Scholarship
Swoboda-Ward Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
Sydney & Edith Golub Endowed Memorial Fund for Faculty Development
Sylvia Fund Endowment
Symbol Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Symbol/Motorola Fellowship
Sythesis of Natural Products
Szema Yuan-Pian Award
T-Mobile Endowment
T-Mobile Scholarship
T. Alexander Pond Endowment
Tamarath Yolles Endowment
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Technology & Society Excellence Fund
Ted Moorman Memorial Book Collection Fund
Ted Weiss Award Endowment
Teen Education & Resource Fund
Telnet Revenue Account
Teresa Haire Memorial Award Fund
Terry Alexander Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Thaw Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
The Ackerman Fund for Cardiology Fellow Support
The Adolescent Medicine Fund for Excellence
The Alex and Zach Traum Research Prize and Award In American History Endowment
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging - Current Use
The Ana Marie Torres Scholarship for Hispanic/Latino Students Fund
The Annette and Sol Goldstein Scholarship in Music History
The Anthropoid Origins Fund
The Benedict '76 Scholarship Endowment
The Bergman Family Foundation Prize in Memory of Roberta Richin for Student Initiatives for Soc Gd
The Bernard Osher Foundation Endowment
The Cancer Center Director's Fund
The Center for Understanding and Treating Cognitive Decline
The Center of Entrepreneurial Finance
The Christina Seix Fund for Presidential Initiatives
The Concerned Women of the Grove Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Conti Family Scholarship
The Corey Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dan's Paper Literary Scholarship
The Debbie Whittemore Endowed Scholarship Fund
The deBrauwere Family Endowed Intent Medical Scholarship Current Use Fund
The Della Pietra Family Endowed Chair in Biomedical Imaging
The Dr. Dorothy L. Hurley Fellowship
The Dr. Joseph W. Woo Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine Fund
The Ellen J. Bell Scholarship
The Emilio Belari Scholarship in Voice
The Emma Mumper Memorial Fund
The Empowerment English Endowm
The Endowment Fund for the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Eppenstein Family Scholarship Fund
The Esther Kaminoff Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Music
The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
The Flame Challenge
The Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship Progran at Stony Brook University
The Francesco P. And Dina D'Alto Malgeri Endowment in Italian Culture
The Frey Family Foundation Endowment
The Frey Professorship in Quantitative Finance
The Frey Scholarship for Students in the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
The Halpern Research Fellowship
The Hilda R Maier Scholarship Endowment for the School of Nursing
The Institute for Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Post-Doc Fellowship
The Irwin Oster Prize
The Israel Wilenitz Endowment
The Jack Foley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jack Heller Award
The Japan Center at Stony Brook
The Jerry R. Schubel Graduate Fellowship Endowment
The John C. Dunphy Private Foundation Cancer Innovation Fund
The John F. Lauro, P.A. Fund
The John J. Ricotta, MD Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series in Surgery Endowment Fund
The Joseph and Angela Comberiate Memorial Scholarship
The Judy Sue Sussman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
The Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Fund
The Kim Mehmood Scholarship fund in Nursing
The Laufer Family Fund for Tibetan Scholars
The Lee Lutz Commencement Award
The Lillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professorship in Trauma Surgery
The Lisa and Robert Lourie Imaging Suite
The Manuel London, PhD and Marilyn London, EdD Endowed Award Fund at the College of Business
The Marc and Caren Tishfield Endowed Scholarship in Economics
The Mary G. Bourguignon Memorial Scholarship Fund
The McGuire Family Fund
The Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Physics
The Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical & Educational Scholars
The Miriam & David Donoho Distinguished Teaching Professor
The Miriam and David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars
The Nancy K. Squires Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Network Lab Fund for Student Excellence
The NPD Group, Inc. Scholarship
The Ojima Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Award
The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award Current-Use Fund
The Oliver Schaeffer Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Omnicon Group, Inc. WISE Scholarship
The Overseas Partnership Program in News Literacy
The Paglia Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering
The Pamela J. Combs and John Primavera Award for Community Service in Dentisty
The Parent Fund for Stony Brook Southampton
The Paul A. Schreiber Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Endowed Lectureship in Anesthesiology
The Peter Glass, MD Endowed Excellence Fund
The Peter K. Weyl Memorial Award in Climate Changes Science Endowment Intent Current Use Fund
The Peter W. "Pete" Bretsky, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Geosciences
The Philip Johnson Endowment for Physical Chemistry
The Pre-College Summer Institute
The Pretty and Powerful Program
The Rajesh and Sonali Kakani Lecture in India Studies
The Real Estate Institute Scholarship for Real Estate Studies
The Renaissance School of Medicine Class of 1999 Endowed Scholarship
The Richard E. Aiello Lung Cancer Research Fund
The Rita and Kurt Eppenstein Hall of Fame
The Robert Von Tauber & Olga Von Tauber Fund
The Roberto and Palmina Mignone Fellowship in Italian and Italian American Studies
The Role of Erythropoietin in Ex Vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Cells from Umbilical Cord/Blood
The Ronald and Rosanne Roge Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Rosaline & Milton Sterman Travel Awards in the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ryan Scholarship for Future Academicians at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
The Sanacora Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Endowment Fund
The Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard Fellowship in Music History-Theory
The Scholarly Concentration Program Research Track Student Award
The Seawolves for Life Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Sherry and Howard Sussman Endowed Scholarship
The Stanley Scholarship Fund
The Stem Cell Transplantation & Hematologic Malignancy Program
The Steven Allard Returning Military Personnel Endowed Scholarship
The Stony Brook Cancer Center Garden Fund
The Stony Brook Children's Hospital Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Care Center
The Stony Brook Taiko Ensemble
The Tarrson Family Professorship in Periodontology
The Telescope Fund
The Terian Fund for Nursing Education
The Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Endowed Scholarship in Dental Medicine
The University Fund
The Vincent & Robert Gallucci Endowment in Memory of Sam Gallucci
The Violet and Les Payne Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
The Virginia Fuller Senior Award Sponsored by Sharon Cowles on behalf of Gallery North
The Wai Seak Hom Memorial Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Weinig Foundation Scholarship
The William Wertheim Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education
The Women's Integrative Cancer Center Fund
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Immunology
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Theatre Arts Department Fund for Excellence
Theatre Renovation Fund
Theodore W. Allen Scholar Program
Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize
Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Fund
Thomas F. Irvine Scholarship Endowment
Thomas Flanagan Prize
Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research in Neurobiology & Behavior
Thomas Neumiller Scholarship Fund in Music
Thomas R. and Margherita T. Sexton Award for Academic Excellence While Facing Uncommon Obstacles
Thomas Rogers Prize
Tick Borne Disease Fund
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
Tina Staller Memorial Account
Tom Neumiller Guest Artist Series
Tom Neumiller Scholarship Fund
Tony and Aspacia Poulis Scholarship Fund
Touch Modeling Research
Touchdown Club / Football Fund for Excellence
Transatlantic Collegium
Transatlantic Collegium of Philosophy
Transplant Division Gifts
Transplantation Division of Surgery Fund
Trauma Center
Travelers Insurance/Citigroup Scholarship in Insurance
Travelers Scholarship Fund
Travis Political Science Award
Tribology Laboratory
Turan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Umbilic Torus Project
UME/NV Kurup Memorial Altruism Award
Undergraduate and Graduate Fund in Mathematics
Undergraduate Pharmacology Scholarship Award Account
Undergraduate Programs Support Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund in Anthropology
University Advancement - Special Events
University Affairs Graduate Fellowship
University Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
University Diversity Initiatives
University Hospital Patient Benefit Fund
University Housing Fund
University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award
University Library
University Medical Center Special Events Account
University Preschool
Ur Excavations
Urology Department Fund
Urology Education and Research Fund
USG Presents: The 30th Annual Roth Regatta / USG Events
Vallone Family Endowed Scholarship
Vascular Surgery Journal Club 2022-2023
Vascular Surgery Research & Education
Verizon Wireless Endowed Scholarship
Verizon Wireless Scholarship
Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Fund
Violet's Voice Fund
VIP Hockey Fund
Virginia Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Roller Trust Properties
Visiting Artists Series in Music
Visiting Professorship in Pediatrics
Visiting Scholar Fund
Vito Dechiaro Otolaryngolgy Education Fund
Vivian Ling Scholarship Fund
Vivien Hartog Endowment
Voll Professorship Fund
VP Brookhaven National Laboratory Affairs Iniviatives
VP for Economic Development Fund for Excellence
W. Averell Harriman Endowment
W. Turner Founding Dean Scholarship
W.I.S.E.-Diamond Award Programming Funds
Wachter Family Athletics Scholarship
Wainscott Pond Project
Wall Street Group Fundraising Initiative
Wang Asian Programming Fund
Waterbor Burn & Cancer Foundation
Welfare and Family Preventive Medicine Research Fund
William and Jane Knapp Alumni Center
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Energy and the Environment
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Pharmacological Sciences
William and Maude Pritchard Scholarship Endowment
William and Teresa Meyer Award Endowment Fund
William Dawes Endowed Fund for Excellence in Economics
William J. and Florence M. Catacosinos Fund for Cancer Research Endowment
William J. Burke Scholarship Endowment
William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William Ryan Pancreatic Cancer Fund
William Van Der Kloot Awards in M&C Pharmacolgy
William W. and James W. Catacosinos Fund for Computer Sciences
Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Wings Lab Professor Samir's Research Fund
Wise Banquet Event
Witness Project Anniversary Celebration
Wolfie Mascot Bench Fund
Wolfie Tank Award
Women For Women Project
Women's Health
Women's Health Endowment Fund
Women's Studies Conferences
Womens Studies-G.T.E. Foundation
Wonhyo Translation Project
Woo Jong Kim Dissertation Prize
World Language Teacher Education Award
World Trade Center Program
Yacov and Linda Shamash Scholarship Fund
Yetta Brandwine Parker Memorial Scholarship
YITP-Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Young Artists and Writers Project
Young Investigators Review: Undergraduate Science Journal
Yusuf A. Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Yusuf A.Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Zhang Award: Beaupre - Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Helminth Parasite
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Microbes in Parasite Fitness
Zhang Award: Dvarskas - Economic Modeling of Fishing
Zhang Award: Reed - Impact of Climate Change
Zhang Award: Wehrmann - Arctic Fjords
Zickler Scholar Award in Translational Biomedical Research
Legacy Way Fund
Alumni Awards
Alumni Association St. Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament
Africana Studies Fund for Excellence
Alda Center for Communicating Science
Alda Center Innovation Fund
Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Alumni Dissertation Fellowship in Philosophy
Anatomical Sciences Department Support Fund
Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
Anthropology Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Fund for Excellence
Art Department Fund for Excellence
Asian and Asian American Studies Fund for Excellence
Athletic Training Program School of Health Professions
Athletics - Seawolves United
Autism Initiative Excellence Fund
Bachelor of Science in Health Science Support Fund
Baseball Fund for Excellence
Baseball/Softball Complex Fund
Bay Scallop Bowl
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Endowed Fund for Excellence
Biomedical Engineering Department Fund for Excellence
Black and Latino Alumni Network Endowed Scholarship
Cancer Center
Cardiothoracic Surgery Fund
Career Center Student Professional Development Fund
Carlos Vidal Memorial Fund
Center for Changing Systems of Power Excellence Fund
Center for Clean Water Technology Excellence Fund
Center for Hellenic Studies
Center for India Studies
Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communications Fund for Excellence
Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease
Chemistry Dept Fund for Excellence
Civil Engineering Fund for Excellence
Clinical Laboratory Science Fund for Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Development Fund
Cross Country / Track & Field Fund for Excellence
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship Current Use Fund
Dental Medicine Scholarship Endowment Fund
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fund for Excellence
Dept of Medicine Education Research Fund
Dept Orthopedics Resident Education FFE
Dept. of Neurology: Resident Training Funds
DoIT Innovation
DoIT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Dr. Aldustus E. Jordan Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Ecology & Evolution Award for Student Excellence
Ecology and Evolution Department Fund for Excellence
Economics Department Fund for Excellence
Education For The Local Malagasy People
Electrical and Computer Engineering Fund for Excellence
Endocrinology Division
EOP/AIM Fund For Excellence
Family Medicine Division Fund for Excellence
First Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Football Fund for Excellence
Frances L. Brisbane Endowment Fund for Leadership and Social Justice
Fund for Excellence in Undergraduate Biology
General Scholarship Fund
Geosciences Department Fund for Excellence
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Medical Education Fund for Excellence
Graduate Program in Public Health Development Account
Graduate School
Graduate Student Organization Student Emergency Support Fund
Health Crisis Fund
Heart Institute
Hispanic Languages and Literature Fund for Excellence
Hispanic Languages and Literature Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Fund
History Chair's Fund
History Dept Alumni Fund
Honors College Scholarship Fund
Humanities Institute Fund
IDEA Fund of Excellence
IGS Excellence Fund
Internet of Things Laboratory Fund
Italian Studies Fund
James Nobles Memorial Award
John J. Ricotta Professorship in Surgery
Kidney Transplantation Program Fund
Lab Modernization Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Languages & Cultural Studies Fund for Excellence
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Fund for Excellence
Lauterbur Frontier Research Endowment Fund in Chemistry
LGBTQ* Center Fund for Excellence
LI Shore Real-Time Environmental Data Systems
Linguistics Fund for Excellence
Long Island State Veterans Home
Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration Student Fund
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Mathematics Department Fund for Excellence
Mechanical Engineering Fund
Medical Scientist Training Program Fund for Excellence
Men's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Men's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Men's Soccer Fund for Excellence
Microbiology Department
Milton Lodge Fund for Political Psychology
Mobile Stroke Unit
Music Department Fund for Excellence
Neurobiology and Behavior Fund for Excellence
Neurosciences Institute
Occupational Therapy Fund for Excellence
OLLI Member Giving Account
Paul Siegel Endowed Scholarship
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Pediatric Emergency Department Expansion Fund
Pediatric Research Innovation Fund for Excellence
Pharmacology Department
Philosophy Department Fund for Excellence
Physical Therapy Department Fund for Excellence
Physician Assistant Education Fund for Excellence
Physics and Astronomy Department Fund for Excellence
Political Science Fund for Excellence
Program in Writing and Rhetoric Fund for Excellence
Psychology Department Fund for Excellence
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund (HOLDING ACCOUNT)
Radiation Oncology Department Fund for Excellence
Radiology Department
Red Watch Band Support Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Care Program Fund for Excellence
Richard B. Moore Endowment
Richard L. Gelfond Fund on the Health Effects of Mercury Exposure
SB Home
School of Communication and Journalism Excellence Fund
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine Dean's Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
School of Dental Medicine Student Assistance Fund
School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions Fund for Excellence
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Alumni Fund
School of Nursing Award
School of Professional Development
School of Social Welfare
School of Social Welfare L Fund
School of Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Senior Design Fund for TBI
Sociology Department Fund for Excellence
Softball Fund for Excellence
SoMAS General Scholarship Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Endowed Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Fund
Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Child Care
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
Stony Brook Film Festival Current Use
Stony Brook Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Marching Band
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SBVAC) Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Student Affairs Fund
Student Emergency Support Fund
Student Life Fund
Surgery Chairman's Research and Education Fund
Swimming & Diving Fund for Excellence
Tennis Fund for Excellence
The English Department Fund for Excellence
The Parent Fund
Turkana Basin Institute Project
Turner Support Fund
Undergraduate Biology Fund
Undergraduate Philosophy Club
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
University Counseling Center
University Library
Veterans Assistance Fund
Volleyball Fund for Excellence
W. Burghardt & Joyce Turner Endowed Fellowship Fund
Wise Scholarship Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Fund for Excellence
Women's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Women's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Women's Leadership Council Fund
Women's Soccer Fund for Excellence
WUSB-FM Radio Fund
- Choose a Program -
1998 Black Expo Fund
2008 Class Gifts
2010 Class Gifts
2011 Class Gifts
2012 Class Gifts
33rd Northeast Bioengineering Conference
40 Under Forty
A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Endowed Scholarship
A.M.S. Memorial Scholarship
Aaron W. Godfrey Endowed Scholarship in Classical Literature and Latin
Academic Excellence
Accounting Advisory Board
Accurate, Scalable, Low Cost Floor Plan Construction Using Commodity Smartphones Research
Ackerman Music Endowment
Adult Literacy Program
Advanced Energy Research & Technology Center (AERTC)
Advanced Power Sources Laboratory
Aeroflex Laboratories Scholarship
Aerosol and Mucous Hypersecretion Account
Africana Studies-Black Womens Forum
AI and Music Initiative
AIDC 100 Library Collection
AIDC 100 Library Collection Endowment
AIDS Center Patient Care Fund
AIDS Center Research Fund
AIDS Center/ AIDS Education
Al & Harriet Zlatin Fund at Staller Center
Alan Babich Memorial Prize in English Endowment
Alfonse D'Amato Endowed Chair in Italian American Studies
Alfred Wolf Award Fund
Algorithms Guarding and Acquiring Geometric Models
Alison Stopeck Research Fund
All Teens Considered
All the Way Scholarship Fund
Alumni Center
Alumni Deans Choice Award
Alumni Initiative Endowment
Alumni Pre-Law Scholarship
Alumni Programs Fund
Alumni Reunions
Alzheimer Research Foundation
Ama Medical Student Activity Account
Ambulatory Patient Complimentary Medical Supplies
Amenities Fund in Honor of A. Peter Gary
Amenities Fund In Honor of Charles Davis
Amenities Fund In Honor of E. Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Evelyn (Billie) Hawkins
Amenities Fund in Honor of Morris G. Cohen
Amenities Fund in Honor of W K Ferguson
AMETEK Thermal Scholarship Fund
Amie Hanes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
AMS Dept. Quantitative Finance Program
Analog Design Automation
Analysis Fund in Mathematics
Ananya Fund Center for India Studies
Anatomical Sciences Department
Andrea Roher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Merrill Silver Endowed Scholarship
Andrew and Merrill Silver Flexcelsior
Andrew and Merrill Silver Scholarship Fund
Andrew and Yue Min Lee Scholarship
Anemia-Chronic Renal Failure Account
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Ania Kowalik and Laurence Higgins Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medi
Ann Neuberger Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Bohme Endowed Scholarship
Anne Sayre Prize Endowment
Anthony and Antoinette Di Donato Scholarship
Anthony Fronzoni III Endowed Scholarship
Anthony M. Bongiorno Endowed Scholarship for Women in Science
Antonawich Lab Education Account
Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund
APD Sean Finnegan and Paul Richards Memorial Fund
Applied Health Informatics Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Teaching Chair
Applied Math Scholarship
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Graduate Assistantship Endowment Fund (Current Use)
Arlene and Neil Butterklee Scholarship Endowment Fund
Arms Control Disarmament Peace Fund
Arms Control/Peace
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Award
Armstrong Memorial Foundation Fund
Arnold M. Feingold Prize in Astronomy
Aronson and Virag Scholarship Current Use Fund for Narrative Journalism
Arrhythmia Project/Study Fund
Art Therapy Fund
Artem Ayzen Memorial Fund
Arthur Berken Memorial Fellowship Fund
Arthur S. Lambert Memorial Scholarship
Artificial Intelligence Fund for Excellence
Artificial Intelligence Research Fund
Arunkumar and Umaben Parikh Scholarship
Ashley Schiff Preserve Endowed Scholarship
Asian American Center
Asian American Fundraising Account
Aspiring Science and Mathematics Teacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
Asthma Research
Astronomy Group
Athletic Department Fund for Excellence
Athletic General Scholarship Fund
Athletics Academic Support Center
Athletics Endowment
Autism Applied Behavioral Research Fund in Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Fund
Autoinflammatory Disease Research Fund
Aviv Scholarship for First Generation Students Endowment Fund
Ayanis Outer Town Archaelogical Project
Babak Movahedi Student Leadership Endowment
Babies' and Children's Memorial Garden
Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition
Baldwin Breast Imaging
Bank of America Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara M. Swartz Endowed Student Excellence Fund in History
Barbara Mills Scholarship in Nursing
Barbara N. Pond Memorial Student Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts & Education Fund
Barbara N. Wien Arts and Education Endowment
Bariatric Walk for Weight Loss
BASH Event Operations
Behavioral Sciences Education in Dental Medicine
Benjamin W. Lee and Joo Sang Kang Endowed Memorial Award
Bentley Glass Memorial Endowment Fund
Berlin Family Foundation/Arkwin Industries, Inc.
Bernard Semmel Endowed Fund in History
Bethpage Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Betumonga Research Station Project
Bill Arens Endowed Scholarship Fund for International Study
Bill Drayton Social Enterprise Fund at the College of Business
Bill Godfrey Endowed Teaching Excellence Awards
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence
Biochemistry Department
Biochemistry General Support
Biological Basis of Personality
Biomedical Engineering Building
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Bioscience-Lyme Research-Coyle
Bipolar Awareness Account
Bishembarnath & Sheela Mattoo Center for India Studies Endowment
Black Faculty School Fund
Black History Month Fund
Bliss Verdon Scholarship Fund Endowment
Block the Sun, Not the Fun
Bloomberg Climate
BMI Donations
Board of Trustees' Special Fund for Presidential Initiatives
Bob Meyers Award in Music
Bonazzi Voice Scholarship Endowment
Bone Marrow Transplant
Brady William Russell Memorial Fund
Braile MacArthur Prize History
Brain Tumor Research Project
BRAtender Challenge
Breast Cancer Education Grant
Breast Cancer Equipment Lease Account
Breast Cancer Patient Service Fund
Breast Cancer Programs and Services
Breast Cancer Research
Breast Cancer Research-Ute Moll
Breast Cancer Service Acoount
Brenda Daniels Memorial Fund
Brevet Capital Management Fund for the Investment Club
Brian A. Wright Memorial Autism Research Fund
Brinkhuis Scholarship Award
Bromo Criptine In Aphasia
Brooke Ellison Legacy Scholarship
Bryan Griesbeck Memorial Scholarship
Building a Pipeline for Social Work Careers
Burn Center and Skin Bank Fund
Burn Center Compression Garment Fund
Burt and Jean Stangarone Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
Buskin Committee Activities
C. Chernow Endow Schol Journal
C. E. W. I. T. Conference and Expo
C. N. Yang - DENG Wei Endowed Chair in Physics and Astronomy
CA Technologies
Campus Beautification Committee Fund
Campus Residence Fund
Campus Services Enhancements
Cancer Boutique
Cancer Center SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Center/SBUH Food Pantry
Cancer Research at SBUMC
Cancer Research Fund
Cancer Research-Basil Rigas
Capital Campaign
Capstone Corporate Corporate Partners Fund
Car-T Cancer Therapy Program
Cardiology Department
Cardiology Research and Education Fund (CaRE Fund)
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing Staff
Cardiovascular Center
Career Center Support Fund
Career Placement Center Revitalization
Carl Safina Endowed Research Chair for Nature and Humanity
Carol and Lyle Gomes Endowed Scholarship
Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
Carol Chernow Memorial Scholarship at Stony Brook University
Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center
Carole L. Weidman (Nussbaum) Athletics Endowment
CAS Fund for Education
CAS Pure Endowment Fund
Catacosinos Family Fund
Catherine Wang Fund in History
Catholic Campus Ministries
Catholic Studies Endowment
CEAS Co-Curricular Education Fund
CEAS Fellowships
CEAS Tech & Society Excellence Fund
Cecil L. Hall Endowment
Cedric J. Priebe Endowed Pediatric Surgery Lectureship
Cellular Tel - Southampton Campus
Cellular Tel. (AT&T) Scholarship Endowment Fund
CELT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Center for Advanced Technology Sensor Systems
Center For Biotechnology Fund for Excellence
Center for Biotechnology Translational Research
Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning Fund for Excellence
Center For Emerging Infections
Center for Game Theory
Center for Health Policy and Management
Center for Healthy Aging
Center for India Studies - Research and Publication Projects
Center For Industrial Cooperation
Center For Infectious Diseases
Center for Integration of Business Education & Humanities Fund
Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
Center for News Literacy
Center for Science and Mathematics Education
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Center for the Advancement of Earth & Space Science Education
Center for the Study of Jewish, Christian & Muslim Relations
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Endowed Excellence Fund
Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities Excellence Fund
Center of Excellence in Wireless Internet and Information Technology (CEWIT)
Centre Valbio Building Fund
Cerebrovascular Center Equipment Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease Research Fund
CESAME Scholarships
CESAME Student Support Fund
CEWIT - General Fund
Chair's Award in Art
Chair's Scholar Quasi Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Endowment
Charles Gordon Heuser Memorial Golf Outing
Chemistry Alumni Fund
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Corporate Seminar Series
Chemistry Endowment Fund for Excellence
Chemistry Instructional Equipment Account
Chemistry Research Fund for Professor Ojima
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Symposia Fund
Cherith Foundation Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics
Chhabra Endowment for Undergraduate Student Research in Math & Science
Child Life Services Fund
Child Psychiatry Sunshine Fund
Children with Crohn's Colitis and Intestinal Disease
Children's Hospital Comedy Show
Children's Hospital Garden Fund
Children's Resource Center Fundraising Account
Childrens Cancer Research Account
Chinese Culture and Society
Chinese Studies General Purpose Fund
Choi Moo Nam Scholarship for Korean Studies Endowment
Chris Algieri Chamption Lifestyle Scholarship Fund
Christine Rothman Endowment Fund
Christopher Samaria Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cindy Metcalf Library and Therapy Endowed Intent Fund
Cindy Metcalf Memorial Library
Cingular Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cingular Scholarship Fund
Citigroup Scholarship for Minority Students in Technology and Society
Civic Performance Project
Civil Engineering Diversity Scholarship
Claire D. Hall Endowment
Class of '72 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1983 Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Dr. Aldustus Jordan and Dr. Jack Stern
Cleft Palate/Craniofacial School of Dental Medicine Fund
Clifford E. Swartz Student Excellence Fund in Physics & Astronomy
Clinic Renovation Fund
Clinical Education Fund
Clinical Support Services
CLS Equipment Fund
Coast Institute
Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Cognitive Disability: A Challenge to Moral Philosophy Conference
Colin Carr Scholarship for Cellists
Collaborative for the Earth
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Endowment
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) Hardship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Building Fund
College of Engineering Golf Outing
Colon & Rectal Educational Fund
Community Health Education
Community Medicine / MCS Fund
Community Music Programs General Operating Fund
Community Music Programs Scholarship Fund
Community Service and Service Learning Fund
Commuter Student Services and Off Campus Living
COMPAS Lab - Killer Microsecond Project
Computational Geometry Student Travel Fund
Computational Materials Research Fund
Computer architecture Stony Brook lab
Computer Architecture Stony Brook Lab - Oracle
Computer Associates Education Account
Computer Graphics Vision Fund
Computer Science Honors Program Scholarships
Computer Science Industrial Associates Fund
Computer Science Library
Computer Science Women Retention Program
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Group
Computer-based Problem Solving Lab.
Condensed Matter Physics Fund
Condor Array Telescope Fund
Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms
Confucius Institute
Consortium of Digital Arts, Culture and Technology Fund for Excellence
Conti Family Scholarship Fund
Continuous Individual Crisis Aid Alert System (CICaidA) Fund
Coordinated Fetal Care Program Fund
Copy of David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Costigan,George Endw
Council of International Programs
Covid Rapid Response Biodesign Fund
Creative Writing Award Fund
Crystallography Research Fund
CS Lab Discretionary Fund
Cultural Programming Fund
Curtiss-Wright Centennial Flight Scholarship
Cutaneous Gene Therapy Fund
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
CVB Community Health Team
Cyclone Ava
Cynthia G. Mitchell Endowed Fund for Excellence in History
Cynthia Mitchell Scholarships in History
D-TALE Fund for Excellence
Dal Jae Huh Endowment-Korean Studies
Damianos Endowment Fund
Dan Brooks Memorial Educational Award for Students with Cancer
Dan Rattiner Special Collections Fund
Daniel Brian Cohen Scholarship Award in Hematolgy
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty Cancer Research Fund
Daniel Lazaroff Family Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Danni Kemp Memorial Fund for Excellence
Das Family Men's Soccer Scholarship Fund
Data Base For Materials
David E. King Field Work Award in Geosciences
David Erdman Fellowship Fund
David Fox Prize
David L. Brown MD Research & Education Fund
David L. Williams Memorial Fund
David L. Williams Scholarship Endowment
David Mayer Energy Research and Technology Fund
Davidson Family Scholarship
DCI - Martin R. Liebowitz Endowed Professorship in Nephrology
Dean's Award for Global Health Research
Dean's Cancer Fund
Dean's Merit Fund for Engineering
Dean's Off. SB Southampton
Deana Carpio Memorial Scholarship
Deborah Hecht Memorial Prize in Fiction
Della Pietra Fund for Gifted High School Students in Math and Science
Della Pietra Lecture Series
Della Pietra Visiting Professor in Music
Delphin Endowment for Finance
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Grant 2022
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences
Denise Loring Endowed Student Fund for Excellence In the Life Sciences - CU
Dental Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Dental Biomaterials Research
Dental Graduation Alumni Activities Fund
Dental Graduation/award Fund
Dental Mission to Madagascar
Dental School Conference and Special Events
Dental Student Yearbook Fund
Dentsply Student Initiative Fund
Department of Children's Dentistry Research Fund
Department of Dermatology Chair
Department of Economics Interdisciplinary Research Fund
Department of French
Department of History's Scholarships
Department of Music Endowed Artist in Residence Fellowship
Department of Orthopaedics CME
Department of Orthopaedics Resident Educational Research
Department of Orthopedics Fellowship Fund for Excellence
Department of Physic and Astronomy Book Prize Fund
Department of Prosthodontics & Digital Technology Fund
Department of Sociology
Department of Surgery Fund for Excellence
Department of Urology Lecture Series
Department of Urology Operating Fund
Department Resident Education and Equipment Fund
Dept of Neurosurgery- Advancement of Neurosciences
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Orthopaedics Endowment
Dept of Pathology - Dr Yupo Ma
Dept of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Fund
Dept. of Children's Dentistry
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Golf Outing
Deputy Chief Raymond M. Downey Scholarship
Dermatology Fund
Dermatology Growth and Discovery
Design and Analysis Research Lab
Development and Delivery of Anti Inflammatory and Anti Invasive Bioactives
Development of Components of RSFQ Devices
Di Tian Graduate Award
Diabetes Educational Exchange
Diane D. Brink Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Diane Ducy Hitchings-Tiernan '72 RN Baccalaureate Endowed Scholarship Fund
Digestive Diseases Research Tissue Procurement Facility
Disability and Policy Analysis Research Fund
Disabled Fund Raising Account
Discovery Fund for Research
Distinguished Lecture Series
Distributed Computing Program
Diversity Student Educational Fund
Division of Animal Laboratory Resources Fund
Division of Biological Sciences
Division of Gastroenterology
Doelger Graduate Scholarship Fund
DoIT Women's Leadership Initiatives
Don Ihde Endowed Fund for Excellence in Philosophy
Don Jose Marti Excellence Scholarship
Donald M. Mulvey, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Donation Fund for SBU West Campus Essential Employees
Dorothy Awards
Dorothy G. Pieper Graduate Endowment
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Endowment Fund
Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund
Douglas Futuyma Endowed Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology
Dr Mindy G. Brodsky Fund for Generative Health Education
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell & Jennifer Wortzman Undergraduate Research Fund in the Biological Sciences -INT
Dr. Amy S. Chu-Wong, M.D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bernard Malberg Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Beverly Birns Women's Studies Conference Room
Dr. Blasco C. Gomes Endowment Fund
Dr. Bo Ha Endowed Endodontic Award Fund
Dr. Brisbane Leadership & Social Justice Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou General Dentistry Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou Pioneer in Dentistry Endowed Award
Dr. Ellinor Peerschke Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Eric B. Holst and Virginia Holst Memorial Endowment
Dr. Fred S. Ferguson Scholarship
Dr. Gonzalo Pardo Memorial Award
Dr. Gujavarty Family Seminar Fund in India Studies
Dr. Gustav Durrer Travel Award Endowment
Dr. Gwinnett Dental Student Memorial
Dr. James F. Dana Sr. Scholarship
Dr. Jason Kim '03 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
Dr. John McCann Memorial Award
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic End Fund for Excellence-INT
Dr. Leonard S. Weiss Orthedic Fund for Excellence
Dr. Luis Gruberg Research in Cardiology
Dr. Martin Hauptman Award
Dr. Martin R. Liebowitz Scholarship
Dr. Max Fink Collection Fund
Dr. Michael DeLuca Endowed Student Excellence Fund for Italian Studies
Dr. Michael Schwartz Award for Excellence in Sociology
Dr. Myung Oh Gateway to Engineering Building Fund
Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Lewis Memorial Fund
Dr. Paul Neuberger Endowment
Dr. Richard J. Oringer Award Endowment
Dr. Roger S. Keresztes Educational and Research Fund
Dr. Seymour Friedman Endowed Scholarship in Endodontics
Dr. Stephen Gold Award
Dr. Vito De Simone and Mrs. Carolyn De Simone Endowment for a Visiting Lectureship in Italian
Drs. Connie and Lee Koppelman Endowed Fund for Scholarships
Drs. Douglas and Barbara Brand Diversity in Medicine Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Drs. Ellen Li and Samuel L. Stanley Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Medicine
Drs. Richard P. and Philip V. Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives
Dubin Family Athletic Performance Center Fund
E. & P. F. Palmedo School In the Music
E. S. Q. Summer Music Festival
Early Breast Cancer Detection Research of Biomarker TSP50
Early Music Operations Account
Eating Disorders Conference
Eckard Wimmer Endowed Graduate Scholarship for Student Excellence
Economics Scholarship Fund
Ed Hahne Marching Band Memorial Award
Edith Salvo Endowment
Edmund D. Pelligrino Professorship of Medicine Endowment
Edmund McTernan Endowment
Education Fund for Lipid Cancer Lab
Educational Exchange China Fellowship
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
Edward & Patty Knapp Endowed Scholarship
Edward Countey Memorial Endowment
Edward H. Bergofsky Memorial Fund
Edward J. Mardovich Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Edward J. O'Connell Excellence Award in Health Science
Edward Lambe Science Teaching Award
Edward R. Fabian '08 Alumni Engagement Endowment Fund for the College of Business
Eldercare Initiative
Electrically Controlled Optical Device
Electrophysiology Fund
Eli Seifman Memorial Scholarship
Elia Swartz Memorial Fund
Elisabeth & Philip F. Palmedo Scholarship In the Arts
Elisabeth and Philip F. Palmedo Award in Graduate Art History
Elizabeth Ball Kurz Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth M. Desch Athletic Scholarship
Elof Carlson Fund
Elsie Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Emanuel Cancer Research Fund
Emergency Mangmnt and Planning
Emergency Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Golf Classic
Emerson String Quartet Special Projects Fund
Empire National Bank Endowment for Banking Education at the College of Business
Employee Compensation Program
Endowed Award Fund for Cognitive Science in Psychology
Endowed Award Fund for Social and Health Psychology
Endowed Chair Account for College of Engineering
Endowed Chair for the Institute for Advanced Computational Science Director
Endowed Chair in Nursing Research
Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology
Endowed Fund for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
Endowed Graduate Fund in Political Science
Endowed Scholarship for Southampton Campus
Engineering and Smart Systems Research
Engineering Ethics Symposium
Engineering Teaching Lab
English Graduate Students Travel Fund
Entrepreneur Fund for the College of Business Current Use Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
EOP-Elite Chemistry Program
Epilespy Educational Research
Ericcson Messaging Systems, Inc. Graduate Fellowship
Ernesto Chinchilla-Aguilar Fellowship
Erwin & Freddie Staller Endowed Scholarship Fund
Estate of Thomas Donahue-Schroeffel
Esther and Jack Spivak Memorial Scholarship Fund
Esther Rentas Research Award
Etherereum 2022
Eugene R. Katz Endowed Excellence Fund in Biological Sciences
Eugene V. & Clare E. Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art
Eugenia Brown Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Eugenie Van Drooge Kissinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Evan Frankel Fellowship
Evan Frankel Marine Sciences Scholarship Program
Evan R. Liblit Fund-raising Account
Evan R. Liblit Memorial Fund
Evan R. Liblit Recycling Symposium
Evangelos & Foteini Tsirka Award
Evelyn Bonner Endowment Fellowship
Evelyn Grollman Glick Endowment
Evening of the Arts Fund
Executive Director's Office Account
Experimental Learning for the College of Arts & Sciences
F. Weinstein Dissertation Research Award
FACT Foundation Breast Cancer Research Fund
Faculty Student Association Scholarship
Family Medicine Wellness and Chronic Illness Center
Family Population and Preventive Medicine
Fatty Acid Desaturase
File Systems Lab
Finish in Four General Support
Finish in Four Scholarship Fund
First Advantage Dental Endowed Scholarship Fund
Fit and Fabulous after Breast
Fit Kids Program
Fixed Price Balance Account for CEWIT
Floris Barnett Cash Endowed Scholarship
Foodlab Education Fund
Fossil Africa ConservationTrust
Foundational Research for Input Performance Modelling
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship
Frances and Velio Marsocci Scholarship Endowment
Frances Bisignano Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Frances Brisbane Endowed Scholarship Fund in Social Welfare
Francis Johnson Lecture Series in Chemical Biology
Frank Conti Memorial Football Fund
Frank Myers Fund for Excellence
Fred Sheinbaum Endowment
Freedom School at Stony Brook University
French Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Frey Family Endowed Fellowship Fund
Frey Family Endowed Research Fund
Frey Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Quantitative Finance Fund
Friends of Judaic Studies
Friends of Latin Current Use Fund
Friends of Latin Endowment
Friends of Neurosurgery Fund
Friends of Southampton Marine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of Stony Brook Medicine
Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve
Friends of the School of Professional Development Alumni
Fritzi Weinstein Reporting Scholarship
FSA Scholarship Endowment
Fumi and Hikaru Kato Endowed Intend Fund for Excellence in Physics
Fumi Kato Student Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Fund for Biomedical Informatics and Faculty Support
Fund for Excellence for Adult Inpatient Psychiatry Unit
Fund for Excellence in Psychiatry
Fund for Motion Correction in PET and MRI
Fund for Strategic Initiatives
Fund to Support The Coastal Ecology and Conservation Research Program
Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Garcia Center For Polymers
Gardiner Fund - Long Island Historical Journal
Gardiner Graduate Fellowship
Gardiner Related Activities
Gardiner Scholarship-History
Gardner Foundation Endowed Student Research Award
Gene E. Mundie Scholarship Fund for Doctoral Study
General Clinical Research Center
General Dentistry Faculty and Development Program Initiatives Account
General Dentistry Fund For Mark Wolff
General Engineering Award
General Practice Residency Program
General Reserach Support for the Department of Biochemistry
General Scholarship Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
General Support for Department of Pathology
General Ting Feng Cheng Endowed Chair
Genetics Accounts
Geometry and Graphics Development
George and Olga Tsunis Fellowship for Cancer Prevention
George C. Warner Endowed Schol
George E. Xippolitos Endowed Memorial Fund for Doctoral Education in Nursing Research
George Goldberg Fund
George Goodman Memorial Fund
George J. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
George L. DeWan Endowed Memorial Scholarship
George Williams Endowment Fund for Student Research
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Current Use
Georges E. Fouron Education Legacy Scholarship Endowment Intent
Georgica Pond Fund
Geosciences Undergraduate Students
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Geriatric Medicine Instructional Account
GGM Support For Graduate Students
GHI Director's Current Use Fund
Gift Program to Help Cancer Patients
Gilbert Kalish Endowed Scholarship in Musical Performance
Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship
Global Affairs Fund For Excellence
Global and Local History Support
Global Health Institute Endowed Fund
Gloria and Mark Snyder Endowed Award of Excellence
Gloria and Mark Snyder Symposium for Cancer Medicine
Gloria Kahn Prize in Hispanic Languages
Goddard Family Scholarship Fund
Gold Coast Bank Current Use Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Gold Coast Bank Endowed Scholarship for Banking Education Fund
Goldberger Fine Arts Endowment
Goldstein Family Fund for Athletic and Academic Excellence
Goldstein Family Student Athlete Development Center Endowment
Graduate Chemistry Endowment Fund
Graduate Fellowship in Hispanic Languages & Literature
Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Graduate Program in Neuroscience
Graduate Program in Public Health
Graduate School Conferences & Spec Event
Graduate Student Fellowship Fund
Graduate Student Support
Graduate Summer Fellowship in Psychology
Green Conference Africana Studies
Greene Lectureship in Medical Oncology Endowment
Greenhouse Fund
Griffith Lung Cancer Fund
Grumman Ceas Scholarships
Grumman Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Grumman Fellowship Endowment
GSB Music Fest Fund at Stony Brook University Cancer Center
Gudjon Hermannsson Fund
Guru Madhavan Endowed Intent Leadership Speaker in Engineering
Guy A. Cassara Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Fund
Gynecologic Oncology Research Fund
H Kurnol '61 Ended Scholarship
H. B. Silsbee Award for Excellence
Hanson - Curriculum Development Fund
Hardship Fund
Harpsichord Fund
Harry Kalish Scholarship Fund in Psychology
Harsh Bhasin Political Science Endowed Scholarship Endowment
Harvard Lyman Award
Harvey Aronson and Irene Virag Endowed Scholarship for Narrative Journalism
Hawrys Student Recreation Center
Health Care Policy and Management Fund for Excellence
Health Science Library Research Fund
Health Sciences Center-Clinical Skill Labs-Derinda Pell Steine
Health Sciences Center-Dean of the School of Dentistry
Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Center
Heart Institute Cardiology Fund for Excellence
Hematology Department
Hennessy Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for Staller Center for the Arts
Henry and Marsha Laufer Fund for the School of Health Professions
Herbert Weisinger Endowment
Herman Klurfeld Memorial Scholarship
Herman Nertz Track Endowment
Herrnstein Hall Fund
Hidden Symmetries Art Show
HISB Civic Performance Registration
Hispanic & Latino Scholarship
Hispanic Language Conference Fund
Historical Documents and Programs Fund
History Graduate Fund
Homer Goldberg Scholarship Fund
Hong Zhang '91 and Liya Liang '94 Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Materials Science
Honors College
Honors College Scholarship Program
Hope for Scleroderma
HOPE Program
Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
Howard and Marie Mettler Research Endowment
Howard R. Zern Track and Field Endowed Scholarship
Hsiao - Polymer Chemistry Research Support
Hsin-Yao Teng Memorial Scholarship in Music
Hugh J. Silverman Student Travel Award in Continental Philosophy
Human Evolution Conferences and Special Events
Human Resources Administration
Hydrogeology Fund
I-con Scholarship In Science
I. C. F. A. Conference Funds
I.T.P.A. Director's Development and Operating Account
IACS Corporate Donations
ICB&DD Fund for Student Excellence
IDPAS Fund for Student Success
igniteCS Program
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowship
Ilana Shanks Memorial Scholarship
Immunology Research of Dr. Ghebrehiwet
IMS- Simons Endow Math/Physics
In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing Fund
Independent Agents and Brokers Foundation Endowed Chair in Insurance and Risk Management Fund
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Suffolk County Fund at the College of Business
India Studies Gala
Indoor Training Center Fund
Industrial Partners Program
Infection Control Education Fund
Infectious Disease Research Gifts Program
Infectious Diseases Division Fund
Information Assurance Lab Fund
Inke Anatomical Research Fund
Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Institute for Global Studies
Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science (IOCS) General Fund
Institute for STEM Education Fund
Institute for Sustainable Development
Institute for Theoretical Physics Fund
Institute of Cell & Devel. Biology Fund
Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Research Assistance
Institute Of Energy: Sustainability, Environment, And Equity Excellence Fund
Intelligent Dashboards Research Fund
Intensive English Center
Interfaith Center Furnishings Fund
Interfaith Renovation
Internal Medicine Resident Research Award Fund
International Academic Programs Development
International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop
International Dental Outreach Fund
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses (IOMSN)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Development
Inventor Recognition
Investors Foundation AYA Grant 2022
IPS Scholarship Fund
Iraq Site Looting Project
Irene Kondorousis Manoussos Pikoulas Scholarship Fund Endowment
Irving Abrahams Endowment
Island Federal Credit Union Database Fund
Island Federal Credit Union Dean's Fund for Excellence in Finance
Island Federal Credit Union Endowment for Banking Education and Research
Italian American Archive R&T
Italian Language Instruction in Community
Italian Studies Endowment
Ivan & Alice Chao Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
J Hennessy End Prof in Com Sci
J. Howard Oaks Student Scholarship
Jacob Bigeleisen Lectureship Endowment
Jacqueline M. Newman Chinese Cookbook Collection
James Davis Memorial Fund
James Droesch Minimally Invasive Gynecology Endowed Award
Janice Rohlf Endowed Scholarship
Japanese Studies Program
Jarelyn Lopez Endow Scholar
Jay D. Waxenberg Family Scholarship
Jazz Fund for Excellence
JC Cancer Laboratory Support Fund
Jean M. Devlin Achievement Award
Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Jeff Pobiner Memorial Fund Endowment
Jeffrey Irwin Memorial Fund
Jennifer Ferraro Fund
Jerome Roth Fund for Music
Jesse Tepper Chair's Scholarship Fund in the Department of Sociology Endowment
Jewish Culture Fund at Stony Brook University
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health
Jim and Robin Herrnstein Endowed Chair in Global Health - Current Use
Jim Fiore, Sr. Fund for Academic & Athletic Excellence
Jo Fusco Fellowship Endowment
Joan Kenny Endowed Scholarship
Joan Korins, DDS '80 Memorial Award in Pediatric Dentistry
Joan Moos Scholarship Fund
Jocelyn Rose Pascucci Fund
Joe Nathan Baseball Fund
Joel Mitofsky Memorial Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Cancer Research Fund
Joel Strum Kenny Memorial Scholarship
Joel Strum Kenny Professorship in Cancer Research
Joel Strum Kenny School in Madagascar
John Dunn Excellence Fund in Life Sciences
John F. and Joan Risickella Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Gassner Endowment Fund
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship for Science, Engineering & Mathematics
John H. Marburger III Endowed Fellowship in Music Performance
John H. Marburger III Pollock-Krasner Annual Lecture Endowed Fund
John J. and Margaret D. Leddy Sr. Marching Band Endowed Scholarship
John Leddy Marching Band Award
John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence
John Sampson Toll Endowment - Prize in Physics
John W. Milnor Endowed Graduate Fund in Math
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology
John W. Perry Endowed Scholarship in Psychology INT
Joint Replacement Center
Jonathan D. Kaufman Endowed Student Excellence Fund in Physics
Jonathan S. Ryan Scholarship
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library
Jonathan Solzberg Memorial Library Fund
Joseph A. Tursi Scholarship in Italian Studies
Joseph and Virginia Roller Endowment
Joseph Andriola Memorial Fund to Benefit SBUMC Epilepsy Program
Joseph Lauher And Frank Fowler Endowed Chair In Materials Chemistry Fund
Joseph N. Campolo Award for Legal Studies
Joseph P. Durso Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Joseph Tromba Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of College Science Teaching Fund
Journalism Internship Stipends
Journalism without Wall Scholarship
Joyce Trondle Memorial Library
Judith Boudreau Endowed Scholarship Award
Judith Tanur Dissertation Research Endowment Fund
Karen Burke Endowed Memorial Fund
Karen Burke Memorial Fund
Karen Sabol Memorial Scholarship
Katherine & Bob Bayer Endowed Intent Scholarship in Music Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Katherine & Bob Bayer Scholarship in Music Current Use Fund
Kavita & Lalit Bahl Molecular Imaging Laboratory
Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Innovation Award Fund
Kavli PES Comms Training
Keane T. Kyle Nursing Award
Kehoe Family Fund for Stony Brook Athletics
Kenneth Short Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenneth Staudte Scholarship
Kerry Rose Foundation Fund for Commuter Student Services and Off-Campua Housing Fire Safety
Kevin C. King and John A. Miller Endowment
Kidney Dialysis Related Research Fund
KidOYO: Arie E. Kaufman Mentor Service Award
Kilimitzoglou Endowed Scholarship Fund
Klio Claire Kordas Memorial Fund For Excellence
Knapp Fund
Knapp Swezey Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
Koch Family Basketball Scholarship Fund
Koppelman Endowed Fellowship in Political Science
Korean Buddhist Research Fund Endowment
Korean Studies Center
Korean Studies Endowment
Korean Studies Publication Project
Kristin Harris Award
Kuga-Sah Memorial Fund
L I Technology Hall of Fame
L. I. Kleinman, Md Pediatric Library
L.I.C.C. Cancer Database Fund
L.I.L.A.C. Fund 2016
Lab. For Wireless & Intelligent Systems
Lab. Research Neuron Growth
Labor/management Studies
Laboratories for Brain and Spinal Cord Research
Laboratory For Chemical Biology
Laboratory for Information Technology
Laboratory for the Analysis and Dating of Sediment
Lama Telescope Project
Language Learning Research Center Development Fund
Lap Chan Endowment
Larry Roher Entrepeneurial Award
Larry Swanson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Laser Teaching Center
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Center Student Award
Latin and/or CLS Studies Scholarship
Laufer Center
Laufer Center 2017 Professorship
Laufer Center Art Fund
Laufer Center for Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs
Laufer Center Fund for Excellence
Laufer Center-Ukrainian Research Initiative
Laufer Chair Laboratory Fund
Laufer Chemistry Faculty Fund
Laufer Endowed Associate Professorships
Laufer Endowed Chair
Laufer Fellow Carlos Simmerling
Laufer Professor Laboratory Fund
Laura Newman Olle Scholarship for Women in Liberal Arts
Lauren Ackerman Memorial
Laurence Baxter Memorial Lecture Fund
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for C. Gobler & B. Peterson
Laurie Landeau Fund for the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program for Ellen Pikitch
Lawrence B. Slobodkin Fund for Graduate Research
Lawrence E. Noonan Scholarship
Leakey Fellowships
Lee Myers Endowment
Leeds Tuition Scholarship
Leo and Mickey Sreebny Symposium Quasi Endowment Fund
Leo Guthart Endowed Fund for Excellence in Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leon Bolotin Memorial Scholarship in Arts
Leon Marienberg Family Practice Award Endowment
Leonard Krasner Psychological Center
Lev Ginzburg Lectureship in Ecology
Lewis M. Peterson Technical Endowed Scholarship Current Use
Library Books Shipping Fund
Library Collection Development Fund
Library Director's Account
Lichtenstein Fund for Centre ValBio
Lichtenstein Fund for Southampton Arts at Stony Brook University
Lillian DeWaal Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Kahn Endowment
Lina Obeid Memorial Cancer Research Fund
Linda Bily Patient Advocacy Fund
Linda Delligatti Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
LISTnet LISA Scholarships
Lloyd Cutler Endowment
Lois and Robert Stafford Award
Long Island Cancer Center (LICC)
Long Island Cancer Center Advancement Events Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Programs And Research Fund
Long Island Cancer Center Witness Fund
Long Island Cancer Center's Cut For The Cure
Long Island Cancer Research Donation Account
Long Island Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Long Island Groundwater Institute
Long Island High Technology Entrepreneurs Program
Long Island Museum of Natural Sciences
Long Island State Veterans Home
Long Island State Veterans Home Capital Fund
Long Island State Veterans Home-Special Projects
Long Island Tech Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship
Lori R. Brickman Student Support Fund
Louise Guarneri College of Arts & Sciences Endowed Scholarship
Louise Guarneri Endowed Fund for Excellence in the Arts & Humanities
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS - Development and Outreach
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS Research Fund
Lourie Center for Pediatric MS-Camp
Lourie Research Endowed Fellowships in Physics
Lung Cancer Evaluation Center
Lung Cancer Screening Fund
Lupus Account For Gary Zieve
Lyme Disease-Southampton Fund
M L Stone Education Center
M.S.R.C. Endowment
Madagascar Ankizy Fund
Madagascar Dental Outreach Fund
Madeline Fusco Fellowship Award
Manlong Rao Endowed Fund for Excellence
Marburger Scholarship
Marcell and Maria Roth Scholarship (Endowment)
Marcy McGinnis Endowed Scholarship for Broadcast Journalism
Margot Ammann Durrer Library Endowment
Maria Tzamarioudaki Memorial Fellowship In Chemistry
Marian I. Eskow Physician Assistant Scholarship
Marie Colvin Center for International Report - The Reporting Project
Marie Colvin Memorial Endowment Fund
Marie Colvin Memorial Fund
Marie Frey Memorial Award
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Reseach Fund
Marilyn Colletta A.M.L. Research Fund
Marilyn Colletta Research Fund
Marilyn Goodman Commuter Assistant Program
Marilyn Goodman Endowed Excellence Award
Marinetics Endowed Professorship in Marine Science
Mark Herzinger Scholarship in Political Science
Mark Ian Funt MD Resident Research Award
Marlene Ina Goldis Endowment
MART Art and Children's Hospital Enhancement Fund
MART Building Project
Martin Buskin Endowment
Martin Stone Endowment
Marty Weinbaum Fund for Excellence
Marvin Kuschner Professorship of Pathology Endowment
Marvin Kuschner Scholarship Fund
Mary Ellen Trodden Melanoma Fund
Mary F. Porter Scholarship
Marylou Stewart Pride Scholarship Fund
Material Sciences Endowment For Excellence
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Materials Sciences Research Center
Math for Simons Endowment for Math & Physics
Mathematics Endowment Fund
Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Matthew Blend Fund
Matthew T. Crosson Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Mattoo Center for India Studies
Max Dresden Theory Physics Thesis Prize
Maynard M. Dewey Endowment
Maze-Landeau Fellowship
Maze-Landeau Graduate Student Fund for Excellence
MEC Senior Design Projects
Med Intensive Care Research
Medical Informatics
Medical Physics Education Research Fund
Medicine Academic Support Fund
Medicine Faculty Association
Medtronic Education Fund
Mellon Fellowship in Latin American History
Melvin V. Simpson Lecture Fund in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology
Memorial Account for Marta O. Sabates
Mendik-lyme Disease Fund
Merck Award
Merit Stony Brook Scholarship Program
Meyer Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in English
MFA Southampton Review
Michael A. Bane Music Scholarship
Michael A. Maffetone Community Service Award
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Math
Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in SOMAS
Michael Corey Scholarship Fund
Michael Flynn Memorial Endowment
Michael Marx Memorial Fund
Michael P. Colbert Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Ohr Memorial Award Endowment
Michael S. Rosenbaum Scholarship for Journalism
Michi Nakao Japanese Studies
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor Systems
Middleton Family Student Athletic Alumni Award
Midwinter's Night Dream Research Lab
Milton Lodge Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Mind Body Clinical Research Center
Mineral Physics Institute General Fund
Mineral Physics Student Fund in Geosciences
Minghua Zhang Early Career Faculty Innovation Fund
Minorities In Medicine Fund
Minorities in Psychology Program
Mitchell Stern Scholarship
Mobile Systems & Web Performance Lab
Modern Monetary Theory
Molecular Control of Cellular Growth Development and Signalling Leading to Inflammation, Immune Resp
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Award
Morton E. Kahn Prize in English
Mother Cabrini Oral Health Grant for 2023
MSE Special Events Fund
Multicultural Affairs Initiatives Fund
Multicultural Executive Mentoring Program
Multiple Sclerosis Care Center
Music Department
Music Student Award
Myra Haggerty '86 & Michael Harrold '85 Endowment for the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
N. I. C. U. -Nursing Education Fund
N. I. C. U. -Physician Research
N.I.C.U. Development Fund
NAIS David Sheehan Memorial Fund
Nancy Mendell Endowed Scholarship in Statistics
Nancy Wender Natl D
Naomi Stampfer Scholarship Endowment
Natale & Josephine Maresca Music Award
Nathaniel Bohrer Finance Endowment Fund
National Black AIDS Awareness Symposium
National Cancer Survivor Day
Native American Peoples Support Fund
Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Fund
Navy Seal LT Michael Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Neil and Arlene Butterklee Endowment Fund at the College of Business
NetApp Research Fund
Neurobiology - Mc Kinnon
Neurobiology of Retina
Neurology Department
Neurology Grand Rounds Speaker Fund
Neurology Rehabilitation Research Fund
Neurology Stroke Research
New Computer Science Building
New Conjugated Materials Research
New Molecular & Macromolecular Materials
New Theatre Guild Chair's Fund
New York Community Bank Foundation Endowment for Real Estate Studies at College of Business
New York Dragons' Athletic Band Scholarship
New York Islanders' Brookhaven Scholarship Fund
New York Sea Grant
News Corp Commencement Award
Next Generation Endowment Fund
Nextel Scholarship Endowment
NextStep at Stony Brook University
Nina and Vinod Rathore Electrical and Computer Engineering Grad
Nirmal and Augustina Mattoo Endowed Chair in Indic Humanities
Nobel Biocare Fund for Implant Dentistry
Norman "Norm" Goodman Endowed Excellence Award in Sociology Endowment Fund
Norman "Norm" Goodman University Senate Endowment Fund
Norman Creel Prize Endowment
Norman H. Edelman MD Alumni Achievement Award for the Program in Public Health's 10th Anniversary
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award
Nuria Protopopescu Endowed Memorial Teaching Award - INT
Nursing Vision Awards
NY Islanders Children's-Burn
NY Speaks SLP Bilingual Scholarship
O. S. A. Outreach & Education Program
Oberleder Professorship in Geriatric Medicine
OBGYN Access Fund
Obstetrics and Gynecology Fund
Obstetrics Dept
Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal Medicine Research Support Fund
Okubo Endowment Fund
Okubo Fund
OLLI Commemorative Fund
Omnicon Group Inc. Scholarship Fund
Oncology Nursing Education Fund
Online Programming-Alda Center
Opera Guild of Long Island at Stony Brook
Optical Sciences
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Education Fund
Oral Biology and Pathology Department Fund
Organic Chemistry Lab
Organization for Tropical Studies Support Fund
Osteoporosis Center Fund
Othmar Ammann Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Othmar Ammann Endowment
Outstanding Korean-American Award Endowment
PACE Program Fund (Pre-Medical Access to the Clinical Experience)
Palliative Care Department Fund for Excellence
Palliative Care Program Fund
Pancreatic Cancer & Surgical Oncology Fund
Parameter-Free Stochastic Minimization of Non-Convex Functions
Parasites Project in Remote Madagascar
Parent Day Event Fund
Parent Relations Fund
Parker Aerospace Scholarship
Patricia A. Gramer Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Herman Memorial Fund
Patricia Lewis Pediatric Dentistry Residency Fund
Patrick Brooks Memorial Award Endowment Fund
Patrick Herley Memorial Fund
Patrick W. Warner Award
Paul A. Schreiber Scholarship
Paul Licht Teaching Award in Chemistry
Paul M.Bingham - Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Award
Paul N. Baer Department of Periodontics Educational Fund
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Endowment Fund
Pediatric Aids Fund
Pediatric Development Fund
Pediatric Fellowship Program Fund
Pediatric I. C. U. Development Fund
Pediatric Neurology Account
Pediatric Neurosurgery Support Fund
Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatric Trauma Account
Pediatric TV Fund
Pericles Gasparis Memorial Fund
Periodontal Molecular Immunolgy Lab (PMIL)
Peter B. Kahn Fund
Peter B. Kahn Physics Department Endowment
Peter F. Cohn Professorship in Cardiology Endowment
Peter H. Freedman Endowed Lecture Series in HIV Research
Peter J. Rajkowski Award
Peter Paul Memorial Endowment Fund
Peter S. Kim MD Endowed Scholarship
Peter V. Tsantes Family Endowed Scholarship to Study Abroad in Greece
Peter V. Tsantes Professorship in Greek Literature & Language
Petra M. Udelhofen Scholarship Endowment
Petrology Fund
Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C. Scholarship Fund
Pharmacology Undergraduate Program
PhD Graduate Fellowships in Chemistry
Philosophers of the Future Excellence Fund
Philosophy Department Visiting Lecturers
Philosophy Graduate Fund for Excellence
Physician Outreach Specl Proj
Physics & Astronomy Education Account
Physics and Astronomy Faculty Mortgage Assistance
Physics- Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Physiology & Biophysics Department
Piano Initiative
Piano Maintenance Endowment in Music
Pierce Gardiner Scholarship for International Medicine
Pikitch Family Endowed Student Research Award
Pink Aid UBER to Stony Brook Mobile Mammography Sites
Pink Rock Fund
Poetry Center Donor Fund
Pollock-Krasner Conference Account
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Support
Pollock-Krasner House
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center Endowment
Pollock-Krasner Study Center
Pollock-Krasner Study Ctr.
Polymer Materials Field Fund
Polymer Nanocomposite Research
Pool Renovation Project
Post Endodontic Educational Fund
Post Graduate Orthodontic Fund
Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship Fund
President's Fund
Presidental Support
Presidential Innovation and Excellence
Presidential University Initiatives
Preventive Medicine Research
Preventive Medicine Residency
Preventive Medicine: Division of Epidemiology
Pritchard Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Pritchard Charitable Trust Gymnasium Renovation Account
Professional Services Fund, Laufer Center
Professor Akoglu Research in Advanced Graph Data Structure Processing, Analysis and Visualization
Professor Belenky Lab Fund
Professor John Neale Endowed Graduate Student Excellence Fund in Psychology
Professor Richard S. L. Lee and Grace F. Lee Scholarship Fund
Project W.I.S.E. (Women in Science and Engineering)
Protopopescu Fundraising Benefit Fund
Psychiatry Department
Pulmonary Education Fund
Pulmonary Hypertension Fund
Pulmonary Mechanics Research
Pulmonary/Critical Care General Account
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund
R Leakey End Intent FD for TBI
R. R. Sokal Research in Statistical Biology
Radar Sensor Management
Radiation Oncology Fund
Rahsaan T. Jackson Scholarship Endowment
Ralph Watkins Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ramsey Water Well
Raphael Santore DDS '78 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Re-imagining Stony Brook Challenge Fund
Remote Area Medical Outreach Fund
Renaissance Fellowships in Computer Science
Renaissance School of Medicine - Peru Mission
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Event Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Contingency Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Endowment
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund for Excellence
Renaissance School of Medicine International Medicine Award Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Stethoscope Drive
Renaissance School of Medicine/University Hospital Fundraising Account
Renal Division Fund
Renner Dental Student Award
Reproductive Endocrinology Fund
Research & Education Activities-Headache
Research and Support in Oral Biology and Pathology
Research Gift Program
Research Gifts Program for ALS
Research Gifts Program for Breast Cancer Fund
Research Gifts Program for Diabetes
Research Gifts Program for Environmental Studies
Research Gifts Program for Obstetrics/Gynecology
Research Gifts Program for Oncology
Research Gifts Program for Pediatrics
Research Gifts Program for Prostate Cancer
Research Gifts Program for Pulmonary Disease
Research Gifts Program for Surgery
Research in Computational Neuroscience
Research into Microgravity Processed Materials
Research Support Account
Research Support for Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology of Organic Chemicals
Respiratory Care Program Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Disease Memorial Gift Account
Returning Military Personnel Scholarship
RF Sensing and Multimodal Fusion Research Fund
Rheological Studies Program
Rheumatology Education Fund
Rheumatology Faculty Recruitment and Retention Fund
Rich and Mary Morrison Basketball Fund
Richard A. Bishop Memorial Endowment Fund
Richard B. Martin Endowed Scholarship in History
Richard B. Martin Scholarship in History
Richard Friedman, Ph. D. Memorial Fund
Richard Gelfond Scholarship Fund
Richard Hartzell Endowment
Richard J. Oringer Implant Surgical Suite
Richard J. Puz Scholarship in Journalism
Richard Leakey Family Fund
Richard Nasti Lecture Series in Italian & Italian American Studies
Richard S. Kalish Memorial Lectureship
Richard W. Reeder Endowment Student Excellence Fund
Richmond County Savings Foundation Scholarship
Ride for Life ALS Clinical Office Gift Account
Robert "Dean" Schamberger Excellence Fund in Physics and Astronomy
Robert A. Rango '80 Endowed Fund for Computer Science
Robert A. Schwartz Computer Science Scholarship Endowment
Robert and Rhoda Amon Scholarship
Robert Clark Scholarship Fund
Robert Clasen Schol in PoliSci
Robert David Lion Gardiner Chair in American History Fund
Robert Kahen Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Robert Liebermann Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Robert Renner Endowed Scholarship Fund
Robert Renner Minority Student Recruitment Award
Robert S. Roth Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Robert W. Greene Summer Institute
Robotics Research Laboratory
Rod Engelmann Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
Roger Rosenblatt Prize in English
Roger Wunderlich Endowed Student Excellence Fund
Rohlf Medal
Rory Hackett Scholarship Fund
Rosalind Dressler Susman Memorial Endowment
Rosenthal Research Fund in History Endowment
Roslyn Foundation News Literacy Scholarship
Rozalia and Emil Berla Scholarship in Judaic Studies
RSOM Class of 1999 Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
RSOM LQBTQ* Fund for Excellence
RSOM Scholarship Underrepresented Students
Ruby Peck Memorial Scholarship
Rudin Foundation Sch
Rudolph and James DiPietro Football Fund
Rudolph DiPietro Football Fund
Rugby Scholarship
Ruskin, Moscou, Evans and Faltischek, P.C. High Technology Scholarship Endowment
Russo Geriatric Education Scholarship Fund for Graduate SSW Students
Ruth Pasternack Leadership Award
S.B.F./ Dental Student Fund
S.H.T.M. Alumni Association
S.P.I.R. Scholarship For College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Students
S.T.E.M. Smart
Sachem Dental Group Endowment Fund
Safe Kids Account
Sag Harbor Village Fund
Sagaponack Pond Research Fund
Saints Program
Sajid and Ninoska Malik CAR-T Therapy Cancer Research Fund
Salomon Smith Barney Lecture Series
Sam and Rose Berezin Endowment
Sam Kornhauser Scholarship
Sampson Research Award
Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Foundation Scholarship
Samuel Baron Music Commission
Samuel Baron Prize In Music
Save The Lemurs Gala
Sayville Project
SB Home Gala
SB Southampton - Avram Gallery
SB Southampton Special Events
SB Undergraduate Student Book Award
SB Water Purification Grant
SBU Athletic Band Alumni Award
SBU Cancer Center End Research
SBU Climate Solutions Fund for Excellence
SBU Hacks
SBU Kappa Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Scholarship
SBU Letters Fund
SBUMC Lobby Enhancement Fund
Schermerhorn Cancer Foundation
Scholarship Support
Scholarships, Grant and Other Aid - Undergraduate Research
School of Dental Medicine Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund
School of Dental Medicine Community Outreach Fund
School of Dental Medicine Enrichment Fund
School of Dental Medicine Post Graduate Advanced Specialty Education Program in Prosthodontics Fund
School of Health Professions Aids Education and Resource Center
School of Health Professions Development
School of Health Professions High Tech Facility Construction
School of Health Professions PA Support Program
School of Health Professions Student Support Fund
School of Journalism Scholarship Fund
School of Medicine Alumni Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2005 Gift Matching Fund
School of Medicine Class of 2006 Gift Matching Fund
School of Nursing - 50th Anniversary Gala
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
School of Social Welfare Alumni Fund
School of Social Welfare Faculty Scholars Fund for Excellence
School of Thought - Union Walkway Project
School Re-entry Program
Science of Sexual Function
Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences
Scott D. Middleton Scholarship in Political Science
SDM Continuing Education
Seawolves Mental Health Fund
Seawolves Success Scholarship
Seawolves United
Seawolves United Events
Sediment Imaging and Enviromental Sensor Research Fund
Seema Sharma Memorial Scholarship
Sei Sujishi Prize Endowment Fund
Semiconductor Research Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Senator Akporokena Pius Ewherido Memorial Scholarship
Sensor Cat Scholarship Program
Shalini Devi Gujavarty Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Shaun Abrilz Pediatric Research Fund
Shaun T Abrilz Pediatrics Fund
Shi Ming Hu Memorial Endowment for Leadership, Freshman, & Eli Seifman Chinese Studies Awards
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program Clam Fund
Shinnecock Bay Restoration Project
Shirley Murray Award for Distinguished Service
Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Fund Endowment
SHPE Scholarship
Si Young Bae Fellowship Endowment
Sidney Gelber Endowment
Sillcox Scholars Current Use Scholarship Fund
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Current Use Fund
Simons Chair of Medicine Endowment
Simons Institute of Mathematical Sciences Operating Fund
Simulation Seminar Master Awards
Single Parent Award Endowment Fund
Sir James Black Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research
Sir Run Run Shaw Endowment
Sleep Research in Psychology
SLUNGE Alumni Scholarship for the College of Arts & Sciences
Social Media Data Mining
Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Society of Flight Test Engineers-Long Island Chapter
Sociology Endowment Fund
Sokal Reading Room
Solan James Family & Lyshaan Hall Family Football Scholarship Fund
SOM Class of 1988 Endowed Award for Excellence in memory of our classmates
SOMAS Student Support
SoMAS Undergraduate Environmental Essay Writing Award
Soroff Family Israel Fellowship Endowment
Southampton Campus Windmill Renovation
Southampton Graduate Arts
Southampton Studio Theatre
Spanish Fund
Spatz Foundation Academic Scholarships for Renaissance School of Medicine Students
Special Collections Fund
Spect Research
Speech Language Pathology
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation Power Electronics Lab
Spellman Sustainable Future Research Fund
Spiegel Family Endowed Scholarship
Spinal Neurosurgery Research & Education
Sports Medicine Fund for Excellence
Sprint PCS Scholarship Endowment Fund
Squires/Steinberg Endowment Fund
SRI Research Fund - T. Koga
Srivastav, Tucker and Weitzman Scholarship
SSK Student Arts Festival Prgm
Staller Center Benefit Fund
Staller Center Dance Initiative
Staller Center for the Arts Endowment
Staller Center Initiatives
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2017
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2018
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2019
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2020
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2021
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2022
Stars of Stony Brook Gala 2024
Stelling Family Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Stem Cell Research
Stewart Harris Memorial Lectureship Fund
Stewart Harris Scholarships
Stone Disease Program
Stony Brook Alumni Association Life Members Endowed Award Fund
Stony Brook Alumni Law Day
Stony Brook Athletics Golf Classic
Stony Brook Camerata Singer Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Annual Golf Outing
Stony Brook Cancer Center CancerWise Cafe Events
Stony Brook Cancer Center Events and Cause Marketing Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Center Innovation Fund
Stony Brook Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Research
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Excellence Fund
Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Children's Early Childhood Clinic Fund
Stony Brook Children's Wellness Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Awards Fund
Stony Brook Crafts Center Equipment Account
Stony Brook Distinguished Lecture in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Endowment
Stony Brook Endowed Lecture in Inorganic Chemistry
Stony Brook Foundation Discovery Quasi Endowment Fund
Stony Brook Foundation/Advancement Scholarship Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Golf Classic
Stony Brook Foundation/Long Island State Veterans Home Walk of Heroes Fund
Stony Brook Gala Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Heights
Stony Brook Home Program Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Kappas Endowed Achievement Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Madagascar Fund
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Men's Soccer Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Ophthalmology Fund
Stony Brook Rugby
Stony Brook Southampton - Avram Theater
Stony Brook Southampton Graduate Arts Food Lab and Initiatives
Stony Brook Southampton M.F.A. and Writers Conference
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival
Stony Brook Summer Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook University 'Seawolves Pantry'
Stony Brook University Alumni Association Past Presidents Scholarship
Stony Brook University Biopsychology Founders Endowed Fellowship
Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Nursing Continuing Education Fund
Stony Brook University Hospital Social Work Indigent Patient Fund
Stony Brook University Pre-College Program in Music
Stony Brook University Software Incubator
Stony Brook Women's Basketball Locker Room Project
Stony Brook Women's Lacrosse Golf Outing Event
Storm Surge Research Group
Structural Biology Fund
Structure Development in Processing of Elastomers
Stuart and Sherry Greene Research and Education Grant
Stuart Sharoff Family Athletic Fund
Student Enrichment; Theatre in New York
Student Life
Student Research Initiatives
Student Welfare Fund
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Study of Aging Fund
Sudesh and Sudha Mukhi Vedic Music and Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Burn Center
Suffolk Firefighters Burn Center Fund
Sukon Kim Fund
Summer Math Scholarship
Summer Math Scholarship Endowed Fund
Summer Math Scholarship Second Summer
Sun Microsystems Fund
Sunrise Fund at Stony Brook
Sunrise Fund Play Fit Stay Fit
Sunrise Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Quasi-Endow Research Fund
SUNY LI Pitchfest Prize
Suny-Stony Brook Geriatric Program
Support for Stony Brook Cancer Center Clinical Research
Surface Science
Susan K. Kershnar Endowed Nursing Emergency Relief Fund
Susanna and Frederick Schoenewolf Endowed Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship Endowment Fund
Sustainability Studies Program Fund
Sustainable Off-Grid Solutions for Africa Economic Development
Svam International Scholarship
Swoboda-Ward Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine
Sydney & Edith Golub Endowed Memorial Fund for Faculty Development
Sylvia Fund Endowment
Symbol Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Symbol/Motorola Fellowship
Sythesis of Natural Products
Szema Yuan-Pian Award
T-Mobile Endowment
T-Mobile Scholarship
T. Alexander Pond Endowment
Tamarath Yolles Endowment
Teacher Opportunity Corps
Technology & Society Excellence Fund
Ted Moorman Memorial Book Collection Fund
Ted Weiss Award Endowment
Teen Education & Resource Fund
Telnet Revenue Account
Teresa Haire Memorial Award Fund
Terry Alexander Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Thaw Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
The Ackerman Fund for Cardiology Fellow Support
The Adolescent Medicine Fund for Excellence
The Alex and Zach Traum Research Prize and Award In American History Endowment
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
The Ambassador Charles A. Gargano Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging - Current Use
The Ana Marie Torres Scholarship for Hispanic/Latino Students Fund
The Annette and Sol Goldstein Scholarship in Music History
The Anthropoid Origins Fund
The Benedict '76 Scholarship Endowment
The Bergman Family Foundation Prize in Memory of Roberta Richin for Student Initiatives for Soc Gd
The Bernard Osher Foundation Endowment
The Cancer Center Director's Fund
The Center for Understanding and Treating Cognitive Decline
The Center of Entrepreneurial Finance
The Christina Seix Fund for Presidential Initiatives
The Concerned Women of the Grove Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Conti Family Scholarship
The Corey Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dan's Paper Literary Scholarship
The Debbie Whittemore Endowed Scholarship Fund
The deBrauwere Family Endowed Intent Medical Scholarship Current Use Fund
The Della Pietra Family Endowed Chair in Biomedical Imaging
The Dr. Dorothy L. Hurley Fellowship
The Dr. Joseph W. Woo Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine Fund
The Ellen J. Bell Scholarship
The Emilio Belari Scholarship in Voice
The Emma Mumper Memorial Fund
The Empowerment English Endowm
The Endowment Fund for the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Eppenstein Family Scholarship Fund
The Esther Kaminoff Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Music
The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
The Flame Challenge
The Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship Progran at Stony Brook University
The Francesco P. And Dina D'Alto Malgeri Endowment in Italian Culture
The Frey Family Foundation Endowment
The Frey Professorship in Quantitative Finance
The Frey Scholarship for Students in the College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
The Halpern Research Fellowship
The Hilda R Maier Scholarship Endowment for the School of Nursing
The Institute for Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Post-Doc Fellowship
The Irwin Oster Prize
The Israel Wilenitz Endowment
The Jack Foley Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jack Heller Award
The Japan Center at Stony Brook
The Jerry R. Schubel Graduate Fellowship Endowment
The John C. Dunphy Private Foundation Cancer Innovation Fund
The John F. Lauro, P.A. Fund
The John J. Ricotta, MD Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series in Surgery Endowment Fund
The Joseph and Angela Comberiate Memorial Scholarship
The Judy Sue Sussman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
The Kavita and Lalit Bahl Center for Metabolomics and Imaging Fund
The Kim Mehmood Scholarship fund in Nursing
The Laufer Family Fund for Tibetan Scholars
The Lee Lutz Commencement Award
The Lillian and Leonard Schneider Endowed Professorship in Trauma Surgery
The Lisa and Robert Lourie Imaging Suite
The Manuel London, PhD and Marilyn London, EdD Endowed Award Fund at the College of Business
The Marc and Caren Tishfield Endowed Scholarship in Economics
The Mary G. Bourguignon Memorial Scholarship Fund
The McGuire Family Fund
The Michael and Jane Fasullo Scholarship in Physics
The Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical & Educational Scholars
The Miriam & David Donoho Distinguished Teaching Professor
The Miriam and David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars
The Nancy K. Squires Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Network Lab Fund for Student Excellence
The NPD Group, Inc. Scholarship
The Ojima Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Award
The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award Current-Use Fund
The Oliver Schaeffer Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Omnicon Group, Inc. WISE Scholarship
The Overseas Partnership Program in News Literacy
The Paglia Scholarship for Women in Science and Engineering
The Pamela J. Combs and John Primavera Award for Community Service in Dentisty
The Parent Fund for Stony Brook Southampton
The Paul A. Schreiber Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Endowed Lectureship in Anesthesiology
The Peter Glass, MD Endowed Excellence Fund
The Peter K. Weyl Memorial Award in Climate Changes Science Endowment Intent Current Use Fund
The Peter W. "Pete" Bretsky, Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Geosciences
The Philip Johnson Endowment for Physical Chemistry
The Pre-College Summer Institute
The Pretty and Powerful Program
The Rajesh and Sonali Kakani Lecture in India Studies
The Real Estate Institute Scholarship for Real Estate Studies
The Renaissance School of Medicine Class of 1999 Endowed Scholarship
The Richard E. Aiello Lung Cancer Research Fund
The Rita and Kurt Eppenstein Hall of Fame
The Robert Von Tauber & Olga Von Tauber Fund
The Roberto and Palmina Mignone Fellowship in Italian and Italian American Studies
The Role of Erythropoietin in Ex Vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Cells from Umbilical Cord/Blood
The Ronald and Rosanne Roge Breast Cancer Innovation Fund
The Rosaline & Milton Sterman Travel Awards in the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Ryan Scholarship for Future Academicians at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine
The Sanacora Family Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Endowment Fund
The Sarah A. Fuller-Lessard Fellowship in Music History-Theory
The Scholarly Concentration Program Research Track Student Award
The Seawolves for Life Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Sherry and Howard Sussman Endowed Scholarship
The Stanley Scholarship Fund
The Stem Cell Transplantation & Hematologic Malignancy Program
The Steven Allard Returning Military Personnel Endowed Scholarship
The Stony Brook Cancer Center Garden Fund
The Stony Brook Children's Hospital Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Care Center
The Stony Brook Taiko Ensemble
The Tarrson Family Professorship in Periodontology
The Telescope Fund
The Terian Fund for Nursing Education
The Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Endowed Scholarship in Dental Medicine
The University Fund
The Vincent & Robert Gallucci Endowment in Memory of Sam Gallucci
The Violet and Les Payne Endowed Intent Scholarship in Medicine
The Virginia Fuller Senior Award Sponsored by Sharon Cowles on behalf of Gallery North
The Wai Seak Hom Memorial Endowed Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Weinig Foundation Scholarship
The William Wertheim Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education
The Women's Integrative Cancer Center Fund
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Immunology
The Zhang Family Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Theatre Arts Department Fund for Excellence
Theatre Renovation Fund
Theodore W. Allen Scholar Program
Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize
Thomas and Nicolina Nasti Fund
Thomas F. Irvine Scholarship Endowment
Thomas Flanagan Prize
Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research in Neurobiology & Behavior
Thomas Neumiller Scholarship Fund in Music
Thomas R. and Margherita T. Sexton Award for Academic Excellence While Facing Uncommon Obstacles
Thomas Rogers Prize
Tick Borne Disease Fund
Timothy Magnussen Memorial Scholarship
Tina Staller Memorial Account
Tom Neumiller Guest Artist Series
Tom Neumiller Scholarship Fund
Tony and Aspacia Poulis Scholarship Fund
Touch Modeling Research
Touchdown Club / Football Fund for Excellence
Transatlantic Collegium
Transatlantic Collegium of Philosophy
Transplant Division Gifts
Transplantation Division of Surgery Fund
Trauma Center
Travelers Insurance/Citigroup Scholarship in Insurance
Travelers Scholarship Fund
Travis Political Science Award
Tribology Laboratory
Turan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Umbilic Torus Project
UME/NV Kurup Memorial Altruism Award
Undergraduate and Graduate Fund in Mathematics
Undergraduate Pharmacology Scholarship Award Account
Undergraduate Programs Support Fund
Undergraduate Travel Fund in Anthropology
University Advancement - Special Events
University Affairs Graduate Fellowship
University Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
University Diversity Initiatives
University Hospital Patient Benefit Fund
University Housing Fund
University Libraries Distinguished Student Employee Award
University Library
University Medical Center Special Events Account
University Preschool
Ur Excavations
Urology Department Fund
Urology Education and Research Fund
USG Presents: The 30th Annual Roth Regatta / USG Events
Vallone Family Endowed Scholarship
Vascular Surgery Journal Club 2022-2023
Vascular Surgery Research & Education
Verizon Wireless Endowed Scholarship
Verizon Wireless Scholarship
Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Fund
Violet's Voice Fund
VIP Hockey Fund
Virginia Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Roller Trust Properties
Visiting Artists Series in Music
Visiting Professorship in Pediatrics
Visiting Scholar Fund
Vito Dechiaro Otolaryngolgy Education Fund
Vivian Ling Scholarship Fund
Vivien Hartog Endowment
Voll Professorship Fund
VP Brookhaven National Laboratory Affairs Iniviatives
VP for Economic Development Fund for Excellence
W. Averell Harriman Endowment
W. Turner Founding Dean Scholarship
W.I.S.E.-Diamond Award Programming Funds
Wachter Family Athletics Scholarship
Wainscott Pond Project
Wall Street Group Fundraising Initiative
Wang Asian Programming Fund
Waterbor Burn & Cancer Foundation
Welfare and Family Preventive Medicine Research Fund
William and Jane Knapp Alumni Center
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Energy and the Environment
William and Jane Knapp Endowed Chair in Pharmacological Sciences
William and Maude Pritchard Scholarship Endowment
William and Teresa Meyer Award Endowment Fund
William Dawes Endowed Fund for Excellence in Economics
William J. and Florence M. Catacosinos Fund for Cancer Research Endowment
William J. Burke Scholarship Endowment
William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
William Ryan Pancreatic Cancer Fund
William Van Der Kloot Awards in M&C Pharmacolgy
William W. and James W. Catacosinos Fund for Computer Sciences
Wilson Endowed Scholarship
Wings Lab Professor Samir's Research Fund
Wise Banquet Event
Witness Project Anniversary Celebration
Wolfie Mascot Bench Fund
Wolfie Tank Award
Women For Women Project
Women's Health
Women's Health Endowment Fund
Women's Studies Conferences
Womens Studies-G.T.E. Foundation
Wonhyo Translation Project
Woo Jong Kim Dissertation Prize
World Language Teacher Education Award
World Trade Center Program
Yacov and Linda Shamash Scholarship Fund
Yetta Brandwine Parker Memorial Scholarship
YITP-Simons Endowment for Mathematics & Physics
Young Artists and Writers Project
Young Investigators Review: Undergraduate Science Journal
Yusuf A. Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Yusuf A.Hannun, MD and Lina M. Obeid, MD Endowed Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Fund
Zhang Award: Beaupre - Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Helminth Parasite
Zhang Award: Dheilly - Microbes in Parasite Fitness
Zhang Award: Dvarskas - Economic Modeling of Fishing
Zhang Award: Reed - Impact of Climate Change
Zhang Award: Wehrmann - Arctic Fjords
Zickler Scholar Award in Translational Biomedical Research
Legacy Way Fund
Alumni Awards
Alumni Association St. Andrews Invitational Golf Tournament
Africana Studies Fund for Excellence
Alda Center for Communicating Science
Alda Center Innovation Fund
Algonquian Language Revitalization Project
Alumni Dissertation Fellowship in Philosophy
Anatomical Sciences Department Support Fund
Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
Anthropology Fund for Excellence
Applied Math and Statistics Fund for Excellence
Art Department Fund for Excellence
Asian and Asian American Studies Fund for Excellence
Athletic Training Program School of Health Professions
Athletics - Seawolves United
Autism Initiative Excellence Fund
Bachelor of Science in Health Science Support Fund
Baseball Fund for Excellence
Baseball/Softball Complex Fund
Bay Scallop Bowl
Biochemistry and Cell Biology Endowed Fund for Excellence
Biomedical Engineering Department Fund for Excellence
Black and Latino Alumni Network Endowed Scholarship
Cancer Center
Cardiothoracic Surgery Fund
Career Center Student Professional Development Fund
Carlos Vidal Memorial Fund
Center for Changing Systems of Power Excellence Fund
Center for Clean Water Technology Excellence Fund
Center for Hellenic Studies
Center for India Studies
Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communications Fund for Excellence
Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease
Chemistry Dept Fund for Excellence
Civil Engineering Fund for Excellence
Clinical Laboratory Science Fund for Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Development Fund
Cross Country / Track & Field Fund for Excellence
CVB - Rainforest Conservation Fund
David L. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship Current Use Fund
Dental Medicine Scholarship Endowment Fund
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Fund for Excellence
Dept of Medicine Education Research Fund
Dept Orthopedics Resident Education FFE
Dept. of Neurology: Resident Training Funds
DoIT Innovation
DoIT Teaching & Learning Faculty Events
Dr. Aldustus E. Jordan Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Ecology & Evolution Award for Student Excellence
Ecology and Evolution Department Fund for Excellence
Economics Department Fund for Excellence
Education For The Local Malagasy People
Electrical and Computer Engineering Fund for Excellence
Endocrinology Division
EOP/AIM Fund For Excellence
Family Medicine Division Fund for Excellence
First Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Football Fund for Excellence
Frances L. Brisbane Endowment Fund for Leadership and Social Justice
Fund for Excellence in Undergraduate Biology
General Scholarship Fund
Geosciences Department Fund for Excellence
Gerald Brown Endowed Fund for Excellence in Physics & Astronomy
Graduate Medical Education Fund for Excellence
Graduate Program in Public Health Development Account
Graduate School
Graduate Student Organization Student Emergency Support Fund
Health Crisis Fund
Heart Institute
Hispanic Languages and Literature Fund for Excellence
Hispanic Languages and Literature Undergraduate and Graduate Student Award Fund
History Chair's Fund
History Dept Alumni Fund
Honors College Scholarship Fund
Humanities Institute Fund
IDEA Fund of Excellence
IGS Excellence Fund
Internet of Things Laboratory Fund
Italian Studies Fund
James Nobles Memorial Award
John J. Ricotta Professorship in Surgery
Kidney Transplantation Program Fund
Lab Modernization Project in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Languages & Cultural Studies Fund for Excellence
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) Fund for Excellence
Lauterbur Frontier Research Endowment Fund in Chemistry
LGBTQ* Center Fund for Excellence
LI Shore Real-Time Environmental Data Systems
Linguistics Fund for Excellence
Long Island State Veterans Home
Masters of Arts in Higher Education Administration Student Fund
Materials Science Fund for Excellence
Mathematics Department Fund for Excellence
Mechanical Engineering Fund
Medical Scientist Training Program Fund for Excellence
Men's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Men's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Men's Soccer Fund for Excellence
Microbiology Department
Milton Lodge Fund for Political Psychology
Mobile Stroke Unit
Music Department Fund for Excellence
Neurobiology and Behavior Fund for Excellence
Neurosciences Institute
Occupational Therapy Fund for Excellence
OLLI Member Giving Account
Paul Siegel Endowed Scholarship
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Pediatric Emergency Department Expansion Fund
Pediatric Research Innovation Fund for Excellence
Pharmacology Department
Philosophy Department Fund for Excellence
Physical Therapy Department Fund for Excellence
Physician Assistant Education Fund for Excellence
Physics and Astronomy Department Fund for Excellence
Political Science Fund for Excellence
Program in Writing and Rhetoric Fund for Excellence
Psychology Department Fund for Excellence
Queer Diagnosis Scholarship Fund (HOLDING ACCOUNT)
Radiation Oncology Department Fund for Excellence
Radiology Department
Red Watch Band Support Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Fund
Renaissance School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Respiratory Care Program Fund for Excellence
Richard B. Moore Endowment
Richard L. Gelfond Fund on the Health Effects of Mercury Exposure
SB Home
School of Communication and Journalism Excellence Fund
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine Dean's Scholarship for Underrepresented Students
School of Dental Medicine Student Assistance Fund
School of Health Professions
School of Health Professions Fund for Excellence
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Fund for Excellence
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Alumni Fund
School of Nursing Award
School of Professional Development
School of Social Welfare
School of Social Welfare L Fund
School of Social Welfare Scholarship Fund
Senior Design Fund for TBI
Sociology Department Fund for Excellence
Softball Fund for Excellence
SoMAS General Scholarship Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Endowed Fund
Staller Center Educational Outreach Fund
Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Stony Brook Child Care
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
Stony Brook Film Festival Current Use
Stony Brook Fund for Excellence
Stony Brook Marching Band
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SBVAC) Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Student Affairs Fund
Student Emergency Support Fund
Student Life Fund
Surgery Chairman's Research and Education Fund
Swimming & Diving Fund for Excellence
Tennis Fund for Excellence
The English Department Fund for Excellence
The Parent Fund
Turkana Basin Institute Project
Turner Support Fund
Undergraduate Biology Fund
Undergraduate Philosophy Club
Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities
University Counseling Center
University Library
Veterans Assistance Fund
Volleyball Fund for Excellence
W. Burghardt & Joyce Turner Endowed Fellowship Fund
Wise Scholarship Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Fund for Excellence
Women's Basketball Fund for Excellence
Women's Lacrosse Fund for Excellence
Women's Leadership Council Fund
Women's Soccer Fund for Excellence
WUSB-FM Radio Fund
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